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Blackmagic Studio 4K Cameras on Tour with Weezer and Panic! at the Disco

Upstaging Inc. 在今年售罄的Weezer和Panic期间,使用Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K和大量其他Blackmagic Design产品建立了完整的图像和AV制作! At the Disco summer concert tour

Blackmagic Design today announced that Illinois production company Upstaging Inc. 在今年售罄的Weezer和Panic期间,使用Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K和大量其他Blackmagic Design产品建立了完整的图像和AV制作! At the Disco summer concert tour. 

工作流程中包括四个Teranex express和24个Teranex Minis,用于在每个场地转换各种摄像机信号. American pop rock/punk band Panic! At the Disco今年夏天巡回演出,宣传他们的头号专辑《百家乐软件》.” The band teamed up with alternative rock band Weezer, famous for songs like “Buddy Holly,” “Undone – The Sweater Song” and “Say It Ain't So,” for a 42 city tour over the summer of 2016.

Production Designer Robb Jibson of Chicago firm So Midwest, Inc. 视频导演Jack Edinger选择了4K Blackmagic Design设备来满足这次旅行的视频需求. Working with production company Upstaging Inc. on the tour, which provides services like stage lighting, IMAG and video systems, 罗布和杰克开发了一套系统,其中包括四台Blackmagic Studio 4K IMAG相机, as well as engineering racks containing ATEM 2 M/E Production Studio 4K, ATEM 2 M/E Broadcast Panel, HyperDeck Studio Pros, Teranex Expresses, Teranex Minis, MultiView 4s, SmartView 4Ks, SmartScope Duos, ATEM Talkback Converters, UltraScopes and various Mini Converters.

For the main IMAG needs, Jack and Robb used a Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K at the front of the house, as well as one on a tripod in the pit, one on a monopod in the pit and one on the right side of the stage. 摄像机通过光纤电缆通过Camplex FIBERJ-P1 FiberJuice盒子进行供电和通信, 哪条线路的光纤供电回他们在工程机架上的设备. 架子上有一台ATEM 2m /E Production Studio 4K,团队用它来做节目的现场剪辑. During Weezer’s set, 他们还将节目剪辑回ATEM 2m /E广播面板,以进行SuperSource和定制剪辑,以配合节目的LED墙. They used ATEM software on a laptop to load graphics for the show, for downstream keying and to shade some of the cameras.

Also on the engineering racks were a Smart VideoHub 40x40, which was used to route video throughout the venue, and two HyperDeck Studio Pros. 一台HyperDeck Studio Pro录制了演出的节目剪辑,而另一台则通过SDI电缆布线,这样它就不会播放节目剪辑,而是在演出开始前和演出之间在整个晚上的IMAG屏幕上播放音乐视频. 此外,还有四辆Teranex express和24辆Teranex Mini SDI配送车,配备智能面板,可根据团队需要转换各种路线的摄像头信号. 他们还使用了几个MultiView 4单元和SmartView 4K显示器,以便能够看到正在发生的一切, as well as two SmartScope Duo 4K monitors as combination scopes and monitors.

“在这些架子上,我们需要摄像头信号进来,然后才能去到很多地方,” said Robb. “The Teranex units helped us out with all of that. 我们还设置了它,以便我们可以将任何摄像机输入路由到任何监视器,并能够立即看到它. 这太棒了,因为歌手们在舞台上到处都是,人群总是难以预测, 所以有了监视器和multiview4单元,我们就能跟踪正在发生的一切. 现场制作产品非常可靠,使我们每次从一个场地到另一个场地都能很容易地举办一场高质量的演出.”

“Blackmagic Studio相机的功能非常适合这种设置,”Jack说. “Having that big, clear, 我们的摄影团队使用的10英寸的取景器完全改变了他们的拍摄方式. With these cameras they can really see what they’re shooting, 这让他们在拍摄的方式上有更多的技巧,并确保他们有清晰的焦点.”

He continued, “另一个巨大的优势是,我们能够记录和运行整个过程,而不是交错. This saves me a lot of time and angst. The look is a little bit cleaner, smoother and more filmic. 当乐队想要看录音的时候,或者我们需要把我们做的剪辑发给管理人员,比如电视节目的保险杠, I don't have to go in and de-interlace everything. It looks like it’s supposed to look.”

Robb added, “The images from these cameras look more real than other cameras, like what you’d see with your eye in real life. The sensors are able to capture dynamic range that’s more true to life. The concert tour world is such a niche market, and these cameras are such a helpful tool in this world.”

“The clarity of the cameras is incredible,” added Jack. “在DaVinci Resolve软件中渲染颜色以及进行微调和色彩校正的能力是一种简单而有效的方法. 我们过去常常花很多时间给相机装芯片,为房间调好颜色. 很多时候,我们最终会比我们想要的离真彩更远,因为我们没有时间在日常生活中正确地切割它们, and the environment is different every day on a tour. With the Blackmagic cameras, we’ve had nothing but gorgeous results. These cameras just sing.”

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About Blackmagic Design 
Blackmagic Design creates the world’s highest quality video editing products, digital film cameras, color correctors, video converters, video monitoring, routers, live production switchers, disk recorders, waveform monitors and real time film scanners for the feature film, post production and television broadcast industries. Blackmagic Design的DeckLink捕获卡在后期制作的质量和可负担性方面发起了一场革命, 而该公司获得艾美奖的达芬奇色彩校正产品自1984年以来一直主导着电视和电影行业. Blackmagic Design继续进行突破性的创新,包括6G-SDI和12G-SDI产品以及立体3D和超高清工作流程. Founded by world leading post production editors and engineers, Blackmagic Design has offices in the USA, UK, Japan, Singapore and Australia. For more information, please go to