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Bideo Launches Easy-to-Use Marketplace For Getting Bids from Streaming Video Pros

有了Bideo直接摄像师市场,你就可以去www.bideo.Com并输入你的工作地点, 选择一个项目类型并描述它, and the system automatically solicits bids from vetted video pros for you to review and compare

Bideo, 原大视频, today announced that the most comprehensive and easiest-to-use marketplace of video pros is now online and accessible to anyone needing video production anywhere. The company needed a better solution to get quotes on video production jobs—so it built one. 现在,市场对任何人都开放 bideo.com.

视频已经成为市场营销和其他交流的主要手段. 思科的项目 到2019年,视频内容将占互联网流量的80%. 以下是推动视频增长的四个因素. An Animoto调查 shows that four times as many consumers would prefer to watch a video about a product than read about it. That same survey indicated that more than 60% of businesses planned to increase their investment in video marketing last year. Hubspot的文档 that including a video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text (Insivia). Clearly, the need for easily accessible video production resources has never been greater.

Finding and hiring the right video professional is a time-consuming process. 据比迪奥总裁丹·奇普曼说, “网上的很多视频都是DIY的, 这对于某些应用程序来说是好的. However, there are many jobs that require a pro and finding the right video professional is not easy. 我们知道, because we have recruited hundreds of them throughout the world over the years on behalf of our clients. Typically, we began with a Google search for videographers in the location of the job. Then we waded through dozens of websites trying to determine a good fit for a particular project. After contacting several videographers by phone or email to tell them about the video we needed to produce, 我们等着他们回复报价. 在调查了他们的推荐信之后, we would finally take a gamble on one and book him or her for the job. After going through this process for six frustrating years, we created the platform we always wanted. We’re confident this platform will improve the way people order video production, as it has for us.”

Bideo消除了聘请视频专业人士的麻烦和风险. 有了Bideo直接摄像师市场,你可以去 www.bideo.com 然后输入你工作的地点, 选择一个项目类型并描述它, and the system automatically solicits bids from vetted video pros for you to review and compare. Or, 你可以简单地在一个特定的位置发布一份工作, 告诉我你想付多少钱, 然后看看哪些摄像师符合你的预算. 当然, you can also explore the in-depth profiles of the videographers in your desired location (including sample videos of their work) and request bids only from those you choose.

Because the videographers pay us a commission to match them up with good productions jobs, using Bideo costs you no more than using an exhaustive Google search, 但是要简单得多. +, 因为我们对我们的视频专家很有信心, 比迪欧保证你会满意.

Virtually anyone with a need for video production can benefit from the Bideo marketplace. 从初创企业, 中型企业, to large enterprises—even those with internal production resources often have remote production needs. Media companies can use Bideo to capture B-roll footage and conduct remote 面试. Consumers can also use Bideo to hire videographers to record important family events. 典型的项目包括Kickstarter的视频, 市场营销/广告, 奖状, 活动直播, 企业沟通, 动画讲解员, 面试, 无人机视频, 和婚礼.

金伯利·布鲁克·诺曼, 退出计划研究所营销副总裁, stated this about her first experience with Bideo: “We host an annual summit with about 300 of our top clients. We had scheduled it in a city that experienced such a significant (weather) event that the entire city shutdown and we were forced to move our entire client event across the country within three days. Not only did Bideo immediately rally and make all of the coordinating efforts, 他们做了这件事,几乎不需要我们帮忙. When we arrived on the ground in that city we had already been contacted by cell phone and email by our videographer. Frankly we had an incredible few days and a very personalized relationship with our onsite staff, 所以我们没有比这更好的百家乐软件了.” 

有时候,提供全方位服务的解决方案可能会给客户带来更好的服务. 例如, customers may need help with a bigger job with videographers in many locations or they may simply want to rely on Bideo’s experience to pick the best videographers for a project. 在这些情况下, customers can choose to consult with one of the company’s project managers for an additional 15% fee.

Bideo (原大视频) has been handling remote video production jobs on behalf of a diverse group of clients since 2009. Bideo的目标是绘制整个视频制作市场的地图, 向客户清楚地描述它, 并使订购视频制作尽可能简单.