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Virtual Reality Rocks: Consumers Who Know VR Are Excited 关于 Its Future, says CTA Report

New consumer sentiment study also provides guidance for manufacturers and retailers


Consumers familiar with Virtual Reality (VR) are excited about experiencing the 科技nology today and using it more fully in the future, according to new research from the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) and National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE). 这项研究中, Consumer Sentiments: Virtual Reality In-Store Demonstration - VR Headset and Content, also finds consumers unfamiliar with VR need time and more 信息 to better understand how the 科技nology can positively impact their lives.

   "Augmented and virtual reality are already changing our lives for the better - from delivering a remarkable, awe-inspiring entertainment experience to helping patients recover from physical and psychological trauma, 太,布莱恩·马克沃尔特说, 高级副总裁, 研究与标准, CTA. "And our study shows that consumers who try VR 'get it' - the VR products now on store shelves deliver a powerful experience, 前方的路会让我们更加惊奇."

   Among the other key findings from the CTA report on consumer sentiment:

  • 当描述VR时, consumers focus on describing the experience rather than 科技nical aspects, comparing it to movies and videogames or being 内部 an alternative reality;
  • The current retail experience does not help consumers spontaneously discover VR, 因为显示器很小, easy-to-miss and fail to showcase the "wow factor" of the VR experience;
  • 大多数消费者更喜欢在家中使用VR, though some are open to experiencing VR in a movie theater or theme park where the experience could be shared with friends and family;
  • VR headsets are comfortable and create an impressive depth perception, adding to the immersive experience - though some consumers would prefer a wireless headset;
  • Popular suggestions for VR content include lifestyle activities: Travel, concerts and exercise
    The report makes three key recommendations to manufacturers: Improve the quality and variety of VR content; include a product manual and/or directions to address consumers' most common concerns; and address consumers' high expectations for VR to become sleeker, 更便宜的, 更容易使用, 更社会化,更容易接近. 另外, the report shows retailers would benefit by making VR products easier for new audiences to find and access, ensuring staff are very knowledgeable about the products and anticipate customers' questions, and incorporating the "wow factor" of the VR experience within related communications.
   "Just as the entire VR product ecosystem is constantly innovating, manufacturers and retailers need to ensure they're regularly improving consumers' understanding and experiences with the 科技nology,马克·特纳说, 副总统, 企业合作伙伴 & Strategy, Technicolor; and chairman of CTA's AR/VR Working Group. "The report illustrates the importance of familiarizing our potential customers with the wonders of VR - not just putting them in front of the story, 但实际上是为了吸引消费者 内部 the experience across the entire spectrum of entertainment, advertising and gaming."

   CTA的半年度行业报告 U.S. 消费者技术销售和预测 says VR headsets will be among the 科技 sector's overwhelming leaders in year-over-year growth in 2017, 突出你.S. 销量将达到2.5 million units (a 79 percent increase over 2016) and $660 million in revenues (43 percent increase).

   CTA的AR/VR工作组最近完成了一套 产业的定义 to better explain the spectrum of experiences in this consumer 科技nology category.

    The study's findings were obtained through three focus groups, 是在大洛杉矶召开的吗, 11月CA, 2016. The complete study is available for free for CTA member companies at 成员.CTA.科技. 非会员可在 CTA商店.

   Consumer Technology Association (CTA) is the trade association representing the $292 billion U.S. consumer 科技nology industry, which supports more than 15 million U.S. 工作. 2人以上,200 companies - 80 percent are small businesses and startups; others are among the world's best known brands - enjoy the benefits of CTA 成员hip including policy advocacy, 市场研究, 技术教育, 行业推广, standards development and the fostering of business and strategic relationships. CTA还拥有和生产CES - the world's gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer 科技nologies. 消费电子展的利润被再投资到CTA的行业服务中.