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Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K Makes Splash in 2015 European Short Course Swimming Championship Broadcasts

The Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K was deployed at the 2015 European Short Course Swimming Championship, 在内塔尼亚胡举行, 以色列, as part of a specialist 3D motion robotic cable system developed by DynamiCam

Blackmagic Design has today announced that its Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K was deployed at the 2015 European Short Course Swimming Championship, 在内塔尼亚胡举行, 以色列, as part of a specialist 3D motion robotic cable system developed by DynamiCam.

作为现场直播的顶棚摄像机, the Micro Studio Camera was part of a major multi camera OB set up, 由体育专家Mizmor HD Productions设计, with a live program mix produced for more than 20 international EBU broadcast partners, 包括BBC, RAI电视, MTVA, 羊痘疮, 号, TVE和SVT.

The Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K was rigged in a 3D motion robotic cable system over the Olympic size, 十车道设施, 为了提供一个“泳池顶部”的行动视图, which is a broadcast prerequisite of the European Swimming Association. The solution features a 360 degree gimbal held in place by lightweight winches and cabling, 还有稳定化, to deliver a greater range of camera angles than other rail rig solutions.

“微工作室相机取得了出色的成绩,Ziv Bezalel透露, 米兹莫尔制作公司的首席制作人. “这个解决方案不仅让我们看到了泳池的顶部, but it also gave us the flexibility to use a more dynamic range of movement to track competitors, which helped to enhance the overall excitement of the races.”

A pilot for the gimbal and camera operator worked side by side to coordinate shots, with the camera operator using the Micro Studio Camera’s CCU software over a fiber connection to control parameters including iris, 快门速度, 白平衡和增益控制.

“Remote camera control is essential for any multi camera broadcast environment, especially when you are mixing signals from a wide variety of cameras, 就像我们在冠军赛上一样,齐夫继续说道。. “The more parameters that we have control over, the better the images we are able to produce. ATEM CCU也可以提升, 伽马和增益控制单独的颜色控制, so the team was able to ensure the same level of consistency from the Micro Studio Camera 4K that we were achieving across the rest of our OB production.”

“We recognized that a number of small HD and Ultra HD cameras offering superb image quality coming into the market, and designed our solution to place these compact units into an alternative, lightweight cable system for live events as well as stadium and venue AV installations,伊诺什·卡塞尔解释道, DynamiCam. “As soon as we saw the capabilities of the Micro Studio Camera, we knew that it would be the perfect partner for what we had in mind; combining broadcast quality images with interesting and unusual camera angles, which bring an added creative dimension to live sports broadcasting.” 

关于Blackmagic Design 
Blackmagic Design creates the world’s highest quality video editing products, 数码胶片相机, 颜色校正技术, 视频转换器, 视频监控, 路由器, 现场生产切换, 硬盘录像机, waveform monitors and real time film scanners for the feature film, 影视后期制作和广播行业. Blackmagic Design’s DeckLink capture cards launched a revolution in quality and affordability in post production, while the company’s Emmy™ award winning DaVinci color correction products have dominated the television and film industry since 1984. Blackmagic Design continues ground breaking innovations including 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI products and stereoscopic 3D and Ultra HD workflows. Founded by world leading post production editors and engineers, Blackmagic Design在美国设有办事处, UK, 日本, 新加坡和澳大利亚. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.blackmagicdesign.com.

The Micro Studio Camera 4K is a Micro Cinema Camera from Blackmagic Design designed specifically for use in a studio environment or in a broadcast setting, 最好搭配ATEM 4K切换器. It features all of the stuff you'd want to have in a broadcast camera in a remarkably compact configuration.