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Major update adds Blackmagic Cloud support for remote collaboration, 达芬奇代理工作流, 新的基于AI的Resolve FX, 改进的字幕, Fairlight固定到FlexBus和更多!

Blackmagic Design today announced DaVinci Resolve 18, a major new cloud collaboration update which allows multiple editors, 制作专家, VFX artists and audio engineers to work simultaneously on the same project, 在同一时间线上, 世界上任何地方. DaVinci Resolve 18 supports the Blackmagic Cloud for hosting and sharing projects, 以及一个新的达芬奇代理工作流. This update also includes new Resolve FX AI tools powered by the DaVinci Neural Engine, 以及为编辑节省时间的工具, Fairlight传统固定总线到FlexBus的转换, GPU加速绘制在融合, 和更多的!


DaVinci Resolve 18是一个主要的版本,它以基于云的工作流为特点,提供了一种远程协作的新方式. 客户可以使用Blackmagic Cloud托管项目库,并在同一时间表上进行协作, 实时地, 在全球拥有多个用户. 新的黑魔法代理生成器自动创建代理链接到相机原件, 更快的编辑工作流程. There are new Resolve FX such as ultra beauty and 3D depth map, 改进了编辑的字幕, GPU accelerated Fusion paint and real time title template playback, Fairlight固定到FlexBus转换等.

达芬奇解决18支持黑魔法云, 因此客户可以将他们的项目库托管在云端的达芬奇解决方案项目服务器上. Share projects and work collaboratively with editors, 制作专家, VFX artists and audio engineers on the same project at the same time, 世界上任何地方.

新的黑魔法代理生成器应用程序自动创建和管理代理从相机原件. Create a watch folder and new media is automatically converted into H.264, H.265 or Apple ProRes proxies to accelerate editing workflows. Customers can extract proxies into a separate folder for offline work.

Customers can switch between camera original footage and proxies in a single click. 使用黑魔法代理生成代理, DaVinci Resolve knows where in the file tree to find them, instantly linking to the camera originals in the media pool. Edit with proxies, then relink to camera originals to grade.

DaVinci Resolve 18 adds intelligent media location management, 因此,当客户进行协作时,客户可以快速地将媒体链接到他们唯一的文件路径. 现在,当客户远程工作时,不需要手动重新链接或搜索资产.

如果客户使用的是安全专用网络,那么协作更新还提供了主要的性能增强. 在远程托管的项目库上协作时,获取编辑和颜色更改的即时更新. Now creative decisions can be made 实时地 based on the latest changes.

直播他们的达芬奇解决工作室查看器和显示在远程计算机显示器上, 或者一个参考评分监控器, 通过DeckLink连接到世界上任何地方. 低延迟, 高质量的12位图像是远程编辑或色彩分级的理想选择,为客户提供即时的变化反馈.

DaVinci Resolve 18 features incredible new tools for 制作专家. 位于魔术面具调色板, 新的物体面具能够识别和跟踪数千个独特物体的运动. The DaVinci Neural Engine intuitively isolates animals, 车辆, 人和食物, plus countless other elements for advanced secondary grading and effects application.

新的深度图效果可以让客户立即生成场景的3D深度磨砂,以便快速将前景与背景分开分级, 反之亦然. Customers can bring attention to action in the foreground, 帮助面试对象脱颖而出, 或者在场景的背景中添加气氛.

Apply graphics to surfaces that warp or change perspective in dramatic ways, 像t恤, 旗帜, or even the side of a face with the surface tracker. It’s customizable mesh follows the motion of a textured surface. 应用图形,复合纹身,甚至掩盖标志与这个强大的跟踪工具.

超级美容使客户在进行矫正美容工作时能够高级控制对象. 由专业色彩师开发, 超级美容工具有助于解决一般的缺陷,通过平滑皮肤,然后恢复细节,以产生自然和互补的效果.

字幕支持已经扩展到包括TTML和XML定时文本以及嵌入的MXF/IMF字幕. 从媒体存储中查看和导入字幕, create regions to support multiple simultaneous captions per track, and set individual presets and text positions when indicating different speakers.

