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StreamGear Fuses Smartphone and Dedicated Cameras into New Live 视频制作 Paradigm with VidiMo

New hardware-and-app solution turns a phone and external vi托 source into a complete production platform, 比以往任何时候都更容易创建高质量的直播内容


Vi托 content creators ranging from professionals to social media enthusiasts can soon have a better way to share their vision with their audience through high-quality live productions. 流媒体解决方案启动 StreamGear公司. will come out of stealth mode at tomorrow's StreamGeeks Summit conference in New York City by launching VidiMo, a new hardware-and-app combination that turns a smartphone and external vi托 source into a full-fledged, 虚拟视频制作和传输设施.

Providing an easier way to create and share engaging live vi托 content, the VidiMo system enables a single person with a smartphone and a vi托 camera to produce multi-source, 电视风格的节目,可以直播, 记录或两者皆有. 虽然智能手机的相机质量近年来有所提高, it’s still no match for the rich creative functionality – such as optical zoom, 触觉的焦点, 光圈控制和景深-专用视频或数码单反相机. vidmo让用户可以两全其美, bringing an HDMI vi托 source into their smartphone and combining it with the phone’s camera and other sources.

视频视频-这个 Vidi校长在 Mobile – enables anyone to become a social media vi托 star or citizen journalist. 最简单的用法, VidiMo lets users capture an external HDMI vi托 source into their iOS or Android smartphone and stream it. 但vidmo的业务范围很广, 高级功能和快速, intuitive interface also enable producers to create visually-compelling, professional-looking 现场表演 in real time without needing to edit and upload them later.

The VidiMo system consists of the VidiMo Go hardware and VidiMo App software for iOS and Android smartphones. VidiMo Go’s innovative physical design forms a complete handheld production solution, acting as a capture device; attaching any size of smartphone to a professional or sports/action camera; and allowing flexible positioning of the phone for easy interaction with the app. VidiMo Go captures live HDMI and analog audio signals into the smartphone, 并由一个可互换的, 可充电电池. The VidiMo Go hardware’s unique combination of functionality and ergonomics led to it being selected as a finalist in the 2019 International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) by the Industrial Designers Society of America.

Meanwhile, the VidiMo App provides a complete live production toolkit on the smartphone. 每场演出, users can switch between six fully-customizable scene layouts that mix live vi托 and audio sources – including the HDMI source and the phone’s front or rear camera – with graphics, 文本和播放预先录制的剪辑. 什么时候开始直播, the show can be recorded onto the smartphone and streamed live to popular third-party services (with presets for YouTube™ Live, Facebook™Live和Twitch™)或私人服务器.

vidmo是StreamGear的第一款产品, a new yet highly-experienced solutions developer and manufacturer hyper-focused on building tools that make it easy for users to create high-quality vi托. StreamGear’s leadership team boasts an impressive history of success in the vi托 production, 数字媒体和直播市场. 该公司首席执行官, Darryl斯潘格勒, has worked with streaming technology since 1995 and also serves as president of respected value-added distributor 手机视频 Devices. StreamGear的联合创始人, 杰拉德幡状云, 从流媒体行业诞生之初就投身其中了吗, 并于2011年被提名为 流媒体 杂志的“全明星”名单,以表彰他对该领域的贡献.

“Our goal is to make the production of superior-quality live and on-demand vi托 content easier for everyone from hobbyists to experienced professionals, 这样他们就可以与世界分享他们的愿景和想法, 创造性的方式,斯潘格勒说. “vi托mo是我们使命的第一步, and the feedback we’ve received so far in private demonstrations has been phenomenal. There’s nothing else on the market that does everything that VidiMo can do, and we’re excited to reveal it publicly for the first time so producers can see it for themselves.”

“Social media platforms have made live streaming distribution a possibility for literally millions of users, but adoption of their live capabilities has been limited by a lack of simple tools to create high-quality 现场表演 on par with edited, 上传的内容,”维嘉说。. “VidiMo can change this and act as a catalyst for live streaming production to become even more mainstream by enabling users to easily create self-produced, broadcast-grade, 现场表演.” 

Commercial availability of VidiMo is expected in the first quarter of 2020. 更多关于vidmo的信息,请访问 www.streamgear.io.

关于StreamGear - StreamGear (www.streamgear.io) is hyper-focused on developing tools that make it easy for users to create high-quality vi托. The company’s leadership team has more than five decades of combined experience in the vi托 production, 数字媒体和直播市场. StreamGear的第一款产品, VidiMo, 把智能手机和视频源变成一个成熟的, 虚拟视频制作和传输设施, making it easier than ever for professionals and enthusiasts to create and share engaging live vi托 content.