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Quizuna: Producing a Hit Live Quiz Show During Quarantine

Quarantined in Tokyo, 并寻找一种方式与全国各地的其他人联系,他们都在家里避难, 日本好莱坞女演员吉松郁美和RIM娱乐公司的马特·泰勒决定做他们最擅长的事情——在他们东京公寓的卧室里,由郁美和马特制作并制作一部新节目.

在过去的2-3个月里,视频世界的远程制作出现了无数意想不到的转折, 由于保持社交距离和居家隔离,传统的现场和现场制作被取消, or rendered them logistically difficult or impossible to pull off. 三月初, 日本好莱坞女演员、曾经的国际小姐吉松郁美和她的经纪人兼合伙人, Producer/Director Matt Taylor of RIM Entertainment, 发现自己被隔离在东京的公寓里,目前的生产计划被打乱了,他们有的是时间.

决心充分利用他们的隔离时间,并与东京和全国其他像他们一样在家里避难的人联系, Ikumi和Matt决定做他们最擅长的事情——由Ikumi和Matt制作并制作一部新节目. They conceived an original live talk and quiz show called Quizuna (inspired by the Japanese word "Kizuna," which means "to bond"), 将与知名嘉宾的访谈结合起来,并以互动问答的形式反映访谈内容. And they did it all from the bedroom of their Tokyo apartment.

“我们希望人们, especially here in Japan, to have something to do" during quarantine, 泰勒解释说. "In Japan, it's a little bit different than quarantining in the U.S., where most people have a nice-sized apartment or home with a yard, and they can go out and do what they want. Here in Tokyo, a lot of people are in a one-room studio apartment. Ten feet by eight is the average living space for Japanese. 所以我们真的很想为他们做一些东西,这样他们就可以通过聊天机制与其他人和Ikumi互动. 我们被锁在房间里,试图找出如何做到这一点,然后实际执行它,已经有10周了."

而在他们的卧室里制作一个能与观众建立联系的现场智力竞赛节目似乎是一个艰巨的任务, 泰勒说,他们两人能够利用过去的经验——至少在一定程度上——让一切顺利进行. "Ikumi and I have been involved in various quiz shows in the U.S. and throughout the world,他说, “就收视率而言,我们最成功的节目是Ikumi可以在镜头前现场直播,并与评论进行实时互动. She would catch things, 就像观众中有人在医院里演奏,她会在那里向他们伸出手, 现场直播, and talk to them and wish them well and things like that. They might be having a baby, or having a birthday, and she would have the entire crew and the whole studio yell 'Happy birthday!“她真的开始与观众和球员在比赛之外进行互动, 我们意识到,这才是真正的制胜因素,它将数字带入游戏."

从一开始, they built that kind of interaction into the show, and also made an effort to engage viewers with the content of the interviews, having familiar and interesting guests comment on world topics, and then revisiting those topics in the quiz at the end. With that approach, he says, "the engagement is a hundred percent. 每一个在节目开始时就开始观看的人都想在节目结束时参加测试, typing in their answers in the comment section. That has never been done in Japan before."

One indispendable component of the live Quizuna production workflow is the Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro--a new multiview-capable, streaming-ready stablemate to the popular ATEM Mini, which shipped shortly before Quizuna 首映. But that doesn't mean the Quizuna 两人在东京的卧室里轻松地买到了一台Mini Pro,开始了他们的表演. "I called Europe, I called the U.S., I called Singapore, China, Korea. I tried to reach the OEM factory that might be manufacturing it, and we absolutely could not get our hands on one,泰勒说。. "Suddenly Ikumi found one shopping online in Japan. I kind of couldn't believe it, but immediately she pushed the 'Buy' button. We couldn't sleep for three nights while it was coming to us. 最后, the doorbell rang and we put our mask and gloves on and we went out, we opened up the box and there it was, ATEM Mini Pro, 到目前为止,我们看到的第一个也是最后一个在日本上线."

Taylor says ATEM Mini Pro proved well worth the struggle to track one down. "Ten days after getting ATEM Mini Pro,他说, "we were able to go to air with a multicamera switched show, 使用ATEM软件控制的媒体部分,结合笔记本电脑和其他HDMI连接,所有不同的元素都在流动, which we use kind of like a hyperlink. It's a great solution. 它的质量很高,而且有一种其他产品所没有的直观性. 想要进入流媒体或想要远程制作节目的人可以打开这个盒子, download the ATEM Software Control Panel, and be off and running literally within minutes."

The live interview-plus-quiz Quizuna show airs weekly on YouTube, 参与者在评论区输入他们的答案,后端的服务器记录答案,并确定哪些答案是正确的,哪些参与者首先输入了正确的答案. The show then returns the following morning for Ikumi to announce the winners. 

"For the top three winners,泰勒说。, "we send out care packages. Ikumi is a Hollywood actress, 她是第一位获得国际小姐世界冠军的日本小姐. 她有很多赞助商和很多公司给她提供产品之类的东西. 通过这些,我们可以为获胜的人提供非常好的关怀包裹. 有时我们给他们送巧克力,还有身体、面部和保健用品. 我们甚至还扔了几卷卫生纸和一些我们认为对人们有帮助的东西. 我们从这个节目中得到的爱、评论和感激之情是压倒性的,这让我们觉得一切都是值得的." 

The Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro is worth several times its $595 price tag. 它具有如此多的专业功能,在拥挤的紧凑型开关市场上很难与之竞争.
Blackmagic刚刚宣布的ATEM迷你专业切换器建立在改变游戏规则的入门级ATEM迷你与新的直播, 记录, and multiview capability, at a low $599 price point.