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AJA HELO & ROI Help The VCC Redefine Live Video Remotes

视频呼叫中心用AJA HELO和ROI重新定义了实时视频遥控器

互联网连接的广泛普及和高质量的智能设备摄像头带来了生活, self-shot interviews to the forefront of modern television, from reality star confessionals to athlete commentary. 随着全球人口继续转向远程工作, the role of these interviews is rapidly growing.

大多数远程拍摄都是在传统的工作室环境中进行的,有专门的相机设置, instead relying on smartphone, tablet or laptop cameras to capture video. 将这些实时馈送整合到广播质量的制作中会带来许多挑战 The Video Call Center (VCC) aims to solve for content producers. Combining off-the-shelf tools like the AJA HELO H.264流/记录器和AJA ROI扫描转换器与专利的VCC视频通话制作平台, The VCC extends the production capabilities of clients like A&E, Discovery Networks, FOX, TLC, Vice和WWE提供高质量的视频远程和自动化的生产工作流程和服务.

The VCC’s solutions make it easy for productions to procure, manage and integrate low-latency, broadcast quality video feeds from any number of smartphone, laptop or tablet callers into live or recorded programming, or captured for post. During live shows, VCC根据特定智能设备的需要优化每个远程, calling apps and internet connection, and adjusts lighting, angles and more to ensure a high-quality, clean video feed. Often this process is executed in seconds or minutes at air time.

Time permitting, as in the case of the VCC’s NFL Draft production earlier this year, VCC团队可能会引导参与者完成呼叫到主广播的测试运行. In this case, VCC Call Manager Pro (CMP)系统用于启动和管理视频呼叫源, and run a final test call using an available endpoint. Once launched, the call is monitored using HELO’s output. AJA ROI扫描转换器支持从各种非标准视频光栅设备输出标准视频光栅大小和帧率,并促进音频嵌入. When ready to broadcast the caller, VCC只是提示客户的控制室,并通过本地硬件发送馈送,以便无缝切换到生产.

For the NFL Draft, VCC帮助制作了58个选秀前景的现场视频采访,他们急切地等待着家乡的选秀结果. Ahead of the event, the athletes received an iPhone kit, VCC通过一系列的彩排电话与每个人一起进行镜头构图和连接测试. On the night of the draft, 面试者在数字展区等着,并在直播前得到两分钟的警告. Working from their respective homes, VCC呼叫生产者通过队列管理器将提要分配给适当的端点,并使用呼叫管理器Pro启动呼叫并设置呼叫,以确保在将其传递给NFL之前信号稳定. Part of The VCC’s toolkit for video remotes, HELO在监控所有视频通话质量方面发挥了至关重要的作用.

以前端点和调用生产者需要位于相同的位置, but HELO provides an alternative, 允许呼叫生产者远程监控实时饲料从任何地方. “HELO is one of my favorite tools. It allows us to run our business the way we want, while also allowing our clients to reap the full benefits of our solutions; we can monitor, 在任何有互联网连接的地方,都要注意质量和框架控制, without adding additional latency,” shared Jackie Lennon, Manager, Marketing & Administration, The VCC. “Having that flexibility is crucial, and we also appreciate the option to record simultaneously with HELO.”

AJA ROI迷你转换器也被证明是VCC的稳定主力, 支持视频输出并支持客户端请求的各种音频格式. She added, “ROI Mini-Converters are instrumental to ensuring a stable, 高保真远程视频呼叫输出,使我们能够灵活地适应视听需求,并在我们的客户网站上匹配格式.”

尽管VCC的30多个HELO装置中的大多数位于客户设施, 一些被选中的留在总部,为利用其主机自动化工具(HAT)的客户提供服务。. The VCC HAT workflow allows call producers, a line producer, and a host to run a full, broadcast quality program. With the system, clients can produce a show with video callers from anywhere, 呼叫制作人可以增强视频输出,因为他们可以看到使用HELO远程监控的视频输出.


About HELO
AJA的HELO允许用户在编码和录制H的同时将视频信号流式传输到Web内容交付网络.264文件到SD卡,USB存储或基于网络的存储按下一个按钮. Supporting a range of professional workflows, the H.264 streaming, 录制和编码设备包括3G-SDI和HDMI输入和输出,以及处理高达1080p录制格式的电源等功能.

About AJA
Since 1993, AJA视频一直是视频接口技术的领先制造商, converters, digital video recording solutions and professional cameras, bringing high quality, cost effective products to the professional broadcast, video and post production markets. AJA产品的设计和制造在我们的工厂在草谷, California, 并通过遍布全球的经销商和系统集成商的广泛销售渠道进行销售. For further information, please see our website at