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Blackmagic makes NAB 2012 headlines announcing the Blackmagic Cinema Camera, 哪个分辨率是2.5K in a revolutionary design that will cost an astonishing $2,995.

By cunningly waiting to release its news at the show rather than pre-releasing ahead of time, Blackmagic设计 caused quite a stir when it announced the Blackmagic Cinema Camera 哪个分辨率是2.5K in a revolutionary design that will cost an astonishing $2,995.

It would have caused a stir anyway since the product comes a bit out of left field from a company which has built its business on video capture cards.

CEO Grant Petty says the camera "was born from the problems we encountered with cameras. 很多摄像头的屏幕都是隐藏的. RAW recording isn't available; it seems like every new camera that comes out is a custom format. Most video cameras clip the range—it's frustrating for us," he says. "The lenses are built in, and we feel that interchangeable lenses are important.

Petty emphasizes three key features of the camera is the company's primary goals in its development: "higher-than-HD resolution, 宽动态范围, 色彩校正. 这就是我们想要看到的."

该模型, 哪一款今年夏天上市, has taken a year to put together and appears inspired by the stylish must-have ergonomics of Apple products.

它具有13档动态范围,高分辨率2.5K 4/3”传感器(由未具名的开发人员制造), and an LCD backpanel for metadata entry—"just like a smartphone,佩蒂说。. “元数据输入很重要. 您可以直接进入NLE,而不需要搜索文件, your material is all t在这里 and searchable immediately—that's huge.

他继续说道:“人们以不同的方式与相机联系在一起. "Some are very creative; some like a solid studio look; and some want a rugged news style. T在这里 are three personalities in the way people relate to cameras and we feel we've covered these three different ways. We think it has a creative modern design and is very comfortable to use."

Blackmagic董事EMEA(欧洲), 中东, 斯图尔特·阿什顿说, "We've spent years plugging cameras in with our Decklink capture card series; we understand the outputs. Since acquiring DaVinci, we also feel we know what are good images and what are poor ones. 人们喜欢浅景深, 24p look, and the optics of DSLRs—but they dislike the heavy compression and that the video is clipped. Those cameras are designed for stills, not for grading or matching in postproduction."

The camera is bundled with a full version of the DaVinci Resolve color correction software which can be used to maximize value from the claimed 13 f-stops, 还包括波形监测包UltraScope.

也许最令人吃惊的是录音媒体. This is a built-in SSD recorder that can capture open standard CinemaDNG RAW, ProRes, 和DNxHD文件到固态卡. The files can be stored uncompressed because the SSD has the bandwidth to store video data at the necessary high rates.


这些存储卡的容量为512GB,相当于2小时的续航时间.5K材料或5小时在ProRes HD或DNxHD, which can be taken straight off via Thunderbolt straight to a laptop.

"T在这里 are no cameras with SSD and none with Thunderbolt connectivity," says Ashton. "The touchscreen interface and the design element are about revolutionizing the process."


The camera is compatible with the range of Canon EF and Zeiss ZF mount lenses, but not PL mount for primes; nor is t在这里 an autofocus function.

"T在这里 are so many focus issues over the duration of a shot that t在这里 is not a one-size-fits-all option,Blackmagic的索伦·菲利普斯说. “我们正在研究这个问题, 从技术上讲, we can make it work but it's a matter of finding the smartest solution for all kinds of focusing situations. We looked at PL mount but wanted to make the camera as accessible to as wide an audience as we can—to make it as egalitarian as possible. We had to make the camera as aspirational to as many people as possible in order to sell a lot of them."

样本片段 可以看到约翰·鲍利用相机拍摄的照片 在这里.

T在这里's been a lot written about the forthcoming Blackmagic设计 Pocket Cinema Camera--mostly by those in forums who haven't handled it. 截至今年5月,该公司在美国只有三款车型.S. 我亲手弄了一个,想看看它是怎么用的.