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Triveni Digital 2013 NAB Show预览


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在2013年NAB展上, Triveni Digital will showcase the latest advancements in DTV monitoring and program guide metadata management. Attendees to the Triveni Digital booth will learn how to effectively monitor and analyze DTV transport streams as well as comply with worldwide audio loudness standards and legislation using the StreamScope real-time DTV transport stream monitors and analyzers with advanced audio loudness monitoring capabilities.


Triveni Digital的CSO, 丰富Chernock, will deliver two technical presentations during the Broadcast Engineering Conference. 第一节题为“atsc2”.0: 是什么 It and How Will it Benefit the Broadcaster?定于4月7日下午3:30-4:30举行.m. During the presentation, Chernock will examine the inner workings of the ATSC 2.0标准, explaining its massive benefits for broadcasters as well as providing insight on how it relates to similar hybrid TV activities around the world.

第二次演示, "IEEE BTS Tutorial: IP in the Broadcast Plant,将于4月8日举行, 从2点到5点.m. Intended to address the fact that IP connections are increasingly being used in broadcast plants (television and radio) -- both for control and for transport of content -- this tutorial session offers a practical view of what is involved in using IP in the plant and many of the considerations necessary for its use.


StreamScope DTV Monitoring Systems for Video and Audio Quality Assurance
在2013年NAB展上, Triveni Digital will demonstrate the StreamScope MT-40 and RM-40 DTV transport stream analysis and monitoring solutions, featuring advanced audio loudness monitoring capabilities.

Triveni Digital's StreamScope MT-40 provides end-to-end MPEG-2/MPEG-4 transport stream analysis and monitoring for DTV services carried by broadcast, 电缆, 卫星, IPTV, 或者移动网络. 利用强大的MPEG分析器, users can monitor multiple ATSC M/H transport streams and ensure transport streams meet current industry standards. 通过用户友好的界面, the system displays mobile frame timing and structure, 游行和集合用法, SSC跨表分析, 和更多的.

The StreamScope RM-40 helps operators maintain a high video QoS by providing comprehensive, 可配置的, and cost-effective DTV transport stream monitoring for broadcast, 电缆, 电信, 卫星, 以及本地和远程站点的IPTV网络. 一个基于网络的, color-coded user interface displays drill-down dashboards, 视频和音频缩略图, 动态图表和图形, 以及详细的当前和历史报告. 在识别错误之后, the system sends meaningful alarms to station engineers via text message or email so that they can rapidly troubleshoot errors as well as analyze and resolve chronic or network-wide issues.

Both StreamScope units feature advanced loudness monitoring functionalities that allow users to monitor and analyze audio loudness according to the most recent ITU-R Recommendation BS.1770-3. This dramatically simplifies broadcasters' ability to log and export accurate dialnorm and LKFS/LUFS loudness measurements of broadcasts continuously and in real time in order to comply with loudness monitoring legislation, 比如美国.S. Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act. Engineers can easily perform 24-hour spot checks of the audio stream to determine whether audio discrepancies occurred during short- or long-form programming and resolve future audio loudness issues.


Triveni Digital develops systems that enable television service providers and broadcasters to deploy enhanced programs and services to their viewers. Triveni Digital's products for program guide and metadata management, 数据广播, and video quality assurance are renowned for their ease of use and innovative features. 与领先的行业合作伙伴合作, Triveni Digital employs an open and standards-compliant approach to the digital television market. 更多信息请访问

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