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Limelight Networks Releases Several Enhancements to Its Integrated Web Content Management and Video Platform Offering

Limelight Provides Industry's First and Only Combined Web Content Management and Online Video Platform Service Powered by Its Own Worldwide Delivery Platform



Limelight Networks公司. (Nasdaq:LLNW) today announced the release of several upgrades to the
Limelight Video Platform (LVP) and Limelight Dynamic Site Platform
(LDSP)集成产品. 这些最新的增强包括
ability to publish videos across multiple online and mobile sites and manage
视频通道从LDSP接口. 通过管理所有的网络和视频
assets in a single workflow from one integrated dashboard, customers speed
internal processes and increase publishing frequency, allowing them to more
efficiently deliver optimal end-user experiences that drive engagement and
收入. Limelight将在美国空军基地展示这些新功能
SiriusDecisions Summit being held at The Phoenician Resort in Scottsdale,
5月22日至24日. 这个演示的简短版本可以在

说e.Republic IT Director Trever Lee, "Before Limelight, we had various
systems that all acted differently, and the learning curve for each was
高到足以妨碍生产力. 把我们所有的系统集成在一起
a single workflow now simplifies the publishing process considerably. 我们的
editors and executives learn the system once, and can operate any of our

Within the LDSP interface, customers employing Limelight's integrated

 --  Combine video and web content into a single content workflow
 --  Associate video assets with other web content, including text, images,
 --  Publish and seamlessly reuse video assets across multiple websites and
 --  Set permissions associated with video assets and video channel
 --  Access all video channel 管理 features, including creating,
 --  Select multiple video assets for categorization 同时
 --  Select and add multiple videos into single or multiple channels

Limelight's combined web content 管理 and online video platform
service is a fundamental component of Limelight's end-to-end solutions for
数字营销和发行商. 它的附加集成基于云
applications include Limelight Accelerate for web, mobile, and application
acceleration, Limelight Reach Video and Limelight Reach Ads for mobile video
distribution and monetization, and Limelight Deliver for content delivery.
Underlying these offerings is Limelight's scalable, high-performance, global
computing platform, which delivers broadcast-quality content at
lightning-fast speeds regardless of traffic peaks or end user location.
Limelight's complete offering allows customers to rapidly upload, manage,
publish, and analyze their online and mobile content, and optimize the

"As websites become the primary source of 信息 for consumers and
business buyers, publishers and marketers more than ever are tasked with
providing engaging, relevant, and timely content," comments David Hatfield,
Limelight Networks高级副总裁. “管理、发布和
delivering this content using disparate point systems is cumbersome and
昂贵的. To meet the challenges they face today, marketers and publishers
require a powerful, unified system that allows them to quickly and
cost-effectively manage a digital presence that drives site traffic and

Publishers like HBO, Netflix, and Minneapolis Star Tribune, Global 2000
enterprises and ecommerce companies such as Swiss Re, Eloqua, QVC, Swatch,
and Barilla Pasta, and public sector organizations including the U.S.
美国国务院.S. 军队,国家航空航天局和克利夫兰健康诊所
leverage Limelight's integrated cloud-based applications and globally
distributed computing platform to efficiently manage their complete digital

关于Limelight Networks

Limelight Networks公司. (纳斯达克股票代码:LLNW)是一家值得信赖的集成
cloud-based applications that leverage Limelight's scalable,
高性能、全球计算平台. 我们给那些
Internet, mobile, and social initiatives are absolutely critical to their
success a complete solution to upload, manage, publish, monetize,
加速和分析他们的在线和移动内容. Limelight团队
of experts and end-to-end offering allow customers to streamline all of the
processes throughout the content lifecycle and optimize the performance of
content across all channels -- empowering them to quickly and
cost-effectively orchestrate a successful digital presence that improves
brand awareness, drives 收入, and enhances customer relationships. 为
更多信息,请访问 www.聚光灯下.com 或在Twitter上关注我们