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NewTek IP系列首次亮相抽搐Con 2016

抽搐 Leverages NewTek IP Series for its Primary Stage Show to Deliver Convention Content with Ease 和 Efficiency


NewTek™ today announced the recent debut of the NewTek IP Series at 抽搐Con 2016, the annual convention that celebrates the entire 抽搐 community, 包括飘带, 他们的观众和帮助他们团结起来的品牌. NewTek与 抽搐, the world’s leading social video platform 和 community for gamers, 在卡帕剧院使用他们的新科技IP系列, 抽搐Con 2016’s primary stage for its keynote 和 other select large scale presentations.

使用NewTek IP系列, 一个其中, 模块化视频制作系统, 抽搐结合了来自HD-SDI摄像机的视频源, 游戏机器, 游戏控制台, 以及内部网络上的图形, creating a single interconnected production environment to drive the Kappa Theater stage. IP Series enabled 抽搐 to drive onstage video 和 simultaneously deliver a broadcast feed to 抽搐 at a fraction of the cost 和 complexity a traditionally coax based system would dem和.

“Working with NewTek to bring 抗利尿 switching to the Kappa Theater at 抽搐Con 2016 has greatly exp和ed the capabilities of our production,亚当·孔蒂尼说, 视频制作经理, 抽搐. “This is our first major event working with NewTek IP Series, 和 it’s incredible not to worry about how many inputs we have on our switcher. IP Series continues NewTek’s tradition of offering the power we need at a price we can afford. It’s usually cost prohibitive to do what we do, but NewTek has made it possible. 抽搐在不断发展, 和 this is only the beginning… now we’re only limited by our imagination.” 

The esports market has historically relied on expensive 和 time consuming video 和 scan converters to connect consumer hardware 和 professional HD-SDI video. 抽搐求助于NewTek来克服这一挑战, 和 reduced traditional broadcast hardware by replacing most of it with NewTek Scan Converter software, which takes full screen displays or application windows 和 sends them directly to the IP Series mix engine via the network.

“NewTek IP Series 和 抗利尿 have been a huge convenience for us, because we have such a variety of content 和 video sources to manage. The biggest benefit has been using the 抗利尿 Scan Converter to send PC feeds out to the switcher without using SDI cables, 和 with IP Series we’re even pulling feed from arcade machines with an input module 和 Ethernet feed instead of an SDI cable,约什·肖说, 视频制作人, 抽搐. “It’s been indistinguishable whether our feeds are coming through 抗利尿 or SDI.”

“It is such an exciting time to be on the front lines of IP video production, 和 we are thrilled that 抽搐 chose NewTek IP Series,安德鲁·克罗斯说, NewTek总裁兼首席技术官. “As more 和 more devices have the ability to communicate on a single network, it becomes vital that the production system can deliver 和 keep up with dem和. NewTek IP Series is giving producers a newfound agility, enabling them to tell stories in ways no one has thought about before. 我们迫不及待地想知道推奇接下来会做什么.”

For more 信息 on the NewTek IP Series, please visit:


NewTek is transforming the way people create network-style television content 和 share it with the world. 来自体育赛事, 网络脱口秀, 生活娱乐, 教室, 以及企业沟通, to virtually any place people want to capture 和 publish live video, we give our customers the power to grow their audiences, 品牌和商业比以往任何时候都快.

客户包括:纽约巨人队, NBA发展联盟, 福克斯新闻, 英国广播公司, NHL, Nickelodeon, 哥伦比亚广播公司, ESPN电台, 福克斯体育, MTV, 笨蛋.TV, 《百家乐软件》, 国土安全部(DHS), the National Aeronautics 和 Space Administration (NASA), 超过80%的美国人.S. 财富100强.

NewTek is privately owned 和 based in San Antonio, Texas.  如欲了解更多有关新科技的资料,请浏览:, 推特, YouTube, Flickr 或者和我们联系 脸谱网.


抽搐 is the world’s leading social video platform 和 community for gamers. 每个月, more than 100 million community members gather to watch 和 talk about video games with more than 1.700万条飘带. 抽搐’s video platform is the backbone of both live 和 on-dem和 distribution for the entire video game ecosystem. 这包括游戏开发者, 出版商, 媒体, 事件, 用户生成内容, 以及整个电子竞技场景. 抽搐也有 抽搐的创意, a category devoted to artists 和 the creative process. For more 信息 about 抽搐, visit the official网站博客.


  • TriCaster, TalkShow, 3Play, 和 光波 3D are registered trademarks of NewTek, 公司.
  • 抗利尿, 向中, 媒体分发系统, 光波, ProTek, 和 Broadcast Minds are trademarks 和/or service marks of NewTek, 公司. 
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