效果库形状中的过渡, 虹膜和擦除类别现在有一个复选框, allowing customers to easily reverse the direction of the transition. This gives customers additional flexibility when using these types of transitions, 同时也增加了他们创造的可能性.

一个新的5x5选项在多摄像机查看器现在允许客户查看多达25个不同的角度在一个单一的多摄像机剪辑在同一时间. 理想的大型多摄像机项目, 这使得观看, cutting and switching between more angles much easier, rather than moving between pages to see different angles.

在达芬奇的第18章, GPU加速允许实时生成和显示油漆笔触, for a more intuitive approach when performing cover up work or graphic design. 即时的视觉反馈使客户能够评估他们的工作,并在任何笔画风格或形状中进行纠正.

文本,文本+和形状模板提高了DaVinci Resolve 18的速度和播放性能. 新的内存管理和数据处理意味着Fusion模板的速度提高了200%. 客户可以在查看器中看到加速的结果,并比以往更快地将运动图形组合在一起.

FlexBus是Fairlight灵活的音频总线和路由系统,专为管理高轨道计数而设计, 广泛的插件处理, perfect synchronization and multiple project deliverables. 现在,客户只需点击一下,就可以毫不费力地将传统的固定总线Fairlight项目转换为FlexBus.

杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)可交付的工具集已经扩展到支持从复杂的杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)混音中渲染双耳输出. 现在是杜比7.1.4混音可以在一对耳机中播放,同时保持沉浸式的声音体验,只有两个音频通道.

分解菜单中的新选项增强了协作,允许编辑将其工作编译到单个时间轴. 嵌套的时间轴现在可以分解所有的轨道数据,包括FX和自动化. 分配将使用新的总线连接,现有的路径或新的轨道可以不修补.

DaVinci Resolve supports the latest industry standard audio formats natively, including immersive audio formats like Dolby Atmos, Auro 3 d, MPEG-H, NHK 22.2、SMPTE. 空间视图范围显示每个对象的实时视图及其与房间和3D空间中其他对象的关系.

“这是一个主要的版本,它完全改变了使用基于云的工作流的远程项目协作, 格兰特·佩蒂说, Blackmagic Design首席执行官. “有了Blackmagic Cloud,客户可以在世界任何地方的同一时间线上进行协作. 想象一下在东京编辑, while a colorist is grading in LA 在同一时间线上, 在同一时间! 新的达芬奇代理工作流使代理文件或相机原件无缝工作, 只需点击一下即可重新链接. 我认为尝试新的云协作工作流将是令人兴奋的,我迫不及待地想看到我们的客户如何在世界各地相互协作."


  • Support for Blackmagic Cloud to host and manage cloud based project libraries.
  • New Blackmagic Proxy Generator App automatically creates and manages proxies.
  • Ability to choose between working with proxies or camera original files.
  • Support for intelligent path mapping to relink files automatically.
  • Improved project library performance for private server.
  • New object mask recognizes and tracks movement of thousands of objects automatically.
  • New depth map generates 3D depth matte of a scene in DaVinci Resolve Studio.
  • New surface tracker for tracking warped surfaces in DaVinci Resolve Studio.
  • Refined ultra beauty tool in Resolve FX beauty for advanced corrective work.
  • Expanded subtitle support for TTML and XML timed texts, and embedded MXF/IMF.
  • Support for reversing shape, iris and wipe transitions in the edit page.
  • New 5x5 multicam enables viewing of up to 25 simultaneous different angles.
  • Faster GPU accelerated paint tool with smoother strokes.
  • Support for live previews when using the Text+ color picker.
  • Ability to convert historical fixed bus projects to FlexBus in project settings.
  • Improved Dolby Atmos immersive mixing, including Binaural monitoring.
  • Decomposition of nested timelines with all track data including FX and automation.
  • Innovative space view scope in Fairlight shows position and relationship in 3D space.


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