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Sorenson Media连续第三个季度收入增长超过40%, Achieves Additional Significant Milestones

公司第二季度的里程碑包括Sorenson 360在线视频平台版本2的发布, Designed for the Enterprise

San Diego, CA(13 Jul 2010)

Sorenson Media 今天宣布公司在2010年第二季度取得了巨大的成功, 与2009年同期相比,总收入增长超过40%(连续第三个季度超过40%),并推出了面向企业的Sorenson 360在线视频平台(OVP)第二版。. 再一次,该公司的所有产品线都实现了年复一年的增长. 由于对该公司在线视频专业知识的需求稳步增长, Sorenson Media continues to expand its workforce, particularly its engineering team.

“随着视频在网络世界中扮演越来越重要的角色, Sorenson Media is steadily increasing its role in, and commitment to, this game-changing industry," said Peter Csathy, CEO of Sorenson Media. “我们的持续成功可以归因于这样一个事实,即我们拒绝放弃我们的油门,以创造具有最高视频质量的创新产品和服务, greatest flexibility and exceptional ease of use. 虽然我们对过去一个季度的成就感到满意,但我们永远不会满足. 我们不断对自己提出更高的要求,以使我们的客户受益,并加速高质量视频在互联网上的发展和独特影响."

2010年第二季度,Sorenson Media的产品创新继续快速发展. Sorenson 360 v2中新的企业级特性包括:强大的视频管理功能,使客户能够有效地管理文件夹和子文件夹中的任意数量的视频, and to coordinate multiple users and accounts; the ability to create playlists on the fly with simple drag and drop functionality; fully customizable white label video players with an unlimited number of styles and templates; and backend optimization that achieves exceptional speed in managing the complete content management system. Sorenson 360 maintains the industry's highest video quality, powered by its integration with Sorenson Squeeze, the industry's gold-standard video encoding application.  

2010年第二季度也标志着Sorenson Media开始了几项重要的行业领先合作. 该公司是第一个针对VP8格式和WebM生态系统优化其在线视频平台的公司, which was announced by Google in May. 该公司还扩大了与亚马逊网络服务的合作伙伴关系,在互联网上提供最高质量的视频,并朝着相互推动的方向发展.

In addition, the company partnered with ProKarma, a global leader in the creation of custom mobile applications, to deliver Sorenson Smash, 一个可定制的iPad应用程序框架,用户可以通过将视频资产拖放到单独的文件夹中来轻松管理视频资产,并创建自定义播放列表,以便在自定义的iPad应用程序上传输和查看. 在2010年5月于纽约举行的流媒体东部大会上亮相, Sorenson Smash支持多种在线广告选项, including featured text, banner ads, third-party ad network integration and pre-, post- or overlay advertising, and can serve as an iTunes channel. Sorenson Media的客户也受益于Sorenson 360中的智能嵌入代码, which provide native support for mobile devices, including Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad. 

在本季度,Sorenson Media还宣布与, 世界领先的搜索引擎优化(SEO)公司之一, 优化在线视频内容的质量和可搜索性, 以及几个重要的Sorenson Spark授权合作伙伴, 反映了在所有平台上服务整个互联网视频世界的加速需求, including mobile and in the living room.

In May, the company also announced the beta version of Squeeze Server, the server-side version of Sorenson Squeeze. 专为云端或用户服务器上的高度可扩展企业级编码而设计, Squeeze Server supports all leading formats, including VP8.

About Sorenson Media
Sorenson Media ( offers comprehensive, 屡获殊荣的解决方案,使企业和视频专业人员能够轻松、经济地向互联网和其他媒体发布最高质量的视频. Included among its products and services are the Sorenson 360 Online Video Platform; Sorenson Squeeze, the gold-standard for video encoding applications; Sorenson Squish and SquishNet, which together create an easy-to-use browser-based video publishing platform for user-generated content; and Sorenson Spark, the industry's most widely used video codec, 是什么让移动设备和其他消费产品能够在互联网上播放最多的视频. Since its inception in 1995, Sorenson Media在将互联网视频引入主流应用方面发挥了重要作用,并致力于为内容创作者和消费者大幅改善在线视频体验.