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Canon's EOS C700 Super35 MM Balances Cinema With Broadcast Features

专为a级相机设计, Canon's new cinema-camera flagship EOS C700 aims to cross over into the broadcast and live production worlds.

Stjepan Alaupovic and Canon Pro Market Rep Alex Sax discuss the Canon EOS C700, 佳能的新旗舰电影相机, its crossover potential with the broadcast and live production world, and its ability to match up with more mid-range Canon models like the C300 on multi-camera shoots.

Stjepan: 我和佳能的亚历克斯在一起. We're in the Canon booth, and we're talking about the C700. 给我讲讲吧.

亚历克斯: It's our flagship cinema product; it's the top of the line, 就电影而言, 你能从佳能得到什么. You can see we've actually gone to a more 模块化设计. 这是一种在片场更容易使用的东西, a lot easier to navigate the menu with our new OU and control panel on the side. The really incredible thing, too, is that we've introduced an electronic viewfinder. It's a 1920x1080 OLED viewfinder that uses Canon's proprietary cable. 它的神奇之处在于它有动力, 相机控制, 你不需要使用SDI或HDMI输入. What's even more amazing is, this works with our C300 Mark II. It's not just something that works only for this camera.

This is the type of camera that you want to have on-set if you have assistants or someone who is going to have a large A camera-style shoot. 但我们也知道我们有单摄像机操作员, 这更像是广播, ENG风格的相机,你可以把你的肩膀, 你可以很容易地操作. You can see, even with our brand new 70-200 Servo lens on here, we've got the grip and everything. 你可以很容易地把它放在肩膀上. Very, very simple to throw it in a case and just kind of go. Something that, with our smaller, C300 cameras, you have to build them out to really make them work. 这个可以直接从盒子里拿出来了.

Stjepan: Earlier you were talking about trying to find the middle balance between broadcast and cinema. 这似乎非常适合那个世界.

亚历克斯: We really hope this camera will not only be a cinema product but also cross over into the broadcast world. The C700 and a lot of our other products can be fully integrated into a live production workshop. But then you could take it into the field and do a documentary or a commercial, 或者用它创作一个作品, 也. It’s a really strong tool that doesn't just work for one market.

Stjepan: How does this match up to some of those lower-level cameras, as far as using something like the C300 for your B cameras or C cameras?

亚历克斯: The ecosystem that Canon has created is designed to have the C300 Mark II, 甚至C100在同一个系统中工作. Everything can be used in different tools in different ways. 就像ALEXA和ALEXA Mini一样. 我们有一个大摄像机, and then we have the small one that can be rigged on a gimbal or can be used for low-angle shots, 或者是你能挤进狭窄地方的东西. We absolutely think of it as a whole ecosystem that should be worked together.

Stjepan: Is there anything else unique that you'd like to add about the camera?

亚历克斯: 它的速度是4Kp60. 我们正在对CFast卡槽进行验证. 我们在设计时就考虑到了a级相机. A lot of the pain points that come up in some other products, we've engineered into this to give you the best and most seamless shooting experience.

Stjepan: 人们可以去哪里了解更多?

亚历克斯: 你可以去 美国.佳能.com 或者你可以关注我们的任何一个账户. The one that you'd want for this one is 佳能美国pro@佳能美国pro.

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具有全新的, 可定制的, 模块化设计, the EOS C700 meets the demands of today's productions - from feature films to documentaries to episodic dramas