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Going Live with the Teradek video Go at 流媒体 West 2019

The Teradek video Go makes 流媒体 interviews from 流媒体 West 2019 easy and seamless.

Each year at 流媒体 East and West we do 15-20 interviews with key speakers and exhibitors over the two-day conference to discuss important developments and trends in the industry. For the last few years we've streamed these interviews to Facebook Live.

Usually I take the opportunity to test some new gear. Typically we're working from a fixed location but with limited space in the 流媒体 booth—which also serves as a place to distribute magazines and a gathering place for readers and attendees in the exhibit hall—so we can't necessarily accommodate a live-switched setup with a lot of moving parts, 尽管我们确实用两台相机拍摄. 

So my preferred setup over the years has involved a compact, 几次, 摄像机安装流编码器 Teradek video Pro, LiveU独奏,或 Epiphan网络广播X2. During an interview last year at 流媒体 West 2018, Teradek销售副总裁Jon Landman introduced us to the VidiU Go, beefed-up, HEVC-capable successor to the VidiU Pro. And in February of this year, Anthony Burokas did a thorough, rave review of the VidiU Go for 流媒体 Producer. So I was eager to try it out at 流媒体 West 2019.

在某种程度上, gearing up to do video at your own conference never seems to add up to a lot of uninterrupted setup time. 没有失败, 在过去的事件中, we've found ourselves scrambling to get our 流媒体 workflow going as we did the first few interviews, and we've typically settled for about an 80% success rate in delivering our streams. 

和我们不知疲倦的采访者一起工作, 流媒体特约编辑蒂姆·西格林, we produced 21 videos at 流媒体 West 2019 and streamed them all, 没有失败, 通过youtube Go, 流媒体Facebook页面. Although we've worked with good gear in the past, 是否处理带宽问题, 专属屏幕登录, 或者音频同步问题, we've never had one of these interview productions go quite this smoothly.

The VidiU Pro is easy to set up in Teradek's Core Cloud device management app, 如下图所示.

Although the VidiU Go supports bonded 流媒体 (see 安东尼·布罗卡斯的评论) we had a hardwired Ether网 connection that we used throughout this shoot to stream at 3.流媒体的Facebook页面2Mbps.

The only issue we encountered with the VidiU Go was interpreting the 7-10 second limbo period where the small LCD on the VidiU go shows "Starting...在显示直播之前. 从溪流中可以明显看出我们是这么做的, stream in fact goes live a few seconds earlier—sometime between when the "Starting..." text appears and when the VidiU Go indicates the stream is underway. This can make for some embarrassing moments of the "deer in the headlights" or "inappropriate on-air remarks" variety.

In this year's informative interview with Teradek's Jon Landman (below), he points out that Core Cloud allows users to upload a pre-roll or bumper video to play as the stream goes live and fill that interval in a manner that brings a more professional sheen to the production than one typically applies with a 几次 encoder. This feature gives producers opportunities to go out with a pre-recorded clip as well.

Anthony burrokas评论了新的Teradek Wave, 结合成键, 编码, 流媒体, 记录, and monitoring in a single compact devices that users control using Teradek's handy 流媒体 app on its 7" touchscreen.
Airmix comes in two versions: the full-featured Airmix iOS video production suite ($29.每月99美元),以及免费的Airmix Solo. This article will touch on some of the differentiating features of each version. We'll also explore how Airmix Solo works and how you can use it to elevate your live streams with minimal additional investment.
Anthony Burokas provides an in-depth look at the Teradek Vidiu X Live Streaming Encoder.