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Review: 倾听者ID22 Software Digital Audio Interface and Monitoring System

The ID22 is a 10 in/14 out digital audio interface that comes with a versatile software mixing application and integrates well with popular audio editing applications like Adobe Audition. The build and performance quality of the hardware make it a tremendous value at $599.

Sitting here in my East 田纳西州 home and writing this review of the 倾听者ID22, I’m thinking about what’s happening just a few counties away in Manchester, 田纳西州. The annual Bonnaroo music festival is going full steam, and everything from Periscope and Meerkat to Livestream and YouTube is streaming parts of those concerts all over the world.

While we like to discuss the video aspect of live-streaming here at 流媒体, the audio portion is equally important. Although not specifically designed for use in streaming applications, the ID22 from Audient is a compact digital audio interface that is well-suited for use in studio or on location. And it’s designed with music production in mind.

Former Soundcraft employees David Dearden and Gareth Davies founded English company Audient in 1997. They also made names for themselves by designing high-quality pre-amps that are well-regarded in the industry. One by-product of this partnership is the ID22.


ID22 (下面的图1) is a 10 in/14 out digital audio interface. Some may call it a mixer, and it is a mixer to some extent. At first glance, the unit looks deceptively simple. There are a few solid aluminum gain knobs, two sliding pots for the XLR inputs, and a headphone output.

图1. The 倾听者ID22 (front view). Click the image to see it at full size.

Looking at the back of the unit (下面的图2) gives you a better idea of the capability of the ID22. Found there are two combo XLR inputs, eight 1/4" jacks for effects and monitors, digital connections (SPDIF or ADAT) and the headphone jack.

图2. The rear view shows the ID22’s I/O. Click the image to see it at full size.


But the final and most outstanding component to this piece of hardware isn’t even hardware at all. 它的软件.

Audient offers a complimentary Mac/PC application aptly titled ID22. Once installed, the ID22 application runs in conjunction with the ID22 hardware via USB 2.0. Running the software without the ID22 connected shows nothing on screen, but as soon as the USB cable is connected, an entire mixing board appears (下面的图3). The software augments the hardware, giving you access to myriad controls. Equalization, talkback, mastering, and routing matrix are highlights of the extensive controls.

图3. Mixing controls in the ID22 software (Mac version). Click the image to see it at full size.