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其他世界计算 (OWC) Discusses Their New Atlas Media Cards, 读者, and Innergize Software

流媒体's 马克·富兰克林 与 其他世界计算 (OWC) Founder and CEO Larry O'Connor about their new Atlas Media Cards, 读者, and Innergize software in this tech talk presentation from the OWC booth at NAB 2023.

流媒体的 马克·富兰克林其他世界计算 (OWC) Founder and CEO Larry O’Connor about their new Atlas Media Cards, 读者, and Innergize 这是NAB 2023的技术演讲.

How Innergize uniquely cleans and restores flash memory performance

O’Connor discusses the ways in which Innergize ecosystem restores memory cards to their factory-fresh, 全速. 奥康纳说:“现在我们所有的卡上都有内格化功能. “Every time you run Sanitize on the card, [it] makes that card factory-fresh. 该卡是否已使用一天, 一年, (或)5, 每次使用杀菌剂, 它可以恢复卡的出厂性能. And that's something that makes a much bigger difference today as bit rates have gone up.”

Additionally, 奥康纳说 that Innergize lets users get a complete view of a card’s health. 知道你的卡牌仍然有足够的生命值, 还有很长的路要走吗, is certainly something that [gives] peace of mind when you're going into that shoot where you don't want to be at the point of risking something you may never be able to capture again.”

Groundbreaking “future proofing” field firmware upgrade management

O’Connor emphasizes that one truly groundbreaking element of Innergize is its ability to do field firmware updates. This is especially advantageous today with the rapid release of new cameras. “新相机的设置略有不同, or even potentially something that's unique to them that makes them incompatible with a previous generation card,他说. “今年将是一个很好的例子. Two new cameras came out that don't work with the cards that came out last year. 他们工作了一段时间,然后很快就失败了. 我们的客户今年早些时候购买的卡片, 在这些相机出现之前, 他们把它们插入innerize, (它)说有新的固件,你是最新的. 没有任何猜测.”

O’Connor demonstrates the full process of checking card reader health and updates with Innergize. 显示Innergize监视器显示, 奥康纳说, “我们有一个双SD阅读器, 哪一种电缆的独特之处在于它可以嵌入. 现在系统里有两张卡. It'll do as many cards as you have selected all at the same time, 或者一次检查一个. And then we can check the health to know that the card is in good shape. The next thing you can do to restore to factory settings is to sanitize. 只需快速点击一下.”

However, O’Connor notes that the sanitization process eliminates all data. “So you certainly want to make sure it's after a read…there's just a quick click, 那张卡又恢复了出厂状态, 这意味着,如果它(有)任何一点放缓, 你现在又回到全速了. This is what brings your cards back to a factory fresh, brand new condition. And then the third thing is the firmware update, which keeps you future proof. This keeps you in a situation where you don't have to worry about buying new cards [or] sending cards out for replacement. You plug them into one of our 读者, run Innergize, and you're up to date.”


“We have an SD plus CFExpress reader [and] we have a Thunderbolt slash USB CFExpress reader,奥康纳说. “All of our docks, including our travel dock, are also Innergize compatible. 这是可持续发展的一部分. 对我们来说,最大限度地利用所有技术是非常重要的. So we make sure that you can use everything you have from us, going back as far as possible. And we make sure that all the solutions that we manufacture and build for you can last and have the longest lifespan possible in the workflow that you depend on.”

富兰克林要求, “为了让你的生态系统运转起来, 你需要你的卡片, 你的读者, 还有你的软件?”

“没错,”奥康纳说. “这并不是我们所做的限制. 这是使能关系的问题. 以前没有人做过这种使能关系. You go back even a couple years ago; it really wasn't something people were thinking about because it just wasn't necessary. Today, it really is necessary, and people are seeing what happens when cards get dirty. 现在事情的变化要快得多. We're pushing the bleeding edge in terms of the technology that's allowing these bit rates in these amazing new cameras. 所以我们提出了这个, and again – I want to be very clear – not to limit and block anybody else's cards. (但是)他们的卡片本身没有这种能力. The 读者 do not have the support to execute the command that will sanitize and allow us to do what we do with our cards. It's the ecosystem that we built to enable this technology…and the firmware adaptability.”