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Canon Intros ME-20F-SH Multi-Purpose Camera With 'Exceptionally High' Light Sensitivity

夜间监视和安全, 电影的生产, 真人秀电视节目, and nature/wildlife documentaries are just some of the ME20F-SH's many possible 美国ge applications

佳能U.S.A. 公司., 数字成像解决方案的领导者, 今天介绍了本公司的第一款多用途相机, 新的ME20F-SH, which delivers exceptionally high sensitivity to capture Full HD video with a minimum subject illumination of less than 0.0005勒克斯1(at maximum 75 dB gain setting, equivalent to an ISO sensitivity of over 4,000,000). 夜间监视和安全, 电影的生产, 真人秀电视节目, and nature/wildlife documentaries are just some of the ME20F-SH’s many possible 美国ge applications. With the ability to capture color video in extreme low-light conditions and its simplistic and versatile design, the ME-20F-SH Multi-purpose Camera can be easily incorporated into existing infrastructures and systems to provide high-quality video capture even where subjects might not be seen with the naked eye.

Canon’s new multi-purpose camera employs an enhanced version of the 35mm full-frame CMOS sensor for Full HD video use that was originally developed by the Company in 20132. Its compact, modular body design allows easy custom configurations for diverse 美国ge scenarios. While capturing video in extreme low-light conditions often requires the use of infrared illumination (a technique that only yields video in black and white), the ME20F-SH camera achieves impressive high-sensitivity performance enabling the capture of color Full HD video with reduced noise in low-light conditions without the need for infrared illumination.

Ultra-High-Sensitivity CMOS Sensor Enables Color Video Capture in Extreme Low-Light Conditions

The ME20F-SH camera’s CMOS sensor has pixels measuring 19 μmsquare3, which is more than 5.5 times the surface area of the pixels on the CMOS sensor featured in select top-of-the-line interchangeable lens cameras4. 此外, the sensor’s pixels and readout circuitry make use of Canon proprietary technologies to achieve both reduced noise and exceptionally high sensitivity on subjects with a minimum illumination of less than 0.0005勒克斯. This multi-purpose camera allows users to discern subjects under even some of the dimmest lighting conditions, such as environments lit by artificial illumination or under a moonless night sky. 此外, similar to Canon’s Cinema EOS System of professional digital cinematography cameras, ME20F-SH相机包括佳能日志和广域DR, 使宽广的动态范围成为可能, delivering high-image-quality video results across a range of illumination environments, 从低到明亮的照明条件.

Canon’s Diverse Interchangeable EF Lens Lineup Enables Wide Range of Imaging Possibilities

The new ME20F-SH employs the same EF mount (Cinema Lock type) as Canon’s SLR cameras and Cinema EOS System-series of professional digital cameras, allowing users to make use of the Company’s extensive lineup of interchangeable EF lenses5. By letting users select the ideal lens based on their shooting or application requirements, 考虑到视角和亮度等因素, 这款多用途相机提供了广泛的成像可能性.


采用仅输出的3G/HD-SDI和HDMI终端, Canon’s ME20F-SH camera enables users working on location to output video via a single cable to a variety of peripheral equipment, 包括外部录音机和监视器. 配备φ2.5mm立体声迷你插孔和圆形8针插孔RS-422, the multipurpose camera is capable of connecting with Canon’s RC-V100 Remote Controller (released in June 2014; sold separately) 6. 通过允许用户从远程位置操作相机或更改设置, the camera facilitates video capture from inaccessible locations as well as fixed-point surveillance. 此外,a φ3.5mm立体声迷你插孔允许相机与外部麦克风连接, enabling users working on location to output audio and video signals to connected peripheral equipment.

The Canon ME20F-SH is expected to be available in December 2015 at a suggested retail price of $30,000.

佳能U.S.A.公司., 是领先的消费者供应商吗, 企业对企业, and industrial digital imaging solutions to the United States and to Latin America and the Caribbean (excluding Mexico) markets. 其母公司佳能(Canon 公司 .)的全球收入约为310亿美元. (纽约证券交易所股票代码:CAJ),在美国市场排名第三.S. patents granted in 2014† and is one of Fortune 杂志's World’s Most Admired Companies in 2015. 2014年,佳能U.S.A. 收到了 个人电脑.com Readers’ Choice Award for Service and Reliability in the digital camera and printer categories for the 11th consecutive year. 佳能U.S.A. is committed to the highest level of customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing 100 percent U.S.为其分销的所有产品提供基于美国的消费者服务和支持. 佳能U.S.A. 致力于其社会和环境责任的Kyosei哲学. In 2014, 佳能美洲总部获得LEED®金牌认证, 对设计的认可, 建设, 高性能绿色建筑的运营和维护. 随时了解佳能美国的最新消息.S.A.,登入本公司的RSS资讯www.美国.佳能.com/rss并关注我们的推特@CanonUSA.