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ViewCast的Niagara 2120流媒体设备与Go-Live的新型超便携式广播系统一起背包旅行

多亏了ViewCast Niagara 2120编码器,“All in one”Go-Live广播套件能够以最低的技术要求和成本广播和制作现场活动

Plano, TX(21 Dec 2010)

ViewCast Corporation (OTCBB: VCST), 行业领先的转换解决方案的开发人员, management and delivery of digital media over enterprise, broadband, and mobile networks, 今天宣布,总部位于以色列的Go-Live选择了ViewCast的Niagara®2120流媒体设备作为其Go-Live广播套件®, a portable, 通过完全移动和无线工作流程在互联网上传输高质量直播视频的轻型广播设备.

一个真正的端到端解决方案,Go-Live工具包允许实时,专业质量的Flash®H.264 streaming over 3G networks via cellular modem, and is alternatively available with Windows Media 9 support. Offering "push button" simplicity for live, 现场广播和简单的基于ip的登录控制, the Go-Live Kit is both easy to use and maintain. 最重要的是,它可以方便地放在自己的背包里,重量不到14磅., so that it can be easily carried by a single cameraman. Kit实际上消除了对昂贵的卫星和移动工作室的依赖, enabling news agencies, 电视台和其他生产设施,利用可用的移动基础设施,从全球任何地点制作现场新闻事件.  

“当我们考虑为便携式广播套件提供动力的核心流媒体设备时, 我们决定购买而不是自己开发核心编码器. This saved us significant amounts of time and money, 让我们能够专注于产品的关键外围设备," said Eitan Ortal, CEO and CTO of Go-Live.

“选择Niagara 2120主要是因为它的便携性, small form factor and price, 但就好像Niagara 2120是专门为我们建造的," continued Ortal. "It had everything we needed: accessibility, high-quality video encoding, rigid structure, and intuitive operation. 我们很自豪地说,我们的工具包现在是我们提供的最可靠的平台. It streams in even the most demanding environments, 由于核心Niagara 2120编码器,它提供了壮观的图像质量和较长的电池寿命."   

“Go-Live的新颖背包式广播系统体现了ViewCast努力培养的创新和敏捷性, portable Niagara encoders," said ViewCast President and CEO Dave Stoner. “通过使广播公司能够在不影响性能或视频分辨率的情况下捕捉和直播现场活动, ViewCast和Go-Live正在帮助推动流媒体应用程序的发展."

About Niagara 2120
Niagara 2120流媒体设备是理想的低成本设备, 易于使用的解决方案,以帮助广播公司扩大其受众在数字媒体市场. 建立在ViewCast鱼鹰®技术的传奇品质, it offers uncompromised quality and simplicity of operation. And at just the size of a half rack (1 RU x 7.5英寸)Niagara 2120是紧凑的,便携式的,很容易适应任何现场生产环境.

即使是非技术人员也可以使用Niagara 2120进行高质量的视频直播. 其内置的Web界面简化了系统设置和操作, 允许从网络上的任何地方进行完整的系统控制. 只需从直观的Web界面设置流参数,以多种分辨率和比特率开始流,只需按一下前面板的“流”按钮.

ViewCast SimulStream®技术是Niagara 2120的标准配置, which means that Adobe® Flash® H.264 video can be streamed in multiple, simultaneous resolutions and bit rates to computers, cell phones and mobile devices anywhere around the world.

About Go-Live
Established in 2008, Go-Live是一家以色列的网络直播服务公司,为新闻机构和其他需要直播设施的客户提供广泛的专业解决方案. This includes broadcast production of live events, such as concerts, sporting and artistic events, professional, political and cultural conferences, business events, and private events, from Israel to all corners of the globe. Go-Live是由专业和经验丰富的团队提供最高质量的广播. Service is both personal and individual, 与广播“包”定制,以满足每个客户的需求和预算.

About ViewCast
ViewCast为转型开发行业领先的硬件和软件, 通过宽带管理和交付专业质量的视频, enterprise and mobile networks. ViewCast屡获殊荣的解决方案简化了基于web的新闻流所需的复杂工作流程, sports, music, and other video content to computers and mobile devices, empowering broadcasters, businesses, 政府可以轻松有效地接触和扩大他们的受众. With more than 350,000 video capture cards deployed globally, ViewCast sets the standard in the streaming media industry. ViewCast Niagara® streaming appliances, Osprey®视频采集卡和VMp视频管理系统提供了高度可靠的技术,以提供推动当今数字媒体市场的多平台体验.