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Why Live Streaming on LinkedIn is a Huge Opportunity for Business

As businesses are developing their internal video communication strategies, LinkedIn为企业高管提供了一个独特的机会,向全世界展示“业务背后的业务”.

看看流媒体 企业AV实地指南: Live Streaming from the Boardroom, 由 Broadfield分发.

Just two years after Microsoft purchased LinkedIn for $26.2 billion, the world’s second largest company is betting big on live streaming. 微软宣布了一个企业级流媒体解决方案,名为Microsoft Stream,该解决方案将在其流行的Office365产品中提供, 以及一项面向消费者的直播服务,该服务目前正在领英的专业社交媒体网络中推出. 这两款产品都为大大小小的企业提供了一个重要的机会,可以在Office365和LinkedIn舒适的企业友好解决方案中利用实时视频流的强大功能和可扩展性.

目前将Office365作为标准化生产力工具的财富500强公司开始询问Microsoft Stream. Microsoft Stream为企业提供企业级工具,用于管理用于企业培训的“内部YouTube”, 公告, 以及大型的市政厅活动. 与此同时, as businesses are developing their internal video communication strategies, LinkedIn为企业高管提供了一个独特的机会,向全世界展示“业务背后的业务”. As the value of both internal and external video streaming grows, 企业正在寻找专业的视听集成商来帮助建立工作室质量的演示空间.

LinkedIn Live Engagement Tree

最近, PTZOptics营销经理Tess proteesto采访了LinkedIn的Jessica Chan,以了解更多关于企业部署视频技术的机会. 一段时间以来,PTZOptics一直在帮助传统技术集成商利用新的基于云的视频会议服务,如Skype for Business和Facebook live等直播服务. In 2018, PTZOptics won the best 网work-connected PTZ camera award in the 流媒体 Readers’ Choice Awards, 击败了行业巨头索尼和松下. 在企业沟通方面, PTZOptics USB泛倾斜变焦相机已经成为一个流行的即插即用的解决方案,为公司寻求与软件集成,如Facebook Live, 进行交流, 思科火花, Skype, 和缩放. 随着视频价值的不断增加, businesses are demanding products that will work for both video communications and live production applications.

流媒体直播与PTZOptics NDI HX

在2019年NAB现场秀期间, LinkedIn的Jessica Chan说, “We are excited about introducing LinkedIn Live to a combination of pages and profiles,” as she explained how businesses will use the service on their company pages, as well as executives on their own personal profiles.

大卫Moricca, who was also on the LinkedIn Live panel discussion, 说, “我们的企业客户对LinkedIn Live感到非常兴奋……能够围绕他们的高管和大公司的重大事件建立一个思想领袖社区……本质上展示业务背后的业务。.”

来自LinkedIn Live讨论的小组成员

而Microsoft Stream在企业内部效率方面为企业视频客户端提供了巨大的价值, LinkedIn presents an entirely different lead-generation and community-building value on the external side. All signs point to an increased need for high-quality video production equipment. Businesses are taking video production solutions “in-house” as asset management costs are coming down. Technology is becoming easier and easier to use, 因此,采用率提高了,企业正在建设新的空间,以满足他们对实时视频制作能力的需求.

最近的一项研究表明,直播演示降低了传统网络研讨会软件的下载门槛,并将演示出席率提高了10倍. 如果Facebook和YouTube直播的价值还没有迫使决策者投资高质量的视频制作设备, the value of LinkedIn and Microsoft Stream are sure to get things moving in businesses around the world.

在销售和市场方面, LinkedIn is well established as the number one social media platform for lead generation (LinkedIn, 2019). LinkedIn平台上有超过6.1亿名专业人士,五分之四的会员表示他们“推动商业决策”.陈嘉欣说, “Once a broadcaster publishes a live stream to LinkedIn… it reaches their connections... but beyond that, any interactions happening with the live stream as well helps the content go viral.” Jessica calls this the “Viral Engagement” process of LinkedIn live streaming. 杰西卡的解释, which is available on the PTZOptics YouTube channel, 他回顾了吸引观众的内容是如何通过LinkedIn的新闻源达到第二和第三层次的联系的. This will certainly be a breakthrough moment for sales and marketing on the LinkedIn platform.

在过去十年中, LinkedIn has become the best place for B2B businesses to connect and engage with professionals online. Over 50% of LinkedIn members report that they are more likely to buy from a company they engage with on LinkedIn. 此外,80%的LinkedIn用户希望通过LinkedIn与公司建立联系,以“提高他们的决策能力”.”

视频制作设备的投资回报率也可以与流行的视频会议和协作工具一起使用. 像PTZOptics这样的USB相机型号的产品经常被用于今天的直播,第二天的视频会议软件, 不需要任何重新配置. While LinkedIn remains a couple of years behind Facebook, Instagram, 和YouTube在流媒体直播方面, the platform offers businesses unprecedented access to decision-making professionals.

Businesses are already privy to the data from companies like Facebook, who state that “Live Videos generate watch times 3X longer than on-demand video.Vimeo Livestream报告称,80%的受访观众宁愿观看某个品牌的视频直播,也不愿阅读博客. Live video has been credited with increasing online sales. 亚马逊的在线电子商务平台刚刚宣布,专业级别的卖家也可以使用直播工具.

Microsoft demonstrated the technology that they use for LinkedIn live streaming at the 2019 NAB Show. 尼基康利, 微软的云解决方案架构师, produced a short case study available at the link below which takes viewers behind the scenes. 该案例研究展示了微软如何使用多个PTZOptics ndi摄像头与Wirecast一起制作专业直播流. 康利说:“我的[PTZOptics]摄像机配置了PTZ预设……所以当主持人在Wirecast中移动舞台时,我可以移动摄像机...I also have Wirecast set up with a picture in picture using the screen captured from the presenter. 这真的非常非常有趣.”

NAB 2019的演示

This incredibly simple setup has two 网work-connected PTZOptics NDI cameras. Each camera uses a single ether网 cable for power, video, and control. Microsoft decided to use one of the new PTZOptics 12X NDI ZCams paired with a PTZOptics 12X SDI Gen 2 camera. 12X- zcam使用与更通用的泛倾斜变焦版本12X PTZ相机完全相同的镜头,因此在Wirecast中每个输入之间过渡时颜色匹配完美. Each camera is fully controllable inside of Wirecast over IP. 然后使用Wirecast将实时摄像机馈送与局域网上的另一个NDI视频源混合在一起,使用NDI扫描转换器提供来自演示者计算机的屏幕截图. Microsoft has recently announced another new integration with the NewTek NDI with their popular Skype product. 该公司现在推荐Wirecast作为LinkedIn和微软流媒体直播的选定合作伙伴.

So how can businesses of all sizes take advantage of LinkedIn Live? 点击下面的链接查看免费下载指南,该指南将回顾LinkedIn Live Streaming的以下关键策略:

1. What’s working on LinkedIn and how is live streaming going to impact the platform
2. How to leverage the LinkedIn Algorithm and viral engagement
3. 如何为你的品牌创造知名度
4. 如何促使人们采取行动

下载我们的免费指南 http://ptzoptics.com/LinkedIn.