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播放影片 Intros BPNet Upload, Free iOS 和 Android Secure Sharing App

BPNet Upload makes it easy for reporters to transfer media files from the field directly to a 播放影片 integrated production switcher

 播放影片™ today announced BPNet Upload, a free app for iOS 和 Android mobile devices that simplifies 和 accelerates the secure sharing of photo 和 video content. Working in conjunction with the new BPNet™ cloud-based video workflow service, BPNet Upload makes it easy for reporters to transfer media files from the field directly to a 播放影片 integrated production switcher.

使用BPNet上传, users can transfer content directly to any preselected switcher, or one file can be transferred to multiple destinations. Files can be renamed 和 are transcoded automatically before being transferred to the switchers, so there are no formatting issues. +, the name of the journalist or contributor is displayed in the BPNet account, so control room personnel can track incoming files 和 progress status.

While the quality of photos 和 videos recorded by mobile devices has increased significantly, file sizes have also increased. As a result, it has become more difficult to upload large files using public 网works. BPNet Upload allows users to upload content in the background using the UDP protocol, which accelerates uploads 和 provides a secure transfer.

For mobile journalists or freelancers, BPNet Upload supports multiple accounts, so users can provide content to multiple stations or clients. Content can be br和ed with the logo from each account, which helps the user track where the files are being sent. BPNet Upload also supports video playback, 和 allows metadata 和 an uploaded file history to be viewed on the mobile device.

“Social media as well as cell phone photos 和 videos have become important elements for broadcast news 和 other programming,” explained Kevin Prince, 播放影片的首席执行官. “Our new BPNet Upload makes it easy for anyone to share media content from their mobile devices with colleagues or directly to their 播放影片 switcher.”

BPNet Upload is available free on iTunes 和 谷歌玩. BPNet is integrated with 播放影片 production switchers equipped with the new Version 6.0软件, 和 is also available as a st和alone, subscription-based service for file sharing, 交付, 代码转换, QC, 和归档.

Founded in 2002, 播放影片 provides tailored solutions for any live production environment. From compact mobile units to large-scale solutions, every 播放影片 features patented control 和 automation technology 和 a performance toolset that make it easy to optimize 和 customize your workflows. With customers in more than 110 countries, 播放影片 is the leader in integrated production switchers for broadcast, 流媒体, 生活事件, 和 visual radio applications. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.broadcastpix.com.