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withbe提高视频测试和监控技术与自动化测试捆绑在 2024

At ANGA COM 2024, Witbe将重点介绍其强大的自动化测试和主动监控技术. 该公司将向有线和宽带视频服务提供商展示其硬件和软件解决方案的优势

---(07 May 2024)

ANGA COM 2024 Exhibitor Preview
May 14-16
Cologne, Germany
Hall 7, Stand C45

At ANGA COM 2024, Witbe将重点介绍其强大的自动化测试和主动监控技术. 该公司将向有线和宽带视频服务提供商展示其硬件和软件解决方案的优势,以衡量其客户的真正体验质量(QoE)。. A key highlight will be Witbe’s new Automated Testing Bundles, 个性化来自公司与服务提供商合作的丰富经验,帮助团队轻松自动化视频服务测试.

“我很高兴今年能把我们最新的技术带到ANGA COM,” said Yoann Hinard, chief operations officer at Witbe. “全球的视频服务提供商已经开始依赖Witbe软件套件来监控和测试他们的有线电视和流媒体服务. 我们新的自动化测试包使团队能够快速地将自动化部署到他们的测试策略中,以交付高质量的流.”

Automated Testing Bundles
Witbe的技术在真实设备和网络上测试和监控视频服务, 允许服务提供商测量他们的观众在家里和在旅途中收到的确切的QoE. At ANGA COM 2024, Witbe will spotlight its new Automated Testing Bundles, 哪些是预先打包好的,提供商都需要在视频测试中实现自动化. The bundles are standardized to deploy in record time.

Witbe’s Automated Testing Bundles include a Witbox, 该公司的硬件允许视频服务提供商直接测试他们拥有的任何真实设备, along with a Witbe Hub Cloud to work remotely, and a set number of test scenarios that can be quickly deployed. There are three different tiers of bundles available, 允许团队选择他们想要立即开始运行的测试场景的数量. With these new Automated Testing Bundles, Witbe’s award-winning technology is easier to deploy than ever before.

Photo Link:
Photo Caption: 有了新的自动化测试包,预置的测试场景可以立即部署.

Other Witbe Highlights at ANGA COM 2024 Will Include:

ABR Stream Analysis Technology
Witbe的新ABR流分析技术增强了该公司屡获殊荣的Witbox+的强大监控功能, 为服务提供商提供额外的数据,了解用户体验如何受到自适应比特率(ABR)流的影响. 该技术既可以作为Witbox+的附加软件,也可以作为WitboxABR的单独专用设备. The WitboxABR allows teams to perform their network tests at scale, along with monitoring for CDN errors and SCTE-35 ad cues.

Photo Link:
Photo Caption: Witbe的ABR流分析技术监测视频流网络端的错误.

Ad Monitoring and Matching Technology
Witbe的广告监控和匹配技术可以帮助供应商识别由动态广告插入引起的流媒体错误. 该技术为流媒体广告提供最重要的关键绩效指标(kpi)的准确报告, including common ad errors like black screens, audio cuts, crashed streams, and issues when returning to the main content. Available now, withbe的广告匹配功能还可以验证特定广告在整个流媒体中播放的时间以及它的表现.

Photo Link:
Photo Caption: Witbe的广告监控和匹配技术可以识别由动态广告插入引起的流媒体错误.

The Complete Witbox Lineup
Witbe的Witbox系列设备将公司可靠的自动化测试和监控技术集成到一个紧凑的设备中, accessible package that is simple to set up. At ANGA COM 2024, Witbe will have its entire Witbox lineup on display: WitboxOne, the company’s flagship device; Witbox+, the most powerful testing device on the market; WitboxNet, built specifically for web testing and now available with an upgraded 10Gb interface; and WitboxABR, offering ABR stream monitoring technology at scale. 现场演示将重点介绍每个Witbox的具体功能.

Photo Link:
Photo Caption: Witbe强大的Witbox设备可以在任何真实设备上测试和监控视频服务.

Must-See Conference Sessions
Yoann Hinard, COO at Witbe, 将在ANGA COM 2024的两个单独的演讲中谈到人工智能在广播媒体中的作用. Attendees can catch him at the “Streaming and OTT” panel on Tuesday, May 14 at 11:30am in Room 2 at Conference Center North. 当天晚些时候,韩纳德将参加下午3:45举行的“媒体中的人工智能”(AI in Media)演讲.m. at the Innovation Stage in Hall 7.

有兴趣在 2024与Witbe会面的媒体成员请联系:
Moe Lokat
202 Communications
Tel: +44 (0) 7973 306039

Company Overview:

Witbe (Euronext Growth - FR0013143872 - ALWIT)为全球视频服务提供测试自动化和主动监控技术. Headquartered in Paris with locations across the globe, 该公司为视频流媒体提供商制作屡获殊荣的硬件和软件应用程序,用于测试客户获得的体验质量. Witbe是市场上唯一一家能够测试任何设备(包括pc)上运行的任何视频服务的公司, smartphones, STBs, and smart TVs) over any network (including fiber, 5G, and OTT).

Thanks to its revolutionary Witbox and powerful Witbe Software Suite, 该公司最近推出了针对动态插入流媒体广告的广告监控和匹配技术. Witbe is proud to have customers — including Comcast, Cox, Verizon, Peacock, and Orange— in more than 50 countries. More information and further updates are available at

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