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狂热的 Announces Availability of MediaCentral | Editorial Management for Post Production Workflows

Editorial Management delivers intuitive media management to give everyone—from small editorial teams to global media enterprises—the 速度, collaboration and efficiency needed to take on the most demanding projects

狂热的 (纳斯达克:狂热的), the leading technology provider of software tools and platforms that power the media and entertainment industry, 今天宣布即日起发售 MediaCentral®|编辑管理, an all-inclusive collaboration platform that empowers entire teams to take part in media creation workflows. MediaCentral | Editorial Management delivers intuitive media management in a streamlined user interface. 通过更大的整合, 速度, 和协作, everyone from small editorial teams to larger post facilities can benefit from the platform.

Part of 狂热的’s latest video post production workflow innovations, MediaCentral | Editorial Management is a simple-to-deploy asset management tool that enables small-to-mid-size post production and broadcast teams to collaborate through secure, reliable and easily configured media workflows from both an integrated panel inside 媒体作曲家®, as well as from a web browser and mobile clients. Enabled by Editorial Management’s new HyperBin architecture, 有史以来第一次, assistants and producers can create and modify HyperBins, 添加定位器和元数据, 创建subclips, and perform other asset management tasks—all from MediaCentral | Cloud UX, 一个易于使用的web浏览器界面, freeing the editor to spend more time creating and less time finding and managing media.

“Being a mid-sized production studio in an atypical market, we need to be as nimble and cost effective as possible; expanding project and media management tasks outside of Media Composer allows our team to collaborate with the 速度 and efficiency we need to take on demanding jobs under tight deadlines,斯科特·罗伊说, Trailblazer Studios的Post高级副总裁, which has been beta testing MediaCentral | Editorial Management. “MediaCentral | Editorial Management allows our teams to stay in sync by giving our show runners, story producers and assistant editors the ability to work within the same environment as our editorial team, giving them the tools they need to contribute to the story without ever having to leave their creative applications.”

“Video post production teams face greater pressure than ever before to work faster in higher resolutions like 4K and 8K,艾伦·霍夫说, 副总统, 狂热的的市场解决方案. “MediaCentral | Editorial Management is designed specifically to meet the needs of smaller post production and broadcast teams working with 狂热的新闻全文数据库®, giving them enhanced collaborative capabilities, 加强对媒体资产的控制, and the ability to stay in complete sync so that they can turn around their projects on time and at the highest quality.”

To learn more about MediaCentral | Editorial Management, please visit: http://www.狂热的.com/products/mediacentral/mediacentral-editorial-management.

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狂热的 delivers the most open and efficient media platform, connecting content creation with collaboration, 资产保护, 分布, 和消费. 狂热的’s preeminent customer community uses 狂热的’s comprehensive tools and workflow solutions to create, 发行最受关注的内容并从中获利, loved and listened to media in the world—from prestigious and award-winning feature films to popular television shows, 新闻节目和电视转播的体育赛事, and celebrated music recordings and live concerts. With the most flexible deployment and pricing options, 狂热的’s industry-leading solutions include 媒体作曲家®, 箴®工具, 狂热的新闻全文数据库®, MediaCentral®, iNEWS®, 空速®, 西贝流士®, 狂热的场地™, FastServe™, 大师™, 和组织者™. For more information about 狂热的 solutions and services, visit www.狂热的.com,连接狂热的 on 脸谱网Instagram推特YouTubeLinkedIn,或订阅 狂热的博客.