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Pay-TV operators are failing to provide the positive customer experience consumers expect, 研究显示

• 85% of consumers expect pay-TV providers to be able to consistently provide a positive customer experience, Paywizard的一项新调查显示 • Close to third have actually experienced a negative interaction or issue with a provider •超过一夸脱


2018年3月23日,伦敦 – The vast majority of consumers want pay-TV operators to demonstrate they understand their needs and provide them with a positive customer experience at every stage of consumer engagement, 但近三分之一的人表示,他们做得不够, 根据订阅的新研究, billing and customer relationship management (CRM) specialist Paywizard.

此次调查超过3个,000名消费者在三个领头羊市场-英国, the United States and the Philippines – reveals 85% of all respondents expect a positive, personalised customer experience from their pay-TV providers throughout the customer lifecycle, yet the research also shows 31% have in fact experienced a negative interaction or issue with at least one operator in the previous 12 months. 研究, 在一份题为“用客户体验表达爱”的报告中详细介绍了这一点。, finds three-quarters of those reporting a negative interaction or issue say it damaged their view of the brand, while just a quarter felt their issue was dealt with effectively and were happy with the outcome.

Bhavesh Vaghela, Paywizard的首席执行官, comments: “This research clearly demonstrates not just the critical importance of customer experience but that a startling proportion of operators are failing to meet the demands of today’s connected consumer. 研究结果清楚地表明,现代消费者, 尤其是在大数据时代长大的千禧一代, 期望付费电视提供商了解他们——更重要的是, 每一次互动, 真实地洞察他们的习惯, 根据喜好和需求采取行动.”

Vaghela adds: “It is all too evident that too many pay-TV operators are simply falling short in their efforts to build customer loyalty and brand reputation. The days when they could rely merely on the strength of their content offering are gone. 而不是, operators have to make sure every point in the customer journey – from signing up and accessing content, 到收账单和换包裹, 取消,甚至回来-工作的订阅者.”

研究 also demonstrates that failing to provide a consistently positive customer experience has real and serious ramifications: 26% of those surveyed terminated an over-the-top (OTT) TV subscription in the previous 12 months because of poor customer experience and 44% of consumers who had experienced a negative interaction or issue with an OTT provider had cancelled. 整体, 75% of all respondents say they would cancel if service and support became poor and a provider seemed out of touch with their needs and preferences.

在客户体验等式的积极面, the research also reveals half of consumers across the three markets surveyed kept a pay-OTT subscription they had considered dropping in the previous 12 months because of excellent customer experience.


  • 85% of consumers across all three markets have at least one pay-TV subscription, 三分之二的受访者拥有传统的有线电视, satellite or IPTV service and half subscribing to an OTT service – with one-third taking both
  • 55% of survey respondents plan to sign up to at least one new pay-TV service of any type in the next six months
  • Close to half of consumers subscribed to a pay-OTT service in the previous 12 months, with young people proving to be particularly enthusiastic online TV viewers – as under-45s represent 74% of those who signed up to a digital on-demand service
  • 32% took a new pay-OTT subscription the previous year and increased their total spend as a result, while 17% added a new subscription but cut or downgraded either their general package or another pay-OTT service to reduce spend
  • 87% of all consumers say they would be more loyal to a TV service provider that was proactive in ensuring their package and price are always at the best level for them

“The new report shows that the pay-TV marketplace is thriving and competitive,” notes Vaghela. “看看欧洲这三个不同的市场, 美洲和亚太地区, 我们看到了一些共同的趋势——OTT的持续发展势头, 积极的客户体验的力量, and the need for all pay-TV operators to adjust to changing market dynamics.

“One of the biggest trends highlighted by the research is the rise of consumers with multiple pay-TV subscriptions spread between traditional options such as cable and satellite and pure online offerings. This group of ‘pay-TV polygamists’ – 33% across the three markets surveyed – offers a glimpse into a future where consumers increasingly pick and mix services.”

To download the full report, Show the Love with customer experience, click here: http://www.paywizard.com/customer-expectation/. 对于任何想讨论研究的人, Paywizard will be at NAB Show 2018 at the Las Vegas Convention Centre April 7-12. Visit the company at Booth SU10306CM or contact it by clicking this link: http://www.paywizard.com/contact/.