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Vimeo's Anjali Sud gives 流媒体 Producer's 肖恩林 a look at Vimeo's new review and collaboration features and integration with Adobe Premiere Pro.

Shawn: It's 肖恩林在NAB 2017百家乐软件app最新版下载大会上为您报道. 我和Anjali在Vimeo展台. We're going to be talking about some of the new updates to Vimeo, their offerings through the Vimeo pro and Vimeo business including the review page and the Adobe Premiere panel. 让我们从回顾页面开始. 有什么新鲜事?

安加里:谢谢你和我们聊天. 我们很高兴来到NAB. Vimeo's always been very focused on high-quality tools for creators and we've been launching a lot of updates to build an end to end workflow solution. 我们的视频评测工具是全新的. 它们是在一月份发射的. They allow our users to review and approve work with as many people as they want. They can share private review pages, customized for their company or their agency. 他们可以与无限的评论者分享这些内容. 他们可以在视频评论中添加帧中的任何位置. 他们可以创建待办事项清单. 他们可以解决评论. They can check out and manage those comments on the phone, on the go, or on desktop.

太棒了. We've seen over three million reviewers use the tool since January and hundreds of thousands of comments. A lot of folks have told us that it's really saved them a ton of time and allowed them to create better videos.

Shawn: I've been using that product myself for some of my clients and one of the neat features is the ability for the client to have a comment that's linked to a time code because I was so sick of hearing, 这时,他们描述了视频, 这样做." It's nice they just hit pause, put the comment in, and away we go. 现在我可以编辑,我知道他们指的是什么.

安加利:没错. One of the biggest pain points has been sending emails back and forth where you have to type in the time code. The other issue is that there are some services out there that offer this technology but it's really expensive. What was great about this feature is that you don't have to type in the timecode. 你只需要在框架中选择第二帧. 时间代码会自动填充. 这些都包含在您的Vimeo专业会员中. You're not having to spend extra money just to have seamless reviews.

尚伟:Anjali, 你还有一个Premiere Pro插件, 有一个面板,它可以帮助加快上传过程, 它给你更多的控制. 你能告诉我们些什么吗?

Anjali: Adobe Premiere Pro is obviously a really popular editing software. A lot of our creators often use it before they're 上传ing their videos to Vimeo. One of the big pain points we heard is that they're having to export their video from Adobe Premiere Pro and then download it, 上传回视频. 他们必须在Adobe和Vimeo之间来回切换. 我们想让创造者的生活更轻松. 有了这个面板, 你有能力管理, 上传, 设置自定义预设, 隐私选项, 生成审查页面全部在Adobe Premiere Pro. 你不需要在Vimeo和Adobe之间切换, 再一次。, 这样可以节省很多时间,而且很简单.

尚伟:你还对视频管理器进行了一些更新. 你能告诉我们什么?

Anjali:当然. We completely redid our interface for managing your videos and asset management on Vimeo. 现在, 当你在Vimeo上打开你的视频时, 你可以很容易地看到你所有的视频列表视图. 你可以很容易地对这些视频进行分类. 你可以在一个地方管理你的隐私设置. And we've launched a new staff snapshot so that you can easily, 你的任何视频, 访问一个给你前五个最重要的统计数据的页面. 你可以看到参与图表和你的视频下降. 它真的只是设计出来的, 再一次。, to make it much easier for our creative professionals to really organize and to work with in Vimeo.

尚伟:优秀. 非常感谢你,Anjali. Vimeo seems to be reducing a lot of the pain points and we all know it's a great online distribution platform for the content that we create. 肖恩林在NAB 2017百家乐软件app最新版下载大会上为您报道. 谢谢你!.

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