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Camera Upgrades for Remote Streaming Production

As Zoom and other videoconferencing applications dominate our professional interactions, and remote productions and presentations remain a necessary alternative in-person conferences and other events, webcam video is often the weakest link in our remote connections. 安东尼Burokas recommends alternative camera sources--smartphones, 数码单反相机, and better webcams--and explains how to make them work.

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Read the complete transcript of this clip:

安东尼Burokas: Let's talk remote cameras, because when your guest is remote, the camera is remote too. So, 很明显, 用于远程摄像机, we have the built-in webcams in laptops and some desktop computers and all-in-ones. 一般来说,这些都不是很好. 我们都知道他们看起来有多糟糕. The resolution is 720p, if that, and the camera itself is not great. It's easily washed out if you've got lighting behind you, or if there's a window to the side. If somebody puts all the windows behind them, you really have no hope unless you want to have a shadow as a guest.

The selfie cameras on a cellphone or a tablet are a distinct step up. If you're looking at someone's laptop webcam, 看起来很糟糕, 上面还有指纹, 询问您的远程客人, “你有iPad或平板电脑吗? Let's try to connect with that and see how it looks." And I can literally place it on the screen of their laptop and act as the laptop, 但是摄像头会更好, and they can plug in earbuds right into the tablet and be good to go with both microphone.

External USB webcams offer another distinct step up over nearly every computer's internal webcam. If your guest has an external webcam anywhere in the house, 或者在办公室的任何地方, have them use it if you want them to have a better image quality and sound.

我偏爱罗技. I have three of them, and I've purchased them with my own money. 我用它们. 还有其他的. 我不是每个摄像头的专家. 我已经测试了一些, and I know that if you're going to spend $15 on Amazon for a 4K webcam, 不会有那么好. If Logitech is charging $200 for the Brio, there's a reason why a good webcam costs more money. So when I say get a good webcam, I mean, at least $50 to $100. A hundred dollars can get you a really good webcam that will deliver a superior picture. You could even change the focus on it, things like that.

现在的挑战是, if you want to use an external webcam and they don't have it, 挑战在于如何将其传达给客户. 目前很难找到他们的消息来源, 但如果你能找到他们, 买一对, and then use a bubble mailer and send it out to your client and include a return receipt in there. 当它们完成后, 他们把它塞回袋子里, 在上面贴一个新标签, 然后这样寄还给你. 你不会很长时间没有它. 如果你想给客户留下好印象, order one online and drop ship it directly to the client, so you're not paying for any additional shipping. 然后他们得到了网络摄像头. And then they'll say, "Well, what do I do with it?" Tell them "Keep it, I loved working with you. 期待与您再次合作."

如果你付50- 75美元, but you've really impressed this person with your skills and your expertise, when they have another event coming up and they need somebody to make them look good, 他们会想起你的.

从网络摄像头升级到数码单反相机. There are a lot of 数码单反相机 out there, and not a lot of them are being used right now. So there's a lot of solutions that almost every single camera manufacturer has put together. Canon has this EOS Webcam utility that lets you connect your DSLR directly to the computer itself. And it will appear as a webcam to your software of choice. Panasonic, Fuji, and Sony have similar utilities. 如果你的客户说, “我有几台索尼相机,你可以说, 下载这个软件, 把相机放在三脚架上, and put it right the over top of your monitor." That's what I'm doing right now, with an old Panasonic GH4. I'm getting full HD off of it, into my mixer. And this is what gives me the depth of field, the evenness of tone, and the clarity over a webcam.