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Telestream Talks Wirecast齿轮, 抗利尿 Support, and PTZ Camera Control

Telestream的Shane Scrimager带领流媒体的马克·富兰克林通过Wirecast齿轮的关键功能,包括I/O, 抗利尿支持, PTZ摄像机控制, and more in this interview from the show floor at 流媒体 West 2022.

马克·富兰克林: 这是马克·富兰克林. I'm at 流媒体 West and I'm at the Telestream booth with Sales Application Specialist Shane Scrimager. 谢恩会告诉我们一些他们摊位上的事情以及他们对这次演出的任何通知.

Shane Scrimager: 我们的特色是 Wirecast齿轮 和Wirecast. 我们的Wirecast齿轮是一个交钥匙流解决方案,保修和支持运行Wirecast 15. We're promoting 4K workflows and flexible hybrid environments. 所以我们有很多移动的部分正在与相机或现有的工作流程. 我们试图做的是提供一个交钥匙解决方案,要么利用混合工作流程-USB摄像头, SDI, HTMI, 抗利尿, whatever you're bringing to the table--we can bring it into Wirecast, easily compose those shots, 并将其播放到任何社交网络或嵌入到个人网站. We also have our own CDN now called Sherpa, so whoever you're looking to deliver now, 我们可以处理.

马克·富兰克林: 这个有内置的切换器吗,还是你需要一个额外的切换器?

Shane Scrimager: It's actually using Wirecast to compose your shots, and it's the same platform that you'll be using to switch your shots. So everything's within Wirecast. 这是你如何分配你的来源或选择你的相机或音频,以及构图你的镜头. It's not just for streaming anymore. 当然,我们可以流式传输任何RTMP或SRT以及多达33个预设目的地. We can record Program to disc. We can ISO record individual sources in Wirecast. We can also virtual camera out, 这意味着为任何网络研讨会平台或所有这些平台同时创建一个虚拟摄像机.

马克·富兰克林: So once you have everything ISO, then you can just take those files and if you wanna edit it later, just pop it into Premiere Pro or Final Cut or Avid?

Shane Scrimager: 是的. And speaking of Premiere Pro, you can run that on the Gear as well. It's a Windows 10 enterprise computer. So once you load on your own software or your own webinars, essentially this is your full production studio.

马克·富兰克林: It can switch, it can stream, it can record. And all under one roof.

Shane Scrimager: 都在一个屋檐下. And those hybrid of connections as well. USB, HDMI, SDI, 抗利尿, IP, cell phone.

马克·富兰克林: Now is there a limit to how many inputs you could have?

Shane Scrimager: That would be based on the system you're running it on. 它是跨平台的. You can run it on Mac and Windows. Our Gear 620 4K can handle six 4K inputs in it. 这将是一个问题,有什么进来,有多少,然后以什么分辨率. So if you have 1080p, easily eight.

马克·富兰克林: How many physical inputs does does it have?

Shane Scrimager: 在每个单位上? If we go to the 600 series, there's four 4K HDMI or four 4K SDI. But there's also a fifth 1080P SDI and afifth individual SDI out as well. If you were to run an 抗利尿 网work with its own switcher, like the Netgear M2450, then it holds up to eight. So we could have eight 抗利尿 cameras, or you could have a mix of SDI and 抗利尿. It doesn't have to be one simple workflow.

马克·富兰克林: 好吧. So it gives you lots of flexibility.

Shane Scrimager: 好处是,我看到的客户转向抗利尿是因为它是一条线,对吧? It's video and audio, but it's also pushing back control and power. So it's really cleaning up all the cable mess.

马克·富兰克林: 好吧. What about PTZ cameras? Does it also control PTZ?

Shane Scrimager: Actually there's a built in controller here. And it's not just pan-tilt-zoom with the built-in PTZ controller. 你可以控制平移倾斜、变焦、曝光、白平衡,最重要的是预置. 用一个摄像头,你可以把它预设为短和长,然后切换预设. Or a pan and a pan and toggle presets. So you're not having to do those camera movements every time. You could just be logging in limitless presets, as many as you can remember.

马克·富兰克林: 哇. 非常有趣的. 它是否适用于任何PTZ相机,或者它必须是特定的品牌?

Shane Scrimager: If you're running the PTZ camera over 抗利尿, it can be any PTZ camera. If it's over IP, it has to be TCP or UDP. It will also have those APIs as well. And we have a list of camera manufacturers that we play well with.

马克·富兰克林: 非常有趣的 hardware/software solution. 更多的是, telestream.com

Shane Scrimager: 精彩的表演. 谢谢你!.

抗利尿冒着在20码线上丢球的风险,浪费了他们在IP视频领域近十年的领先优势,因为他们没有强制授权商整合所有标准. 我写这篇文章是希望他们重新确立抗利尿标准的意义:即授权抗利尿, and display the 抗利尿 badge, a product must be 100% compatible.
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