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Atomos发布AtomOS6.4更新幕府将军All-in-One 4K/HD Monitor-Recorder

New features include Sony FS700 and FS7 4K-DCI RAW到ProRes/DNxHR记录, 自定义延时记录, 变形de-squeeze, 片头记录, 附近地区, 播放列表的一代, 和更多的

自2014年底“幕府将军”号发射以来, Atomos 是否不断向用户提供免费功能更新, adding significant value to the already affordable all-in-one 4K/HD monitor-recorder. 的AtomOS6.4 released today adds some of the most anticipated features for users to date including;
1.      FS700 & FS7 4K-DCI RAW到ProRes/DNxHR记录
2.      变形脱挤包括2x、1.5x, 1.33x和松下8:3模式
3.      预卷录音(高清8秒,4K 2秒)
4.      自定义的时间推移记录-关键帧
5.      lut能够应用于输出,记录,屏幕上 & 分屏
6.      生成磁盘上所有剪辑的播放列表, 用户选择剪辑, 剪切编辑最喜欢的剪辑或两者的组合.
7.      扩展元数据标签-广角镜头, 近距离, 天赋1或2, 在暴露, 坏的音频, 色彩校正和删减. FCPX 1.4 XML升级
8.      同步锁相激活 for synced playback and play-out in Genlock environments

"We have unleashed thousands of dollars of value for free," says Jeromy Young CEO and co-founder of Atomos. "Features like RAW transform the FS700 from a HD camera to a 4K camera with accurate colors and real conversion to REC709 for the best ProRes and DNxHR recording, the Anamorphic de-squeeze adds even more functionality to the Panasonic GH4, Playlist converts the Shogun into an affordable play out server on set and time lapse gives a creative edge to all of our users in the field."

的AtomOS6.4更新可免费下载 www.atomos.com/support. 添加到幕府将军的功能包括在这里的全部;
1.      FS700 & FS7 4K-DCI RAW到ProRes/DNxHR记录
Users can take the RAW 4K-DCI feed from the SDI output on the Sony FS7 and FS700 and record direct to 4K-DCI ProRes or DNxHR. The linear RAW feed can be recorded as Slog2, Slog3 or Rec709 and can support 24/25/30p resolution. For the army of FS700 users in the field this is the feature they have been waiting for, 将他们的高清摄像机转换成4K高清.

2.      变形去挤压2x, 1.5x, 1.33x和特定松下8:3模式的支持
变形是今年NAB的主要趋势之一, led by a mass of new anamorphic lenses and the announcement from Panasonic to add anamorphic squeeze to their popular GH4 camera. With this update the Shogun can de-squeeze an anamorphic image from 2x, 1.5x, 1.33x和松下8:3模式. 在幕府将军中添加GH4的另一个原因

3.      预卷录制8s高清,2s 4K
With pre-roll activated the Shogun is continually cache recording – up to 8s for HD and 2s for 4K. 非常适合捕捉动作运动或野生动物的长镜头, ensuring you always get the shot even if you hadn't hit record yet. 工作在所有模式,包括RAW.

4.      自定义延时记录
新增的最具创意的功能之一是视频延时. With this feature users have complete control over their unique time lapse style 与 ability to adjust the number of frames, 捕捉下一帧之间的时间间隔, 总记录时间和剪辑播放长度. The user interface has been well thought through to make the process easy and 与 ability to set multiple steps, 添加一个平稳的过渡,甚至安排录制时间, capturing the perfect time lapse sunset is now a much easier task.

5.      lut能够应用于输出,记录,屏幕上 and 分屏
Since February, Shogun users have been able to upload their own 附近地区 in a ".cube" file format to review and measure the effect on the monitor before recording. 在OS6中.4, additional LUT capability has been added 与 ability to view the LUT on the output, 在屏幕上, bake it in the recording and even view in half screen mode to see the direct result of the LUT on the final image.

6.      扩展元数据标记
We have expanded the meta data capability of the Shogun to allow for on the fly tagging wither during recording or during review in playback. 10元数据标签可用(收藏, 拒绝, 人才1, 人才2, 在暴露, 正确的颜色, 坏的音频, 切掉, 近距离, Wide shot) allow for key word search in FCPX and can be transferred across to Adobe and AVID using readily available online tools.

7.      同步锁相激活
The Genlock terminal on the back of the Shogun has been activated to allow for synchronised playout and playback.

8.      播放列表的一代
记录的能力, playback and review quickly on set has been an integral feature of Shogun and now with playlist functionality the process for reviewing rushes and favourite scenes on set is easier than ever. 按记录的顺序播放所有电影, or hand select a playlist for playback in any order – either your choice of multiple clips, 只是一个剪辑的最爱部分或两者的组合. This functionality makes the Shogun one of the most affordable 4K play out server solutions available on set.

关于 Atomos
Atomos exist to help creative professionals cut through technology barriers by creating easy to use, 包括4K在内的尖端产品 & HD Monitor-recorders, a pocket size ProRes recorder, signal converters & 电源管理解决方案. Each product serves a different need but all share the common benefit of enabling a faster, higher quality 和更多的 affordable production schedule for video professionals.

Atomos 总部设在澳大利亚,在美国设有办事处, 日本, China and Germany and has a worldwide distribution partner 网work. 更多产品资料可浏览 www.atomos.com 与 Atomos 活跃于Facebook的社区(/atomosglobal), Twitter (@Atomos_新闻), Vimeo (/ atomosvideo), YouTube (/AtomosVideo)及Videogram (atomos.videogram.com).