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丰富的用户体验, 数据情报, content protection 和 anti-piracy innovations drives new pay-TV 和 content owner business strategies


Continuing on its vision of “connecting people to the content they love,节目搜寻里的“, 库德尔斯基集团(SIX:KUD).S) company 和 the world's leading independent provider of content protection 和 multiscreen television solutions, 为消费者创造未来的电视前景, 付费电视运营商和内容所有者都一样 CES 2018 在拉斯维加斯(1月11日. 9-10),在圣波罗 威尼斯人会议室3501A号

Key highlights include a multi-journey user experience unifying a wide range of device eco-systems including Android TV; actionable 数据情报; 和 end-to-end content value protection with integrated watermarking 和 anti-piracy services.

“The disruptive challenges faced by pay-TV service providers worldwide, summarized in the 2017付费电视创新论坛报告, show increasing pressure to deliver more consumer value while tackling growing piracy issues,伊凡·韦尔贝塞尔说, NAGRA集团营销高级副总裁. “这个新的现实需要一个聪明的IP阵容, cloud 和 data-driven solutions that help service providers retain their leadership position as leading aggregators of premium content catering to the most valuable pay-TV 消费者类型.”


  • 业界首个多行程用户体验 OpenTV签名版

让它变成U.S. 首次亮相, OpenTV签名版 这个行业正在改变游戏规则吗, 预先集成的, cost-effective 和 fully-featured TV solution ecosystem for pay-TV service providers, 旨在最大化内容价值, while optimizing the experience – not just for the end-user but also in deployment 和 operations. 由最新的 OpenTV技术, 它提供了一个统一的, intuitive 和 seamless user experience across all screens through the br和-new OpenTV Ion UI that logically, 还有情感上的, 吸引消费者. It elegantly blends both traditional 和 modern paths to linear 和 on-dem和 content translating today’s fragmented content l和scape into a gratifying user experience. 

OpenTV签名版 also integrates an Android TV Operator Tier solution offering the best of broadcast 和 IP services with Nagra content protection 和 hybrid SmarDTV 机顶盒, allowing providers to easily on-board SVOD services to deliver a unique 和 new user experience.

  • ai驱动的数据智能与Nagra Insight

Nagra Insight is an intelligent pay-TV data platform that enables operators to drive business growth 和 make better strategic decisions using data. It leverages artificial intelligence to underst和 each viewer’s preferences 和 recommends actions that will increase both customer satisfaction 和 monetization. Nagra Insight with AI powers the OpenTV签名版 user experience 和 other Kudelski Group offerings.

  • 安全和消费者友好的直接到电视解决方案 

Nagra的直接电视软件解决方案(NAGRA连接)及装置(TVKey) simplify access to linear 和 on-dem和 pay-TV services on TV sets while allowing providers to reach a wider audience for their pay-TV services, lower subscriber acquisition costs 和 extend their sales channel through win-win CE vendor 和 retailer partnerships. 

SmarDTV’s operator-controlled casting solution vdoCAST securely bridges the gap to OTT content streaming ecosystems, 方便地从相同的OpenTV Ion UI驱动.

  • End-to-End Content Value Protection for defeating piracy through active security

Combined with NAGRA’s software 和 hardware CAS 和 DRM solutions, Nagra反盗版服务 和 NexGuard watermarking technology help both service providers 和 content owners create the ultimate closed-loop approach to secure 和 mark content, 监视盗版行为, 和 quickly 和 decisively act against it from a unified Security Services Platform.  A live demonstration will illustrate how service providers can use watermarking 和 Nagra’s anti-piracy platform to fight IPTV 和 Kodi add-on streaming piracy.

In addition, Nagra’s parent company, the Kudelski Group, will highlight its new 物联网安全套件 that helps secure the business foundations of companies connecting things to the cloud. 通过利用其在付费电视和网络安全方面的传统, the Kudelski Group is uniquely positioned to advise companies on the design, implementation 和 long-term security lifecycle management of their connected business models across a variety of industries. CES物联网安全演示包括 白噪声 确保移动通信的安全, as well as a video surveillance solution for deployed legacy systems.


Nagra, a digital TV division of the Kudelski Group (SIX:KUD.S), provides security 和 multiscreen user experience solutions for the monetization of digital media. The company provides content providers 和 DTV operators worldwide with secure, open 和 integrated platforms 和 applications over broadcast, 宽带和移动平台, 实现引人注目和个性化的观看体验. 请访问 数字电视.nagra.com for more 信息 和 follow us on Twitter at @nagrakudelski.