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Review: Panasonic AG-HMC80 Shouldermount Camcorder

In an era of ever-shrinking HD cameras, cell phone HD, and DSLRs, you might ask, why would anyone need an on-shoulder HD camcorder? Is it the copious amount of I/O jacks? The ergonomics? 或者在一个大相机中轻松访问众多功能,从而吸引松下AG-HMC80的目标终端用户? Let's find out.

In an era of ever-shrinking HD cameras, cell phone HD, and DSLRs, you might ask, why would anyone need an on-shoulder HD camcorder? Is it the copious amount of I/O jacks? The ergonomics? 或者在一个大相机中轻松访问众多功能,从而吸引松下AG-HMC80的目标终端用户? Let's find out.

Before reviewing any shouldermount camera, I must disclose that, unlike the majority of professionals I work with these days, when I started working in the video industry, on-shoulder cameras were the only models available. 事实上,甲板是分开的,两者有一根又短又粗的多针电缆把它们绑在一起.

Times have changed, and now cell phones shoot HD. 人们用六个GoPro HERO相机在各种地方捆绑和安装,表演令人难以置信的特技, capturing amazing footage. 微型数码单反被吹捧为广播摄像机和电影摄像机的替代品. 但是对于一些事件和工作流,仍然需要更大的东西, on the shoulder, that provides easy access to controls, copious I/O that doesn't require proprietary cables or connectors, 并且具有先天的重量和平衡,有助于通过惯性稳定相机. A body at rest tends to stay at rest.

My comparison for the Panasonic HMC80 is my Sony HDR-FX1, 一个专业消费的“掌上摄像机”是非常典型的专业消费摄像机从每个制造商. 这些都意味着你的手独自挥舞,或三脚架,或一些安全带/稳定钻机. They do not rest on your shoulder. In fact, 真正的肩扛式高清摄像机的总数屈指可数.

对于这个行业的新手来说,习惯了摄像机尺寸的不断缩小, the Panasonic HMC80 may seem to be a bit of a gorilla. But there is a definite reason it exists.


First, 这款相机比你习惯的要长,因为它的设计足够长,可以放在你的肩膀上, not against it, or solely in your hand. This rearward placement puts the camera closer to your face. So instead of defaulting to a swingout LCD screen, HMC80标配了一个相当大的取景器,可以贴着你的眼睛. The rubber eyecup protrudes outward a bit much for me, but it's soft enough to bend it back to a comfortable position.

Panasonic HMC80

The HMC80 (foreground) and Sony FX1 (background); note the sizeable viewfinder on the HMC80.

整个取景器组件可以延伸到左边足够远的地方,对于左眼的人来说,通过它可以看到一个非常好的高清世界. If you're used to looking at a camcorder's swing out screen, 然后你会惊讶地发现,使用取景器就像从4英尺远的地方看24英寸的显示器一样. 你实际上是在看图像的四周,而不是只看一个小屏幕. 我发现取景器很好用,但我希望它在手动对焦时能更清晰一点. 除了对焦辅助之外,应该还有一个调峰控制, 它只能给你一个高清图像中心的数字裁剪.

你可以把目镜向上摆动,用两只眼睛看液晶显示器,没有任何问题. 对于那些戴眼镜的人来说,也有一个屈光度调节,这样你就可以调整目镜,而不必使用眼镜.

When packing the camcorder, however, you'll discover a new challenge with larger, viewfinder-based camcorders. 而不是仅仅是一个细管的掌上电脑,你现在有最小的宽度10.5". That's 60% the camcorder's 18" length. 有各种各样的肩式摄像机,设计为将取景器向前摆动,使其更容易打包. 专业摄像机可以让你完全拆卸取景器,这样你就可以把一个大的专业摄像机塞进一个符合航空公司随身行李限制的小袋子里. But the HMC80 viewfinder is hardwired and unremovable. So plan accordingly.

握把距离很舒服,不过我希望握把可以旋转一点,以便更好地贴合. Every person's arm length is different, 但自从我不再在专业摄像机上使用富士大镜头以来,我真的没有找到一个真正舒适的抓地力. The HMC80 does sit nicely on the shoulder, but as there's little weight on the back of the camcorder, most of the weight is still in your hand. 所以,就像佳能的xl系列一样,你的右臂在整个过程中都在举起摄像机的重量.

JVC是唯一一家真正做好肩扛式高清摄像机的公司. When you add a pro battery to the back, 它增加了足够的重量,使中心平衡移回肩膀. 这允许你的右手挥动和稳定摄像机,而不是举起它. With my Sony DSR-250, 我真的可以把手从镜头下抽出来,摄像机就会留在我的肩膀上. 如果有配件可以在HMC80的背面安装大型专业电池组,那就买吧. Good balance makes a big difference.

As it is, the camcorder ships with a tiny 1.5" battery cube that weighs only 3.7 ounces. This powers the camera for a good hour or so, depending on use, 但它无法将平衡中心拉到摄像机的背面. Even with the battery inside, 相机想要向前倾斜,就像它想要在我的三脚架上保持水平一样. The lens is just where all the weight of this camcorder is.

The HMC80 is based on the much smaller HMC40, but in a much larger shell, so there's plenty of room for jacks and to attach accessories. You can velcro two wireless lavs on the body. The camcorder even has two cold shoes on top, side by side. 这是相机的物理尺寸,使更多的按钮可以直接访问功能, and the addition of accessories without cumbersome cages or rails, etc.