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Blackmagic Design Announces New Low Price for Pocket Cinema Camera 6K


黑魔设计今天宣布了一个新的较低的价格为流行的黑魔口袋电影相机6K美元1,995. 这是500美元的减少,这将有助于使这款相机更实惠的用户从事数码电影和现场生产与新的ATEM迷你切换. 随着目前家庭广播工作室对多摄像机直播的需求, Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K与最近的工作室相机软件更新相结合,是一款完美的工作室相机!


黑魔法口袋电影相机现在作为一个工作室相机现场生产时使用的ATEM迷你. Video and control is via the HDMI connection, which is available as soon as customers plug the cameras in. 记录灯变成了计数灯,这样顾客就能看到哪台摄像机正在播放. ATEM软件控制摄像机页面有一个摄像机控制单元(CCU)风格的接口,用于调整和匹配他们的摄像机. 垂直移动CCU控制虹膜,从左到右调节黑色水平. It's the same as a broadcast CCU. 还有色调控制,以平衡相机以及对焦,增益和快门速度. Customers can even ISO record Blackmagic RAW in the camera for editing later.

优雅的设计黑魔法口袋电影相机包装了一个令人难以置信的数字高端电影功能到一个小型化, 手持设备设计. Made from lightweight carbon fiber polycarbonate composite, the camera features a multifunction handgrip with all controls for recording, ISO, WB and shutter angle right at their fingertips.

Featuring a larger 6144 x 3456 Super 35 sensor and EF lens mount, Blackmagic口袋电影相机6K型号允许客户使用更大的EF摄影镜头来创建浅景深的电影图像, allowing creative defocussed backgrounds and gorgeous bokeh effects.

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras拥有令人难以置信的13档动态范围,这意味着它们比简单的摄像机可以在图像最亮和最暗的区域保留更多细节. 这允许客户设置室内场景的曝光,同时仍然保留从窗户进来的明亮的室外光线的细节.

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera内置CFast和SD UHS-II卡录像机, and a USB-C expansion port for recording direct to an external media disk. 当使用Blackmagic RAW时,客户可以使用普通SD卡来实现高清或更高性能的UHS-II,使用CFast卡来实现原生4K或6K. 想象一下,在一张256GB的SD UHS-II卡上拍摄一个多小时的全分辨率6K图像. The ProRes and Blackmagic RAW files work with all video software.

Blackmagic RAW是一种革命性的新格式,旨在捕获和保存相机传感器数据的质量. Video formats such as H.264 are highly compressed, plus add noise and artifacts, causing original sensor detail to be lost forever. Blackmagic RAW消除了这个问题,并为客户提供了令人难以置信的细节和色彩,整个生产管道从相机到编辑令人惊叹的图像, 色彩和母版. It also saves camera settings as metadata so customers can set ISO, white balance and exposure in camera or override them later while editing, all without any loss of quality. 黑魔法RAW文件也小,使用速度快,使它们易于使用.

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera features a large, 明亮的5英寸触摸屏,使客户轻松取景和准确对焦. The touchscreen displays critical information while users are shooting, menus for setting up the camera and intuitive touch to focus controls. On screen overlays show status, 一个直方图, focus and peaking indicators, 水平, 框架指南, playback controls and more.

With the advanced Blackmagic OS, 客户可以获得基于最新技术的直观和用户友好的相机操作系统. The interface uses simple tap and swipe gestures to adjust settings, add metadata and view recording status. 用户还可以完全控制先进的相机功能,如屏幕对焦和曝光工具, 3 d附近地区, HDR, 元数据条目, 时间码, Blackmagic RAW settings and more.

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera两款相机都有一个迷你XLR输入,带有48伏的幻象电源,用于连接专业麦克风,如翻领麦克风和吊杆. 四个内置麦克风有一个极低的噪音底,防震和抗风, allowing customers to capture great sound in any location. 还有一个3.5mm audio input for connecting video camera style microphones, along with a built in speaker for playback and a 3.5mm耳机插孔.

"We have worked very hard to build this camera at lower cost, 我们认为,更多的人将能够利用这次降价,进入更先进、质量更高的数字电影工作流程,格兰特·佩蒂说, Blackmagic Design CEO. "This has become more important with COVID-19. Many broadcasters have been setting up home studios for presenters, which have used ATEM Mini switchers and Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras. 我们认为,随着最近的软件更新,从ATEM迷你切换器的口袋电影摄像机的切换控制, combined with this more affordable price it will greatly help this workflow."

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Features

  • Works as a studio camera when connected to ATEM Mini.
  • Designed from carbon fiber polycarbonate composite.
  • Wide 13 stops of dynamic range for film looks.
  • Built in SD, UHS-II and CFast card recorders.
  • Features incredible quality Blackmagic RAW recording.
  • Built in 5" touchscreen allows accurate focus when shooting 6K.
  • Blackmagic OS as used in URSA Mini and URSA Broadcast cameras.
  • Professional mini XLR input with 48 volt phantom power.

Availability and Price

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K is available now for US$1,995, excluding local duties and taxes, from Blackmagic Design resellers worldwide.

关于 Blackmagic Design

Blackmagic Design creates the world’s highest quality video editing products, 数码胶片相机, 颜色校正技术, 视频转换器, 视频监控, 路由器, live production switchers, 硬盘录像机, waveform monitors and real time film scanners for the feature film, post production and television broadcast industries. Blackmagic Design的DeckLink捕获卡在后期制作的质量和可负担性方面发起了一场革命, 而该公司获得艾美奖的达芬奇色彩校正产品自1984年以来一直主导着电视和电影行业. Blackmagic Design继续进行突破性的创新,包括6G-SDI和12G-SDI产品以及立体3D和超高清工作流程. Founded by world leading post production editors and engineers, Blackmagic Design has offices in the USA, UK, 日本, Singapore and Australia. For more information, please go to www.blackmagicdesign.com.