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回顾:Adobe 首映剪辑

首映剪辑, Adobe的新iOS编辑应用, 是一个简单的裁剪/修剪编辑器, 这不是一个成熟的编辑应用程序. How useful is it for pro editors who need to do mobile editing on-the-go?

Last fall, Adobe launched a slew of mobile apps, including a mobile video editor: 首映剪辑. The iOS-only application gives users the ability to combine audio, 剧照, 在苹果移动设备上播放视频. 修剪夹子是用手指完成的, 不是老鼠,是轻拍, rather than click--and final projects can be exported to several different destinations right from the application. I was sent an Adobe-issued iPad to give this lightweight version of Premiere Pro a spin, so I decided to see how a pro might use it remotely to start a rough cut before returning to the edit bay.

The first thing one must understand about 首映剪辑 is that it is not a full-blown NLE. It is meant to be a very simple cut/trim editor, useful for basic pre-edit and rough cut work. 非专业用户, it is a simplified version of Premiere Elements that can be used by families on vacation who like to bring along their iPad or iPhone only. 几乎没有可用的效果. The few detail-oriented capabilities of 首映剪辑 include basic audio-level adjustment, 整体色彩处理, 加上音乐. That said, there are still some useful features available to pros.


One of the hangups I have with 首映剪辑 is obtaining clips for editing. 将文件添加到项目时, you are presented with four options: Camera Roll (already on your iDevice), 创意云文件夹, Title, 或者使用设备摄像头进行即时捕捉. 本质上, this limits the user to either recording directly on the device being used or getting all remote clips into the 创意云文件夹 before they can be accessed.

对于我的测试项目, 我可不想带着iPad在亚特兰大到处跑, 所以我选择用Moto X拍摄. Since the Creative Cloud mobile application for Android doesn’t allow uploading video files, I had to let the files sync to my Dropbox account on my Mac at home. When I returned, I uploaded the files a second time to my 创意云文件夹 (下面的图1). Only then was I able to access the files in 首映剪辑 for editing. 很明显, 这不是一个优雅的解决方案, but it got the job done without making me look like a goofy tourist shooting video on my iPad.

图1. The 创意云文件夹 on my iPad, loaded with media captured on my Moto X

Importing clips into a project is basically done the same way as in any other NLE application. 首映剪辑 is limited to importing one clip at a time since it’s not set up with a bin-like interface. Each clip you import goes directly into your timeline. If you don’t want a clip in your project, it is deleted from the project entirely.


的优点, 首映剪辑’s title tool would be mostly useful for annotating clips or adding placeholders to the timeline. 在首映剪辑中没有alpha通道支持, so adding title overlays to video or 剧照 isn’t possible. This can easily be adjusted in Premiere Pro later if desired. For my project, I used a simple white-on-black title to describe the video.


在时间轴上修剪剪辑(下面的图2)工作得比我预料的顺利. 被用来精确, 框架水准仪编辑, I figured trying to use my meaty pointer to tweak a clip’s length to just the right In/Out point would be frustrating. The sliding purple bars responded quite nicely on the iPad’s capacitive surface, making it easy for me to get clips just where I wanted them.

图2. 首映剪辑时间轴

There’s even an overlay of the audio waveform to help you track down offensive audio bugs (下面的图3).

图3. Clip trimming and the audio waveform in 首映剪辑

基本编辑后, you can choose to add one of a dozen or so pre-loaded music tracks and give the edit a different feel.

2014年末, Adobe unveiled a mobile editing app called 首映剪辑 for iOS--a well-designed and useful app, if not a full-fledged pro editing solution like Premiere Pro. Here we look at the recently introduced Android version to see if it measures up to the iOS app and what, 如果有任何, 它引入的新功能.