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Blackmagic Design宣布UltraStudio监视器3G和UltraStudio录音机3G

Blackmagic Design今天宣布了UltraStudio监视器3G和UltraStudio录音机3G, 两种新的捕获和播放解决方案,采用3G-SDI和HDMI连接以及高速Thunderbolt 3技术.

Blackmagic Design今天宣布了UltraStudio监视器3G和UltraStudio录音机3G, 两种新的捕获和播放解决方案,具有3G-SDI和HDMI连接以及高速Thunderbolt™3技术. UltraStudio Monitor 3G和UltraStudio Recorder 3G都非常便携, 口袋大小的产品由Thunderbolt连接供电,因此可以通过计算机电池或电源进行操作.


UltraStudio Monitor 3G和UltraStudio Recorder 3G是两个独立的产品, one for recording SDI and HDMI video, and the other model for playing back SDI or HDMI video.

UltraStudio Monitor 3G和UltraStudio Recorder 3G都是非常小巧的设计,非常适合不需要在单个设备中同时捕获和播放的便携式任务. 它们较低的成本意味着客户可以选择在需要时添加录音或回放功能. 一个很好的例子是,当使用NLE软件进行监控时,UltraStudio Monitor 3G将是完美的选择. 需要简单录音的客户可以选择UltraStudio Recorder 3G.

Replacing older Thunderbolt 2 models, 这些新型号采用Thunderbolt 3,使更大的功能成为可能, such as more video formats, greater selection of colorspace, RGB video formats and lower cost.

UltraStudio Monitor 3G和UltraStudio Recorder 3G具有先进的高质量视频技术,允许客户以最高的10位SD/HD质量进行未压缩和压缩的捕获和播放任务.

简单的即插即用和迅雷技术令人难以置信的快速传输速度, UltraStudio Monitor 3G和UltraStudio Recorder 3G可以轻松地在计算机之间移动,并可以从甲板上捕获, cameras and live video sources, and output to monitors, projectors, media servers and more. This is perfect for editing, compositing, 图形制作和无限制的广播和后期制作的情况下,最高质量的视频和真正的多功能性的要求.

“UltraStudio Monitor 3G和UltraStudio Recorder 3G可以让你在任何地方工作,因为它们非常紧凑,并通过Thunderbolt 3连接供电,” said Grant Petty, CEO, Blackmagic Design. “你可以简单地插入任何支持Thunderbolt 3的笔记本电脑或台式电脑并开始工作. 支持高达1080p60的高带宽格式,这些是先进的视频捕获和播放解决方案,小到可以放进口袋里. There is nothing more portable!”

UltraStudio Monitor 3G and UltraStudio Recorder 3G Features

  • 两种型号,用于播放的UltraStudio Monitor 3G和用于捕获的UltraStudio Recorder 3G.
  • 高速Thunderbolt 3端口,用于高质量的视频处理.
  • Built in 3G-SDI and HDMI connections on each model.
  • Supports all common SD/HD video formats up to 1080p60.
  • Uncompressed and compressed 10-bit 4:2:2 YUV or RGB quality.
  • Supports DaVinci Resolve and all other video software.
  • Developer SDK available to download free.

Availability and Price


Press Photography

UltraStudio Monitor 3G和UltraStudio Recorder 3G的产品照片, as well as all other Blackmagic Design products, are available at

About Blackmagic Design

黑魔设计创造了世界上最高质量的视频编辑产品, digital film cameras, color correctors, video converters, video monitoring, routers, live production switchers, disk recorders, 波形监视器和电影恢复软件的功能电影, post production and television broadcast industries. Blackmagic Design的DeckLink捕获卡在质量和价格上发起了一场革命, 而该公司获得艾美奖的达芬奇色彩校正产品自1984年以来一直主导着电视和电影行业. Blackmagic Design继续突破性的创新,包括立体3D和4K工作流程. Founded by world leading post production editors and engineers, Blackmagic Design has offices in the USA, United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore, and Australia. For more information, please check 迅雷和迅雷标志是英特尔公司在美国的商标.S. and/or other countries.