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COVID-19 has brought some event video markets, like pro poker tournaments, to a virtual standstill, 而在电子竞技等其他领域则需要重新配置. VENN's Jeff Jacobs, Poker Central's Tyler Champley, 和OS工作室的山姆·阿斯法哈尼在流媒体西部连接的这段视频中讨论了疫情的影响.

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Read the complete transcript of this video:

Jeff Jacobs: Let's talk about remote streaming in the world of COVID. 这是每个让自己的企业维持下去的人都参与其中的一部分. 在远程生产中,有一千种不同的方法来切苹果, whether it's live streaming, whether it's live entertainment shows, whether it's broadcast production via live streaming, but most of all, regarding esports and sports content in a COVIDworld. Tyler, we'll start with you. We'll go reverse alphabetical order. 每个人都在琢磨自己的工作流程,哪种工作流程最适合自己? I've been producing since March, utilizing ... One day it's vMix. One day it's Medialooks. One day it's TriCaster with Skype. One day it's MVPCAST. Tyler, what's your workflow of preference? How have you been getting it done? How's it been working out?

Tyler Champley: It's been, it's been trying times, 由于显而易见的原因,我们通常直播的大多数比赛都被推迟了. 你不可能让这么多人在同一个房间里,或者在同一张牌桌上. So we've been working closely with the folks at the Aria, and with the Nevada gaming control board, trying to figure out happy mediums and stuff. 举个例子,我们习惯不戴面具玩八手牌.

Obviously, that doesn't work in today's times. 既然我们可以玩五手牌了,那我们就玩吧. 然后我们一直在想办法不戴面具也能做到, because that's also a Nevada gaming requirement. 事实上,上周我们找到了一个解决方案,我们雇佣了几名护士和一台快速检测设备, and for our next live show, we'll be bringing them onsite. We'll be doing some testing. We'll know within 30 minutes if everyone's good to go. 如果大家都准备好了,我们就摘下面具照原样拍摄. 我们基本上会回到九个月前的状态. So we're pretty excited about that. That's going to be a game-changer for us.

在过去的一个月里,我们戴着面具做了一些现场表演. You know, it's a mixed bag. The interesting thing about poker is, 人们喜欢看面部表情,注意身体抽搐之类的. Those are hard to see when you have a mask on. 所以我认为,一旦这些产品问世,对终端用户来说会更令人兴奋. 唯一不会恢复正常的是,我们还得遵守五手规则. But that makes for a little bit faster poker. So we'll take that as well.

Jeff Jacobs: Sam,自3月份以来,您对远程生产的看法是什么?

Sam Asfahani: I think Tyler is right. It's been trying, 但我也认为像这样的时刻是推动创新的动力, 我认为,在我们回到任何“新常态”之后,创新将会继续存在. 对我们来说,由于我们的运动和游戏背景,这有点吸引人. 其中一些工作流程已经存在于我们的系统中——你在游戏和电子竞技中所做的远程制作, 因为没有足够的预算让每个人每次都飞到中心地点. 所以很多时候,一个城市的球队和另一个城市的球队比赛.

So some of the workflows had already been established. I think others have just been pushed, 看到2020年将发布大量支持远程生产的软件和硬件,真是令人着迷. 我们有一个基于NewTek ndi的控制室,我们可以远程控制并使用它. 所以我们经常会有一到两部完整的作品, normally an EIC or a tech manager on site. The rest of it's remoted in. 我们一直在使用vMix为我们的人才带来他们的音频和视频. We love we've really been enjoying vMix. Obviously, it's got its limitations, from a limit of how many you can use per license, and how you can string them all together. But ultimately what I've found exciting, a silver lining to an otherwise very dark situation, for not just our industry, 但我们看到的是整个国家的创新.

然后你在这个问题的介绍中提到了很多去年还不存在的东西,今年已经发布了. We've been fascinated, and are continuing to push the boundaries, using a lot of the systems that you mentioned.

Jeff Jacobs: 这几乎就像是百家乐软件app最新版下载将来能够提供给客户的一种新产品. "Hey, I need this produced, give me a bid.“嗯,我可以给你60万美元的现场手术,或者我可以给你20万美元的遥控器。." We'll talk later about what's going to stick, but it is kind of exciting, and--as you say--innovative. So that's a big deal.

Sam Asfahani: Yeah, I agree. One big thing that's happened to us is, 实际上,我们正在决定是否在2020年建造第二个控制室. So we have our NewTek NDI control room. And just because of bandwidth, we were like, "Maybe it's time to build a second soundstage, a second control room.“但实际上,我们一直在寻找基于云的解决方案,这正是你的观点,杰夫. A级进入控制室,B级或较低预算点是他们基于云的解决方案,这意味着我们不必在资本方面投入大量资金. So I completely agree with you.