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Anton/Bauer Announces March 15 Release Date for LP Performance Charger Series

The LP 性能充电器 deliver the fastest possible 充电 sequence in a compact form factor

Anton/Bauer® – a Vitec Group br和 和 premier provider of battery, 充电 和 monitoring technologies for the broadcast, 电影 和 video industries – has announced that its new LP Performance Charger Series will be available to the marketplace beginning March 15. An addition to the Performance Charger Series, 是在2014年NAB上推出的, the LP 性能充电器 deliver the fastest possible 充电 sequence in a compact form factor. 

有两种配置, the LP 性能充电器 complement Anton/Bauer’s Digital Batteries 和 Logic Series batteries, 两者都有
金安装®和v型安装连接器. LP2性能充电器, designed to fit into tight spaces 和 accommodate ease of travel, 提供2位同时充电. LP4性能充电器, providing 4-position 同时充电, 是否适合大型操作. Both chargers are Wi-Fi ready to ensure ease of fleet management for rental facilities, ENG / EFP OB车辆, 以及广播设备仓库.

非常适合放在架子上, 桌面或紧凑的空间, the LP Performance Charger Series features an innovative, efficient 充电 algorithm for multi-chemistry, 同时充电. The algorithm ensures rapid 充电 while conserving energy, 消除浪费, 降低拥有成本. Software constantly monitors the 充电 process 和 discharge curves to ensure that each battery is charged to its peak performance. 确保现场的最高效率, the LP 性能充电器 automatically detect which battery has the strongest charge 和 prioritizes it, ensuring that a fully charged battery is always available in the shortest amount of time possible.

“We are very pleased to be bringing our LP 性能充电器 to market,基兰·福斯特说, Vice President of Product Management for Vitec Videocom. “When we introduced the Performance Charger series earlier this year, we knew it was the most efficient charger on the market. However, we were not content to stop there. We’ve added the LP line to ensure that our revolutionary 充电 system is available to our customers in whatever form factor they might need it.”

The LP Performance Charger Series will be available worldwide through Anton/Bauer dealers 和 rental houses.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.antonbauer.com 或致电541-1667. 


With more than 40 years of proven experience, Anton/Bauer is recognized as the world’s premier provider of multi-chemistry battery, 充电, 和 monitoring technologies for the professional broadcast, pro-video, 电影和医疗保健行业. 成立于1970年, Anton/Bauer’s product offerings feature several signature lines, 包括领先的Gold Mount®系统, 数码电池™系列, 性能充电器, 以及获得奥斯卡金像奖的VCLX系列. The company’s industry-st和ard products are compatible with every camera br和 on the market today, 同时提供顶级的安全性, 性能和可靠性. 这个品牌的总部设在谢尔顿, CT, 在南美洲设有办事处, 欧洲, 和亚洲. 

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100多年来, 通过摄影的每一次创新, 电影和数字图像制作, Vitec businesses have developed a powerful portfolio of br和 和 products that have enabled some of the most amazing moments to be captured under some of the most challenging conditions. Vitec is an international Group principally serving customers in the broadcast photographic 和 military aerospace 和 government (MAG) markets. Vitec is based on strong, well-known premium br和s on which its customers worldwide rely. Vitec is organized in three divisions: Videocom, Imaging 和 Services. Videocom designs 和 distributes systems 和 products used in broadcasting 和 live entertainment, 电影
视频制作和MAG. 影像设计, manufactures 和 distributes equipment 和 accessories for photography, 视频和活动. 服务提供设备租赁, workflow design 和 technical support for camera, video, audio, fiber optic 和 wireless technology used by TV production 和 电影 crews. 更多信息可在www.vitecgroup.com.

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