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San Mateo, CA,(22 Sep 2015)

Kensington, a worldwide leader in delivering smart. safe. simple. 桌面和移动计算配件,今天宣布推出六款新的视频适配器. 该系列外设具有四个4K超高清适配器和两个传统高清适配器. 这一系列新产品是继肯辛顿SD4000通用USB坞站推出之后推出的, 它使商业用户能够在商业应用程序中利用4K显示器或双显示器,而无需将笔记本电脑升级为昂贵的4K显卡. 
肯辛顿4K视频适配器的推出继续建立在公司通过提高效率和提高生产力来创造丰富用户体验的承诺之上, particularly in the office environment.
今天,典型的业务用户在后台运行多个应用程序时查看文档, such as email. 从一个窗口切换到另一个窗口,或者打开一个新的应用程序或网页浏览器,都会让用户失去注意力, making it more time-consuming to complete tasks. 研究表明,增加超高清分辨率的屏幕尺寸——肯辛顿的4K USB坞站和 4K Video Adapters facilitate - helps eliminate these issues.
Kensington VU4000 4K Video Adapter with USB 3.0 to HDMI connection (SKU K33988WW; SRP: $99.99) and Kensington VU4000D 4K Video Adapter with USB 3.0 to DisplayPort connection (SKU K33989WW; SRP: $99.99)
The VU4000 4K Video Adapter with USB 3.0 to HDMI connectionplugs into a USB 3.0 port on a laptop to connect to the HDMI video cable. The VU4000D 4K Video Adapter with USB 3.0 to DisplayPort connectionplugs into a USB 3.0端口连接DisplayPort视频线. 这两种适配器都允许用户在显示器上以超高清格式查看内容, projector, 或电视,或者镜像他们的笔记本电脑屏幕或扩展它以提高生产力. Key features include:
  • 从笔记本电脑到4K显示器的超高清4K分辨率, TV or projector without need for a 4K graphics card
  • Simple USB 3.0 to HDMI connection (SKU K33988WW) or USB 3.0 to DisplayPort Connection (SKU K33989WW)
  • 扩展到第二个显示器或镜像屏幕上的笔记本电脑,以提高生产力
  • Plug & Play installation
  • Compatibility with Windows 8.1, 8, 7
  • Backward compatibility with 1080p displays
Kensington VM4000 4K Video Adapter with Mini DisplayPort to HDMI connection (SKU K33985WW; SRP: $37.99) and Kensington VP4000 4K Video Adapter with DisplayPort to HDMI connection (SKU K33984WW; SRP: $37.99)
随着人们越来越认识到在4K显示器上工作可以提高工作效率, VM4000和VP4000 4K视频适配器为用户提供了一种无需4K显卡即可轻松升级笔记本电脑的方法. VM4000只需插入笔记本电脑上的Mini DisplayPort,并连接到显示器的HDMI视频电缆, projector, or TV to display content in Ultra HD; the VP4000 does the same through a standard DisplayPort. Key features include:
  • 从笔记本电脑到4K显示器的超高清4K分辨率, TV, or projector without need for a 4K graphics card
  • 简单的Mini DisplayPort (VM4000)或DisplayPort (VP4000)到HDMI连接
  • 通过利用4K的清晰度在单个屏幕上显示更多内容,提高了生产力
  • Plug & Play installation
  • Compatibility with Windows 8.1, 8, 7 and Mac OS X 10.9 and above
  • Backward compatibility with 1080p displays 
Kensington VM1000 Video Adapter with Mini DisplayPort to VGA connection (SKU K33987WW; SRP: $26.99) and Kensington VM2000 Video Adapter with Mini DisplayPort to HDMI connection (SKU K33986WW; SRP: $26.99) VM1000和VM2000视频适配器帮助显示与笔记本电脑屏幕上相同的内容, on a monitor or a projector. VM1000适配器插入笔记本电脑上常见的Mini DisplayPort,然后插入显示器或投影仪上VGA端口的视频电缆. VM2000提供了一个简单的Mini DisplayPort到HDMI连接. 两个适配器都支持全高清分辨率,为用户提供清晰的画面. Key features include:
  • 简单Mini DisplayPort到VGA连接(VM1000)或简单DisplayPort到HDMI连接(VM2000)
  • 1920 x 1200 resolution support
  • Plug & Play installation
  • Compatibility with Windows 8.1, 8, 7 and Mac OS X 10.9 and above 
About Kensington
Kensington, a leader in smart. safe. simple. desktop and mobile 计算机配件是公认的行业标准,受到全球企业的信赖. 肯辛顿的移动安全产品包括笔记本电脑和移动安全锁,为移动设备提供新一代的一线保护. In addition, 肯辛顿提供配件,包括电源适配器, chargers, mice, keyboards, trackballs, universal docking stations, desktop accessories, carrying cases and iPad/iPhone/iPod accessories. Headquartered in San Mateo, California, 肯辛顿是ACCO Brands (NYSE: ACCO)的技术部门。, a world leader in branded office products, 产品行销全球100多个国家. For more information, visit www.kensington.com or call Kensington toll-free at 1-800-235-6708.