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重新控制质量和成本与漩涡生活, the ultimate live cloud transcoder

射流, 直播的发明者, 发行漩涡生活, 一个超高质量的直播转码器广播级, 自适应比特率流.


拉斯维加斯,2023年4月18日 射流,直播的发明者,今天发布 漩涡生活这是一个新的流媒体转码云服务. It is an integrated service that automatically creates multiple qualities of your original live stream, to offer end users the highest quality of video experience possible.

漩涡生活已经被许多人测试和使用 射流云 过去两年内的客户, 包括领先的广播公司, 出版商, 以及包括欧洲歌唱大赛在内的现场活动.

“大漩涡让我们的生活更轻松. 我们发送高质量的原始流到急流云, 和 it automatically generates high-quality adaptive multi bit rate streams. We simply start 和 stop our encoders; the Maelstrom transcoding service automatically kicks in.”


The audiovisual signal from a studio or an event is encoded to a source stream. A transcoder takes this source stream 和 transcodes it into multiple qualities, 例如,从移动到4K质量. 这被称为比特率阶梯. 通过不断优化所选的播放质量, 视频播放器为观众提供最佳的观看体验, 以尽可能高的图像质量, 没有缓冲. Generating multiple qualities of a stream using a live transcoder is therefore a key component in a professional live-streaming workflow.


漩涡生活 is a cloud-based live transcoder that brings a list of benefits over regular transcoders:

  • 基于云和可扩展的转码.
  • 最容易使用的界面.
  • 广播级画质高达4K.
  • 每个标题的质量和成本控制.
  • 场景优化的高质量和带宽效率.
  • 价格具有竞争力(每分钟产出€0,005).
  • 广播级,从1帧延迟开始.
  • 广播级弹性(99).999%正常运行时间).
  • 绿色解决方案,节省89%的能源消耗.
  • 集成了喷流云服务套件.

简单:云编码 & 云转码

射流云 lets you stream live in adaptive bit rates even without the need for an on-premises encoder. 只需将您的工作室源插件到笔记本电脑中, 登录你的账户, 并直接从浏览器启动OnAir直播, 自适应流高达4K.


漩涡生活 is fully integrated into 射流云 workflows. When you create a new live stream, you can now select a live transcoding profile. For existing publishing points you can now add a transcoding profile. Connect your encoder 和 the stream is automatically transcoded into the bit rates in the profile 和 made automatically available as a new streaming publishing point.


每个个人直播, you can select a transcoding profile that includes an optimized set of bit rates for the transcoding ladder. 启动编码器,您就完成了.


Create custom transcoding profiles, 和 select the bit rates that you prefer. 每个流, 您可以完全控制比特率的数量, 的品质, 以及转码的相关成本, 存储, 和交通.

Professional streaming organizations need higher quality encoding 和 more control over costs 和 qualities per stream. 管理这些是件痛苦的事. 最后, there is a service that lets you fully manage costs 和 qualities per title, 高达4K, 低延迟, 这是我们见过的最简单的界面. 看到客户采用这项服务真是太好了。” 射流首席执行官斯蒂芬·范德齐尔说.

专家: 透传

每个流 you can decide to bypass the Maelstrom transcoding service, 为你的观众提供原创的流媒体, 在其原始的原始品质, 高达8K自适应. So you are free to use your own on-premises or third-party encoding 和 transcoding services or mix your transcoders with 射流 MaelStrom on a per-use case basis.


Both the passthrough single-bit rate stream 和 a multi-bit rate transcoded stream are made separately available as individual live streams. So you can freely preview, compare 和 publish the original 和 transcoded streams. Streams can individually be password protected, geo-fenced 和 locked.


MaelStrom transcoding is a unique hybrid software 和 hardware solution, 提供超低延迟服务, 它只是增加了几百毫秒的延迟, 同时保证高质量的广播级画面. Hybrid hardware 和 software is an important benefits of 射流云: we run our own infrastructure.


没有必要预订, 启动或停止转码服务:启动编码器, 转码器启动了. Stop encoding, 和 the transcoder stops after waiting for a minute. You don’t have to wait minutes anymore for transcoding services to spool up.


MaelStrom针对广播级质量流媒体进行了调整. 它提供高达4K超高清质量的比特率. HDR内容输入也会生成HDR内容输出. 音频信号保持完整, 包括你的周围, 多语言, 甚至杜比全景声音轨. 音频和视频同步.


漩涡生活 analyses the picture complexity 和 automatically adjusts the required b和width. 例如, 适合高动作场面, 锅, 倾斜和详细的图片, the encoder will automatically use more resources 和 increases the b和width, 而对于一个会说话的头的场景, 比特率将被降低, 在保证图像质量的同时. This automatically creates the optimal balance between high picture quality 和 b和width, 节省流量和存储成本.


Adaptive bit rate encoding guarantees that your audiences enjoy the highest quality streams possible for their device 和 b和width. 射流云, 多CDN球员 保证极快的全球交货, 弹性和性能, 与一般云和cdn相比,流式传输速度快了430%.


每个转码会话都隔离在自己的容器中. 在罕见的集装箱坠毁事件中, 转码过程立即重新启动, 而不影响流的缓冲区. Redundant live origin streams are automatically transcoded redundantly, so you are guaranteed that the entire path from your encoder to the CDNs is extremely resilient. In the case of an encoder drop, the transcoding job keeps waiting for the encoder to reconnect.


转码是一个非常耗费百家乐软件的过程. 漩涡生活 runs on 射流云, powered by green energy. 硬件加速可减少89%的能耗.


Events: 漩涡生活 is charged per minute at competitive rates. 你按分钟付费,每产出一分钟只需2美分.

24/7频道:每月定价上限为一周, 从而每月降低75%的成本, 每分钟产出只有半美分.

By tuning profiles 和 bit rates, you have full control over the bit rates 和 costs per stream.


射流 is the leading provider of streaming cloud services for broadcasters, 出版商, 体育, 事件, 和企业. It invented streaming in 1994 和 has since been an industry-recognized leader in streaming innovation.

射流云 outperforms generic clouds with 430% faster streaming. The integrated Multi-CDN service guarantees global scale, performance 和 cost management. The Mix Workflow Orchestration software lets you quickly create advanced bespoke streaming workflows, 超越视频平台. Additionally, 射流 customers benefit from 射流’s unique expertise, TCO最低,最低运行负荷; 灵活的流工作流程,注重性能和质量.