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回顾:森海塞尔EW 112pg4全向无线Lavaliere系统

Sennheiser G4无线麦克风系统易于设置和使用, delivers great audio quality, and helps avoid mistakes like overcooking your audio.

 在大多数视频摄影师的职业生涯中,他们会得出两个重要的结论. First, audio quality is at least as important as video quality, 特别是对于流媒体,在付费网站上,退化的视频很常见,但原始音频是规则. Second, cheap audio gear simply doesn’t cut it. 斯皮尔伯格可以用200美元的摄像机制作出令人惊叹的视频质量, 但是给他一套100美元的无线马桶,它的声音和你的一样糟糕.

在经历了低劣的音频体验所破坏的政治竞选季之后, 我决定爷们儿点,花点钱买个无线马桶系统. Around the same time, Sennheiser EW 112P G4全向无线lavaliere系统可供审查, and I was able to use that for my final shoot. 这篇综述详细介绍了我的现场经验和后来的质量相关测试.

What’s in the Package

Sennheiser sells multiple models of this package, including one with a cardioid microphone, so check model numbers before buying. Amazon details the different models, 我之所以提到它,是因为亚马逊上只有一条一星评论(相比之下有三条五星评论)抱怨说,它的麦克风是全向的,而不是心形的. For those who trust B&这家店的评论数超过亚马逊,获得了2条五星评论和1条四星评论.

The G4 package comes with a transmitter pack and receiver, both manufactured from extremely sturdy plastic. 接收器带有一个皮带环和一个适配器,用于摄像机上的冷鞋. You get two screw-in output cables, one with a 3.5毫米公TRS输出电缆,用于单反相机,另一根带XLR连接器, which I used for my shoots and testing.

发射器有一个用于麦克风的旋入式连接器和顶部的静音按钮. 开/关开关在易于访问的电池舱, so your talent can’t accidentally turn it off. 两个装置都由Sennheiser提供的两节AA电池供电. According to the product’s specifications, 电池的续航时间应为8小时,续航距离为100米. 这个特殊的设置运行在频率范围:A,这是516-558兆赫.

Figure 1 (below) 显示两个单元,左边是接收器,右边是发射器. The receiver has two bars on the left, one showing the RF signal strength, 另一个显示输入音频音量(显示静音). 显示器的中心显示信号频率,下面是发射麦克风的名称.

Figure 1. Receiver on the left, transmitter on the right

The transmitter shows the channel and frequency, with a volume meter on the left (again, showing no volume). 这两种设备的右下方都有一个电池指示灯,当电量非常低时,开机按钮会闪烁.

I received the system the night before a shoot. 当我打开两个装置时,它们立即配对,这总是一种解脱. When I plugged the receiver into my camcorder, the signal was quite loud, despite relative quiet in my office. 我通过调整发射器的灵敏度到-38来解决这个问题, which was the value used in all my tests and shoots. 除此之外,我没有调整这两款设备上的任何控制. Incidentally, you access the menu via a button in the battery compartment, 您可以很容易地通过按下设备前面两侧的按钮来访问.
Reading through the documentation and online descriptions, 我有一种感觉,除了我调整的项目之外,还有重要的可配置性. Don’t tell my editors, 但我对大多数专业级相机都很熟练, I’m a neophyte when it comes to audio, including microphones and soundboards. 我只是想要一个单位,很容易设置和配置,并产生原始音频, and the G4 delivered on both counts.

Live Testing

我用G4的第一次拍摄证明平安无事,这在我的书中转化为出色. As you can see in Figure 2 (below)我给候选人戴了麦克风,但他也在体育馆的音响系统里使用了手持麦克风. You can watch the video on Facebook. 我担心附近的便携式扬声器可能会引起回声或其他问题, 但除了声音听起来有点刺耳(这可能是候选人的声音), the audio sounds great.

Figure 2. My first live shoot with the G4

Though I didn’t test the specified 100 meter RF distance, 我必须在至少40码远的地方和候选人进行试音, and it was almost disconcerting how close he sounded.

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