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IBM Watson Advertising Accelerator Expands to Bring AI to Fast-Growing OTT Media and Streaming Landscape

As brands and agencies look to diversify their media portfolios in ever-changing traditional web, IBM为OTT市场提供沃森人工智能, 在哪些领域,行业合作对实现规模至关重要


IBM公司(NYSE: IBM) today announced the expansion of IBM Watson Advertising Accelerator for OTT and video, designed to help marketers move beyond contextual relevance alone. Accelerator aims to leverage artificial intelligence to dynamically optimize OTT ad creative for improved campaign outcomes at scale, 不依赖于传统的广告标识符. 同时兼容大多数流媒体平台, IBM正在与Xandr密切合作, an industry leader in programmatic and converged video solutions, 以帮助大规模采用加速器.

根据eMarketer的说法, in 2020 streaming households outnumbered traditional cable households for the first time, 预计到2021年,27%的有线电视家庭将改用有线电视.[1]随着这种增长, many brands may seek to increase their streaming ad budgets to better target their core groups. 根据一项调查 conducted by the IAB, at the end Q1 2021 media buyers plan to increase U.S. spending for digital video, including CTV/OTT, to 20% of their total media budgets this year. IBM Watson Advertising Accelerator allows brands to tailor ads at the individual impression level, enabling personalization to the viewer in the moment with the goal of improving campaign outcomes for brands, 转化为消费者的胜利, 平台和广告商.

最初设计用于展示广告, IBM Watson Advertising Accelerator now also brings powerful AI-driven capabilities to video and OTT campaigns. It uses IBM Watson AI to process and action real-time data signals and to dynamically assemble ads to help brands improve campaigns and time-to-value three-fold:

  • Accelerator takes manual work out of dynamic creative setup. 创意资产,如不同的音乐曲目, 视频序列, 声音越过, 和视频结束卡, 被组织并输入加速器.
  • Accelerator leverages AI to predict and generate impression-level ad variations. It uses Watson Machine Learning to analyze cookieless data signals to predict and subsequently assemble a customized video creative for each impression based on the likelihood of a consumer converting against a KPI.
  • For OTT, the KPIs span video completion rate (VCR), various brand site actions and app installs.

All of these capabilities can help marketing teams to test and derive audience insights from a multitude of different creative variables to improve campaign performance.

“品牌继续跟随消费者进入OTT和CTV, especially now as streaming audiences grow across all age groups. 然而, brands are too often faced with creative resource constraints, 碎片, 测量和频率方面的挑战. The market is in need of advanced technology to help deliver optimal creative at scale, IBM将人工智能视为解决方案,” 大卫Olesnevich他是IBM沃森广告公司的产品主管. "Accelerator is designed to help brands make their campaigns effective, perform against business goals and derive measurable results and insights. All at scale – which requires working together with industry leaders. 使用沃森人工智能, marketers can now develop personalized OTT creative for each user and ultimately help improve campaign performance over time."

Xandr 最近宣布 75% YoY growth in digital video platform spend and 235% YoY growth in Connected TV platform spend for Q1 2021. Brands and agencies can leverage the Xandr Invest DSP to pilot the Accelerator OTT product today.

"The 碎片 of media consumption habits in an evolving identity landscape underlines the need for intelligent, 数据驱动技术解决方案,” 道格•赫德, Head of Corporate Strategy and Business Development at Xandr. "Xandr and IBM's first-to-market capability will power more relevant ad experiences in Converged Video, 面向品牌的互联电视和OTT环境, 出版商和消费者都一样."

加速器是一项屡获殊荣的技术, on average driving +127% lift in display performance over the length of a campaign.[2] In initial Accelerator for video internal tests on The Weather Channel O&O digital property, IBM exceeded its own VCR benchmarks by nearly 20%.

关于IBM Watson:
沃森是IBM的商业人工智能技术, helping organizations to better predict and shape future outcomes, 自动化复杂流程, 优化员工的时间. 沃森是从IBM的一个研究项目发展而来的, 对实验, 变成一套可在任何地方运行的规模化产品. 有30多个,000个客户约定, Watson is being applied by leading global brands across a variety of industries to transform how people work. 欲知详情,请浏览:


1 eMarketer,美国数字视频2020. 仅限报告. 查看执行摘要和报告访问: -数字-视频- 2020 #页的报告 
2   Based on results calculated from the initial group of display Accelerator campaigns that have run so far. The performance data discussed herein is presented as derived under specific operating conditions. 实际结果可能有所不同.