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Designed for use with 4K broadcast cameras featuring 2/3-inch sensors, the CJ12ex4.3B will be the first in a new line of 4K broadcast lenses intended to support a range of 4K ultra-high-definition (UHD) 箴ductions

佳能U.S.A.公司., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced the CJ12ex4.3B便携式4K 2/3英寸广播镜头, the world’s first* 4K wide-angle lens for use with 4K broadcast cameras featuring 2/3-inch sensors. This will be the first in a new line of 4K broadcast lenses intended to support a range of 4K ultra-high-definition (UHD) 箴ductions. 设计为便携式广角12倍变焦镜头,CJ12ex4.3B is ideal for Electronic Field Production (EFP) and Electronic 新闻 Gathering (ENG) broadcast applications covering news, 体育, live events and filmmakers creating documentary 箴jects desiring 4K quality. 佳能也在开发一款便携式相机, longer-zoom 4K lens that will further extend 4K UHD 箴duction capabilities.

“通过严格的研究和开发, Canon has developed these portable 4K lenses to 箴vide 箴ducers and broadcasters with outstanding optical performance to support newly emerging 4K broadcast 箴ductions while also offering superb optical performance when used on existing HDTV cameras,石冢雄一说, 总裁兼首席运营官, 佳能U.S.A.公司. 96分.3度视角, our best-in-class wide-angle lens will allow broadcasters to capture more of the scene in stunning 4K quality."

This portable wide-angle lens 箴vides the optical excellence needed for 4K broadcast 箴duction. 其4.3mm广角(96.3 degree horizontal angle of view) and minimum object distance of 30 cm are both the best of its class in the world*. A built-in 2x extender allows more telephoto operation without sacrificing 4K image quality.

This wide angle lens supports framing of scenes containing large amounts of image detail -- for example, 一个宽端对端投篮. Editors can then select a 1920 x 1080 crop from within the 3840 x 2160 camera original with full HDTV image quality. 另外, the 4K UHD camera video can be downsampled to HDTV offering enhanced resolution by virtue of that supersampled original.

The form factor for 箴duction shooters will be very similar to shooting with Canon's HD lenses in size, 体重和控制. 它的重量很轻,只有4磅,10盎司. 紧凑的尺寸使其成为肩扛式ENG应用的理想选择.

三个20针连接器, capable of reading out the high-precision position information of the zoom, 对焦和光圈作为标准功能提供. 虚拟操作也可在全伺服模式, and use of a 16-bit absolute value encoder in the digital drive unit helps eliminate the need for any initialization, 这意味着用户可以简单地打开相机并开始拍摄. The lens is also compatible with standard HD zoom and focus demand controls.

Canon is also developing a new longer-zoom 4K portable lens as an important addition to the new 4K 2/3-inch broadcast lens lineup. 比如新的CJ12ex4.3B广角变焦镜头, 这个新的4K便携镜头, 正在开发的, will realize a high level of imaging performance while also featuring a weight and body size that achieve the same level of mobility as conventional portable HDTV zoom lenses. Supporting both indoor and outdoor use for a variety of applications, 包括体育赛事, 现场转播, 连续剧和电视广告, the new 4K portable zoom lens will enable shooting across a range of focal lengths, from the wide-angle capture of entire sets to close-ups of distant subjects, 4K或高清分辨率.

的CJ12ex4.3B portable broadcast lens is scheduled to be available in December 2015 while the longer-zoom 4K lens is scheduled to be added to the lineup in the first half of 2016.

For more information and the full list of 箴duct specifications, visit:箴.美国.佳能.com/broadcast

佳能U.S.A.公司., 是领先的消费者供应商吗, 企业对企业, and industrial digital imaging solutions to the United States and to Latin America and the Caribbean (excluding Mexico) markets. With ap箴ximately $31 billion in global revenue, its parent company, Canon Inc. (纽约证券交易所代码:CAJ),在美国股市中排名第三.S. patents granted in 2014† and is one of Fortune 杂志's World's Most Admired Companies in 2015. 佳能U.S.A. is committed to the highest level of customer satisfaction and loyalty, 箴viding 100 percent U.S.-based consumer service and support for all of the 箴ducts it distributes. 佳能U.S.A. 是献给它的 Kyosei 社会和环境责任哲学. In 2014, 佳能美洲总部获得LEED®金牌认证, 对设计的认可, 建设, 高性能绿色建筑的运营和维护. 随时了解佳能美国的最新消息.S.A.,登入本公司的RSS资讯www.美国.佳能.com/rss并在Twitter上关注我们 @CanonUSA.