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ScienceLogic Adds Comprehensive Video Conferencing Management Capabilities to IT Operations Platform

New features enable enterprises and service providers to manage and monitor heterogeneous videoconferencing systems.

RESTON, Va(28 Feb 2012)

ScienceLogic Inc. 已宣布加入 视频会议管理 其IT运营和动态云管理平台的能力. 为思科网真提供支持(Tandberg), Polycom, and LifeSize, ScienceLogic offers the most comprehensive 视频会议管理 product on the market. Service providers and corporations can now use a single IT management system to easily manage multi-vendor video conferencing environments, 包括端点和托管或远程基础设施, 并自信地部署托管视频服务.

ScienceLogic pre-integrates the core management functions that enterprises and service providers need to manage IT operations across today’s complex data center and cloud computing infrastructures, 包括性能, fault, availability, asset, service desk, automation, and event management. As a result, ScienceLogic监控服务器的整个IT基础设施, networks, and storage – not just the video conferencing and telepresence systems – to provide a comprehensive view of video conferencing service quality through a single web console. Given the bandwidth demands and complex quality of service (QoS) policies required for telepresence deployments, the ability to monitor video conferencing in context with the rest of the IT infrastructure provides better insight into how it is performing and its impact on other applications and systems.


Specifically, ScienceLogic客户可以访问视频资产和库存管理,运行状况和可用性统计信息, call detail records, 以及可定制的报告和仪表板. In addition, ScienceLogic provides visibility into each video call as it occurs as well as historical analyses to help organizations diagnose problems and optimize future performance.


The ability to maintain a high-quality video conferencing experience frees IT staff to focus on more strategic projects. This includes using ScienceLogic’s built-in multi-tenancy capability to quickly create 托管视频业务,从而推动新的收入流和差异化竞争. For example, service providers can easily create branded portals for each customer to monitor the status and performance of their video conferencing and telepresence systems as a value-add service.


In addition, the ScienceLogic platform is customizable to quickly manage new and existing devices, 系统和应用, 无需更改供应商代码或服务约定. This enables organizations to manage theircollective IT resources now and be prepared to handle changes in the future – such as an acquisition that brings a different vendor’s video conferencing system into the IT mix – for better support of business goals. Also, third-party systems, 比如那些提供票务服务的, 是否可以轻松集成到产品中以简化工作流程.


配合ScienceLogic视频会议管理解决方案, service providers, enterprises and government agencies can address the key challenges surrounding video management, including:

  • IT strain —提供一系列可用性和性能条件的警报. Monitors video in tandem with IT infrastructure to ensure IT resources are not impacted.
  • Visibility – M监控所有主要供应商的视频设备和 每一分钟的通话,以确保高质量. 提供对网络和服务器的可见性, 用于提供视频服务的虚拟机和应用程序.
  • 混合供应商环境 – Provides heterogeneous support for broad device coverage across Cisco (Tandberg), Polycom and LifeSize.
  • 故障检测/故障排除 – Ability to create, document, escalate, and track incidents through resolution via the built-in ticketing system or a third-party system.
  • 集成视频管理 —便于与其他后端系统集成, 包括调度系统, ticketing systems, and billing systems.
  • Multi-tenancy – Provides centralization of all monitoring on a single platform that can fully support multiple customers with each customer only having access to their data.


The ScienceLogic 视频会议管理 solution is available immediately at no additional cost to existing customers who are using the latest generation of the ScienceLogic product. ScienceLogic charges per device, with a device license costing $150 per device. ScienceLogic平台也可以通过订阅获得.


Supporting Quotes:

ePlus业务发展副总裁Kevin Detsch:

“Having ScienceLogic as the core platform from which we deliver high-quality Managed Services to our customers is integral to our business. ScienceLogic的新视频管理功能, it will be easy for us to create and provide托管视频业务 for our customers from the same management console we currently use. This will further enhance our ability to be a ‘one-stop-shop’ for customers to deliver cost-effective collaboration architecture support of complex, dynamic, 以及跨多个制造商的高度集成解决方案.”

Ira M. 温豪斯研究公司高级分析师兼合伙人温斯坦:

随着视频会议在企业中的重要性越来越大, 对监控和管理视频环境的工具的需求也随之增加. For IT managers, the ScienceLogic platform enables the management of video conferencing and other IT technologies via a single portal. 服务提供商, the ScienceLogic platform enables the delivery of cost-effective video conferencing managed services using a centralized, 多租户架构.” 


Richard Chart, ScienceLogic产品管理执行副总裁:

“视频协作技术已经成为主流, 我们的企业和服务提供商的客户可以证明这一点, 视频是当今工作场所必不可少的交流工具. However, video conferencing technology brings with it a unique set of challenges that if not addressed, 视频部署会贬值吗. ScienceLogic在简化监控任何设备的支持方面的专业知识, application or system uniquely positions us to deliver superior video management capabilities.”


“The level of customizability available with ScienceLogic has enabled several of our customers to innovate on our platform and create their own internal video management capabilities. We worked with several of them to perfect their solutions and build our own packaged offering that will extend the breadth of service we provide to all our customers.”

