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Review: JVC GY-LS300, Part 2: Image Quality and Deliverables

In Part 2 of this review we'll focus on image delivery, comparing the JVC LS300's HD and 4K image-making capabilities with the 松下DMC-GH4, 专注于它对深阴影的处理, 明亮的背景, 可变传感器映射, 景深, 锐度, 和混叠.

第一部分是我对 JVC GY-LS300 centered on the the usability and features of the camcorder. 在一个单独的 流媒体文章, I use the LS300 as an example to discuss and demonstrate the value of in-camera 流媒体 capability. Here, in Part 2 of the camera review, I will specifically test deliverables--what the LS300 gives me.


Several years ago, along with a huge portion of the production community, I made the move to DSLRs. 不过我现在还有一个, in my production work I left behind the traditional prosumer camcorder with its distinctive small-chip look. I gained the big sensor, shallow 景深, more cinematic look. 这是你为了在行业中“步步高升”所做的事情.

But in so doing, I joined the ranks clamoring for accessories to make those DSLRs more usable. 这很有趣, 在某种程度上, to watch spring up an entire cottage industry of companies providing any number of cages, rails, 处理, 适配器, 转换器, 等等....... It was like selling shovels to all the miners in the gold rush. 添加外部XLR适配器, 外部监控, 一个容纳所有碎片的笼子, 锁定HDMI电缆, 音频输入和输出, 诸如此类, 我成功地“装配”了我的单反相机(下面的图1),现在我经常在生产中使用它.

图1. Here's my GH4 rigged up with accessories on a prototype cage from Sam Sielen. 这里有更多关于笼子的信息. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

但现在,便携式摄像机正在卷土重来. There are several high-end large-sensor camcorders, 甚至还有一些低端机型(索尼的VG系列), 例如). JVC plops the LS300 right into the middle with a nice Super35mm sensor, XLR千斤顶, 双媒体槽, 流媒体, 以及在LCD上显示的能力, 取景器, SDI出来, and HDMI out all at the same time--with no 适配器 or 转换器. 作为一个数码单反相机生产商, I find it quite refreshing to have both the large sensor, and all the convenience of a camcorder--in one device.

Then add in the LS300’s unique Variable Sensor Mapping. This gives the camcorder 16 different sensor sizes and enables us to use full-frame glass, Super35玻璃, M43玻璃, B4 ENG变焦镜头, C-mount镜头, 和更多的. The only question that remains is if the image quality of the LS300 is up to snuff.


I tested the LS300 to see how it compared with my GH4 (下面的图2)在以下一系列测试中:

图2. The LS300 and GH4 going 4K head to head on a hot, sunny Texas afternoon. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

  1. I tried to lift up the shadows to see if the 200Mbps data rate of the LX300 4K would best my GH4’s 100 Mbps.
  2. I pointed the camera at the sun and over the shoulder of a talking head to assess how it 处理 明亮的背景, 以及如何把脸拉高来弥补.
  3. I tested the image for moire/aliasing/锐度 with Variable Sensor Mapping at each VSM percentage. 我在4K和高清下都进行了测试. There are two separate videos (embedded later in this article) because of this test.
  4. I tested Super35mm vs M43 for how the larger sensor separates a subject from the background.

The JVC GY-HC550 will do very well in news production, corporate video, and event production. The ability to store a station or other logo on the camera for 流媒体 is very useful.
随着我们进入“物联网”时代, when all sorts of "things" are directly reachable over the inter网, it should come as no surprise professional camcorders are coming along for the ride. 实际上,他们加入这场游戏有些晚了, with smartphones already providing the ability to send a video out over the inter网 from the same device that captured it for quite some time. But connected professional camcorders have a lot to offer users looking for a streamlined professional 流媒体 solution that video-capable smartphones can't deliver.
JVC is running ahead of the pack again with the GY-LS300, 价格实惠(3美元),995), 称为“, Super35 / variable-sensor区域, 4K/HD camcorder that also features internal 流媒体 capability, 新产品系列的第一个型号.