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Review: Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 14

Paul Schmutzler从长期Premiere Pro编辑器的角度来看,Blackmagic Design的达芬奇解决方案编辑和色彩分级解决方案.

In this article and video we’ll take a look at Blackmagic Design's DaVinci Resolve 14, which is currently available in beta. 本文将是系列文章中的第一篇,介绍长期使用同一种nle时使用不同nle的情况. 就我而言,我是从一个长期使用Premiere Pro的用户的角度出发的. That’s pretty much all I use. I wanted to see if, by confining my work to a single editor, I was missing some great features that could improve my workflow.

你将在本文的视频和截图中看到,我通过在Premiere Pro中进行非常基本的编辑——一些直接剪切,开始了这个示例项目, a couple of effects, a little grading, and some audio work. Then I exported an MP4 file for YouTube. The idea, 然后是选择一个我可以在每个应用程序中轻松执行的项目,看看在其他应用程序中执行一个项目是多么容易.


Page 1: Ingest and Project Organization

You can think of the first page as your pre-edit or ingest stage. On the secondary screen shown in Figure 1 (below),你可以浏览你的文件,浏览你的硬盘,无论你在哪里寻找你的剪辑. Then you can pull them into here, which is your bin. I've got all these clips. I've got video clips. 我有一些音频剪辑,还有一些我在这个项目中用到的.

Figure 1. 浏览文件,并将它们添加到您的bin在这个辅助屏幕从达芬奇.

I’ve got my project files already set up. 在图1中可以看到,达芬奇为您提供了您期望看到的元数据:帧速率, size, number of audio channels, and so on.

On the screen shown in Figure 1, I have my bin. But it gives me a preview of the clip at the top. There are two views at the top and you can choose between them, whether it’s just a thumbnail view or the detail view, where you can see the metadata, but also get a great preview of the clip from start to finish. 如果你把光标移到剪辑上,它会在屏幕最上方高亮显示那几帧的预览.

在预编辑(第1页)屏幕的左下方,您将看到一些音频仪表. The bottom right will come into play when we play back the timelines. On the right hand part of the screen there's a toolbox, which includes video and audio transitions and effects.

Page 2: Primary Edit Screen

The main edit screen (Figure 2, below)具有您所期望的功能:源代码的预览监视器和中间的时间轴查看器. 时间轴由你所期望的组成:一个视频轨道和一个音频轨道, 有能力根据需要添加或删除轨道,这取决于你的项目需要多少个级别. I kept mine to one of each just to keep it simple.

Figure 2. DaVinci’s primary edit screen

过渡显示类似于Premiere Pro,他们被覆盖在剪辑的顶部. But the cool thing is when I select a clip or transition, it immediately brings it up in the inspector shown in Figure 3 (below). That's great because, typically in Premiere Pro, 你必须双击才能让剪辑显示在源监视器中. 然后你必须点击到效果面板对其进行更改. DaVinci’s approach is nice in that, 即使我失去了一些屏幕空间,我可能希望看到更大的图像, 我可以点击一些东西,然后立即开始调整它的属性. Then I can see the results immediately in the timeline viewer.

Figure 3. Adjusting a clip in the inspector

另一个优点是音频很容易淡入和淡出,这是我们对音频所做的最基本的事情. 我可以选择一个看起来像标记的小东西,把它拖到一边,来影响音频剪辑淡出的距离(Figure 4, below). 这真的很容易做出改变,而不需要应用效果或制作关键帧或其他东西.

Figure 4. Fading audio

另一个好处是关键帧可以很容易地放到这里(Figure 5, below) so that you can make changes on the fly very easily.

Figure 5. Make keyframes here.

编辑的实际过程非常直接和直观:I和O表示输入和输出点. 对于插入和覆盖剪辑,有一些唯一的键盘快捷键(Figure 6, below).

Figure 6. 选项在编辑下拉,与Resolve的独特的键盘快捷键

As I play back video on my secondary screen, 你会看到有一些黑线突出显示不同的剪辑(Figure 7, below). 基本上,当视频播放时,它向我展示了在这个片段中实际使用了什么. 它会显示剪辑的名称并显示正在播放的音频——在这个例子中, my one and only audio track. That's the only one that's being highlighted and never moves. After you finish your edit, 你可以直接进入评分页面,也可以跳到音频页面.

Figure 7. Clips highlighted in playback

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