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屡获殊荣的Mac屏幕录制软件向前飞跃了一大步, adding major new production, compliance, 和省时的功能,为创建专业的视频

Nevada City, Calif.(25 Oct 2012)

Telestream®, 领先的数字媒体工具和工作流程解决方案提供商, 今天宣布了其屡获殊荣的ScreenFlow的主要版本® screen recording and video editing software. ScreenFlow 4 optimizes full-screen recording for Apple Retina displays, adds chroma key support, nested clips, media library tools, additional video and audio effects, closed caption support, and more. ScreenFlow已经被Macworld和其他机构认可为“令人惊叹的应用程序”,它可以帮助用户通过记录屏幕活动和旁白来创建基于计算机的教程视频,并与他人在线分享.

“ScreenFlow被业界公认为Mac的首要屏幕录制和编辑应用程序,” said Barbara DeHart, vice president of marketing at Telestream. “在ScreenFlow 4中,我们努力利用Mac平台上的最新进展,支持Retina显示器和64位技术. 我们正在帮助用户轻松地满足封闭字幕支持的监管要求, 我们允许他们用新的色度键功能创造更引人注目的内容. Users can now do it all with ScreenFlow 4.”

Powerful organizational tools

ScreenFlow 4增加了重要的新功能,以帮助用户保持复杂的项目组织. 嵌套剪辑允许用户将多个元素合并为时间轴上的单个剪辑, 使访问和编辑内容以及应用过滤器和视频操作更容易. 新的媒体库组织工具使用户更容易找到和组织库中的所有剪辑, search for a specific clip, arrange clips by name, duration or type, and more.

"ScreenFlow 4 is a serious power upgrade in terms of speed, stability and features,” said Marty Smith at “My favorite feature is nested clips, which not only allows me to streamline my projects, but adds a completely new dimension for special effects; limited only by my creativity. ScreenFlow remains the most used app on my Macs, and the upgrade to version 4 is absolutely a no-brainer."

More razzle-dazzle production features

With ScreenFlow 4, Telestream增加了更专业的制作工具,使用户能够为任何视频添加亮点. 内置色度键允许用户用自定义视频或静止图像背景替换绿色(或任何颜色)背景, adding a professional look to video productions. 新的核心图像视频效果过滤器包括先进的颜色调整, distortion effects, blurring, alpha mask, color effects and more. New Core Image audio effects filters include EQ, multiband compression, peak limiting, delay and more. 手写标注支持所有媒体和ProRes Alpha通道导出支持现在可用. 此外,全彩色同步渲染提供了更高的预览和导出视频保真度.

“ScreenFlow 4的全屏Retina录制质量确实令人印象深刻," said Don McAllister at "As someone who makes screencasts for a living, I need ultra-high quality, full-screen recording that doesn't eat up all my disk space. ScreenFlow 4采用64位技术,比以往任何时候都更快,质量更高. With the amazing quality, and streamlined editing, 升级到ScreenFlow 4让我的工作流程快了很多."

Tools to reach new audiences

在ScreenFlow 4中添加了封闭字幕和新的导出选项,这使得定位和接触新受众变得容易. Users can now add, 编辑和发布ADA(美国残疾人法案)兼容的软字幕作为MPEG-4电影和YouTube视频的标题轨道. Captions can also be created in multiple languages. MPEG-4 export using the x264 video codec allows for the distribution of exceptionally high-quality video to a greater number of viewing devices.

Features to save time and streamline workflows

一些新的快捷方式-包括JKL按键倒带, Stop, Playback, 以及在一次点击中开始和结束过渡的能力-使ScreenFlow 4更加直观和精简. 动态更新特性提供了自动重新加载在另一个应用程序中修改过的媒体的能力, saving time and disk space. 新的录制计时器允许用户设置录制停止的时间, 这样他们就可以设置一段录音,然后再回到录音中.

公司首席执行官兼联合创始人Veit Irtenkauf表示:“ScreenFlow 4节省了大量时间 Digital Dazzle, LLC. “媒体动态更新功能为我们节省了大量时间.  有了这个新功能,我们可以在最后一刻用一次点击来更改图像. Previously, we had to change the media outside of ScreenFlow, re-render it, 导入新图像,重新制作时间轴上的所有动画. Given the elaborate editing we do, 这个功能对我们来说在每个项目中都值几百美元."

ScreenFlow 4屏幕录制和视频编辑软件向新客户开放,价格为99美元. 以前在电视上购买过ScreenFlow的客户.net can purchase an upgrade for $29. 更多信息,免费试用和在线购买可在 ScreenFlow也可以通过Telestream经销商和附属公司的网络购买, as well as the Mac App Store.