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How to Develop In-House Video Competency, Part 2: Staffing and Investment

In this second segment of our 5-part series on best practices for developing an in-house video operation at your organization, we'll look at staffing needs and the level of 投资 you should anticipate as you build your video program.

In this second segment of our 5-part series on best practices for developing an in-house video operation at your organization, we’ll look at staffing needs and the level of 投资 you should anticipate as you build your video program.

我们通常采用的一种方法是 videoBIO 我们喜欢雇佣多学科的人吗. If you're hiring new people as you bring video competency in-house, I recommend looking for millennials that are coming out of school that can do everything. 在理想的情况下, 你需要能拍摄的摄像人员, 光, 编辑, 创建图形, 内容管理——整个部分.

When we post ads to attract new people onto our team, those are things we're looking for. The fact that new potential hires are graduating with all those skills allows us to get more skills out of one individual and lower our overall cost of hire.


As for specific skills, on your team, you want to have certainly a videographer. “电视录像制作人” is a term that was coined about 15 years ago to describe a video person that can do it all: They can capture and shoot with equal facility on the street or in a studio.

电视录像制作人s can do more than point a camera, up to and including the overall producing role. This is the kind of multitalented cameraperson you want on your team.


你还需要聘请一位具有图形专业知识的编辑, including the ability to work in Adobe After Effects and with motion graphics in general. 大多数人都会做动态图像, 但不是每个人都能在After Effects中工作, 哪个更接近动画视频呢. It's a lot more affordable to create motion graphic videos than it is animated videos.

For most projects, you’ll want to work from some kind of storyboard. And the graphics or design department of your organization has probably generated branding guidelines and templates that you can apply in the videos you’ll produce. 你需要聘请理解这一点的编辑:高层, 尾巴, 品牌, 风格指南, 调色板. Some of that requires pure illustration, and some of it can be done with just software. 你可能希望他们创建矢量艺术, or other elements like color-blocking with motion that they can turn into a video from beginning to end.


在理想的情况下, the 编辑ors you hire will also be able to content-curate. That means that they can help you build your asset library and work with a lot of the elements that you're going to be using as the content and assets of your video.


You’ll also need a team member that can serve as a production coordinator. A production coordinator is the person that the bookends of this whole process. 制作协调器处理实际的媒体文件, 转换, 还有出版, 发布, 分布, 以及你制作的视频的内部存档.
在您开始定期生成内容之后, 您会发现有很多元素需要管理, and will need someone focused exclusively on coordinating video production.

This final installment of our 5-part series on in-house video is focused on outsourcing. What functions or roles should you consider to outsource to vendors after you bring much of your video competency and production in-house?
In this 4th segment of our series on developing in-house video competency we'll look at content production and strategic issues surrounding it: How much content should could you be creating and what types?
In this segment of our 5-part series on best practices for in-house video operations, we'll focus on cloud-based technologies for multi-point content creation and 分布.
在这个由五部分组成的系列中, we'll examine all the elements you need to consider when developing an in-house video competency at your business or organization, 从第1部分的工作室设置开始, 然后是人员配置, 投资, 准备,, 内容和营销策略, and concluding with the elements of a video publishing program that you should continue to outsource.