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As streaming has moved through the pandemic years into a new normal that isn't exactly what anyone expected, the meaning of hybrid event streaming production and delivery that has emerged over the last few years continues to evolve. So what does it mean in 2023, for producers, organizations, and audiences, both onsite and remote? And what can streamers do to level the playing field for those participating from near and far? 这是他们最近在 流媒体连接2023, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, 俄亥俄州立大学的德里克·弗里曼, 波士顿25新闻的本·拉特纳报道, Stream4us的Anthony burrokas说道, 和霍华德 & Associates' Andy Howard discuss best definitions and best practices for hybrid event video in 2023.

As streaming has moved through the pandemic years into a new normal that isn't exactly what anyone expected, the meaning of hybrid event streaming production and delivery that has emerged over the last few years continues to evolve. So what does it mean in 2023, for producers, organizations, and audiences, both onsite and remote? And what can streamers do to level the playing field for those participating from near and far? 这是他们最近在 流媒体连接2023创始人安迪·霍华德 & 董事总经理Howard & Associates discusses discuss best definitions and best practices for hybrid event video with Derrick Freeman, 项目经理, 网络广播制作人, 俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心安娜·考德里,独立制片人 幸福的, LiveXAnthony burrokas,首席执行官, Stream4us以及新闻技术总监本·拉特纳, 波士顿25新闻.

Howard begins the discussion by saying, “What are your definitions of hybrid? 他们很可能和我的不一样.” He asks Derrick Freeman to start off by explaining how he defines hybrid.

弗里曼说,, “就我们的网络直播系列而言, 它是让观众在一个群体中观看, 还有远程观看的观众.他说,虽然他的组织主要使用 变焦 对于他们的主持人,他们正在考虑使用 微软团队 对于未来的远程和混合事件.

Howard asks Anna Cowdery for her thoughts on what defines hybrid streaming events.  

Cowdery emphasizes that the way she perceived live events with a webcast audience changed after Covid. “I always thought, you stream a live event and then you've got your webcast audience,” she says. “直到Covid之后, we all started [feeling like] this is actually different than if [we’re] just streaming from a studio. 这也和所有东西都是远程的不一样. 有一个完整的远程, 然后是流媒体观众的现场直播, 然后是远程人才的现场培训, 分散的生产……在某种程度上是混合的.她说,在这一点上, 无论发生什么事, 有, “地点之间没有任何交错的元素. 即使我在现场做所有的事情, I'm probably sending it back to a distribution center that is then doing all the encoding to multiple platforms and all of the streaming pieces of it. 在某种程度上都是混合的.”

Howard then asks Anthony Burokas for his take on hybrid streaming.

Burokas says that essentially the term “hybrid” is now meaningless. For a similar example, he says, “When HD came out, everything was HD. You get HD glasses, you get an HD toothbrush, and I think hybrid is a buzzword now.“然而, he underscores that there are still challenges in seamlessly presenting a live stream with participants in multiple locations, 就像在, “When a remote audience member needs to ask a question of somebody who's on stage, then you're crossing those lines and that's when it becomes, 对我来说, 混合挑战, in managing dual bi-directional communications between all four corners.”

“这是一个很好的观点,霍华德说, “because now you're sort of mixing the audiences instead of you just having the in-person audience and just having the remote audience.”

“I've done events where a remote audience member needed to ask a question,” Burokas says. “嗯, the local audience needs to hear the remote audience member when they come to their virtual microphone, 有人在切换云环境, 我正在改变当地的环境, 进入云端, 但是当这个人在云环境中, I have to switch that into the local environment for everybody to see and hear. 这才是混合动力车真正令人讨厌的地方.”

Howard asks Ben Ratner to say his piece on what “hybrid” means today.

“是啊, hybrid is when you have a vehicle that runs off of both gas and sometimes electricity,拉特纳开玩笑说。. “对于他们所说的,我没有太多要详述的. It's basically how do you have the best experience for everyone involved? From the people talking at the event to the people watching the event. 别人没说过的话都是真的.”

Howard uses a live sporting event as an example of how little crossover there can be in “hybrid” events, since the experiences for on-prem versus remote can differ quite a bit. “如果你去看一场大型体育赛事, 比如密歇根大学在比赛中击败俄亥俄州立大学, you've got a group of people that are in the stadium and there's entertainment going on for them. 那里的音乐, 记分板, 有各种各样的事情在发生, and then you have the crowd that's watching on TV and there's a whole variety of different information and entertainment that they're getting that are different from the people in person. But I think the difference is 有n't really that overlap, like Anthony was talking about.”

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at the next 流媒体连接将于2023年11月实现.