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New 视频制作 Study Uncovers Cloud Native Cost Efficiencies Over Lift-and-Shift Cloud

黑鸟 plc (AIM:BIRD; OTCQX:BBRDF), 技术许可人, developer and seller of the market-leading cloud native video editing platform, 黑鸟, 以及领先的研究咨询公司, Caretta研究,  宣布启动一个新的视频产业研究


黑鸟 plc (AIM:BIRD; OTCQX:BBRDF), 技术许可人, developer and seller of the market-leading cloud native video editing platform, 黑鸟, 以及领先的研究咨询公司, Caretta研究,  宣布启动一个新的视频产业研究dy - ‘原生化:云端生产’.

The rapid adoption of cloud-based media production workflows for remote working and collaboration during the Covid-19 pandemic has led to the proliferation of higher costs and inefficient workflows. That is one of the headline findings of a new study by Caretta研究, 与黑鸟公司合作, which also identifies how a more transformational approach to cloud-native workflows can unlock a new era of cost effective multi-platform operations.

这项研究中, 原生化:云端生产, also finds that the rush to cloud and remote working has too often been tactical, 涉及遗留工具和工作流的提升和转移.

虽然这可以带来短期的运营效益, and kept the industry working during the pandemic it has frequently led to media operations missing out on the true potential of cloud-enabled live and post-production.

Key areas of increased cost and inefficiencies from lift-and-shift cloud identified in the report include:

  • Higher infrastructure costs where static cloud compute instances are used rather than elastic cloud-native services.
  • Inflated cloud storage costs where storage tiers are used inefficiently or content is duplicated across workflows.
  • Excessive cloud egress bandwidth charges where content is repeatedly transferred in and out of the cloud.

然而, 在转型的下一步, a new generation of flexible and collaborative cloud-native technology is being deployed. Camera-to-cloud workflows are bringing tools and creative users to the content rather than requiring the content to be moved around to the users. 电视直播和后期制作, streaming and multiple digital endpoints are delivered by internal and external users able to access a single source of content and shared tools.

The new report builds on industry research conducted by Caretta研究 with 黑鸟, 研究发现, despite 90% of video users adopting cloud production and remote editing, most of this is still being carried out using old-school inefficient and insecure workflows - with 65% of users moving original high-res media files around the internet to support remote editing workflows, and only 27% of remote editors making use of a cloud-native browser-based production platform 像画眉鸟.

罗伯特·安布罗斯, Caretta研究的联合创始人兼董事总经理, who conducted the research said: “It’s clear from our extensive conversations with production operations and technology leaders that we’re at the start of the next big transition: from remote lift and shift cloud production to cloud-native production. We expect to see more and more content going directly from cameras to the cloud, 现场和后期制作都在那里进行. 这不仅提高了效率, but it’s an imperative for handling fast-turnaround content efficiently for multiple platforms.”

黑鸟公司首席执行官, 伊恩•麦克多诺, added: “We believe the clear direction of travel for media supply chains is from on premise to cloud. 然而, the pace of change is sometimes hindered by industry perceptions of latency, 功能有限,成本高. The term bill shock has become more familiar to some media companies in the last few years. 云原生系统之美, 像画眉鸟, is that the user is able to perform advanced editing functions at up to four times the speed of an on premise system and at a Total Cost of Ownership of 35% less than lift and shift alternatives. 由于未来看起来是云计算的,它需要云原生.”    







黑鸟 plc operates in the fast-growing SaaS and cloud video market. 它创造了黑鸟®, the world's most advanced suite of cloud-native computing applications for video, 所有这些都以其闪电般的编解码器为基础. 黑鸟 plc's patented technology allows for frame accurate navigation, 回放, 在云中查看和编辑. 黑鸟®支持多种应用程序, 哪些是权利人使用的, 广播公司, 体育和新闻视频专家, 的电子竞技, 实时事件和内容所有者, 后期制作公司, 其他大众市场数字视频频道和公司.

因为它是云原生的, 黑鸟®消除了昂贵的, high end workstations and can be used from almost anywhere on almost any device. It also allows full visibility on multi-location digital content, improves time to market for live content such as video clips and highlights for digital distribution, 并最终带来更有效的盈利.

黑鸟 plc is a licensor of its core video technology under its ‘Powered by 黑鸟’ licensing model. Enabling video companies to accelerate their path to true cloud business models, 持牌人受益于电力和碳排放的减少, 节省成本和时间, 更少的硬件和带宽需求,易于扩展.