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Harmonic (NASDAQ: HLIT), the worldwide leader in video delivery technology and services, 今天宣布了其屡获殊荣的VOS™产品的下一个发展, addressing the need for increased agility, adaptability and state-of-the-art technology for OT

SAN JOSE, Calif.(21 Feb 2018)

Harmonic (NASDAQ: HLIT), the worldwide leader in video delivery technology and services, 今天宣布了其屡获殊荣的VOS™产品的下一个发展, addressing the need for increased agility, 适应能力和最先进的OTT和IPTV部署技术. VOS SW集群是一个全面的软件应用程序,嵌入市场领先的媒体处理, including ingest, playout, compression, encryption, packaging, and origin, and supports both cloud and bare metal compute environments. Highly adaptive and responsive to user needs, VOS SW集群解决方案可以被任何规模的视频内容和服务提供商在任何平台上用于发起和交付IPTV和OTT服务. VOS SW集群解决方案已经被亚太地区一家领先的电信服务提供商成功部署.

“在当今的媒体环境中,要想取得成功,很大程度上取决于你能多快适应," said Tim Warren, senior vice president and chief technology officer, video business, at Harmonic. “VOS软件集群产品扩展了我们屡获殊荣的VOS云媒体处理应用程序的灵活性和敏捷性, 使运营商能够更加灵活地使用数据中心百家乐软件. With the VOS SW Cluster solution, 视频内容和服务提供商可以使用数据中心处理媒体处理链的每一步, the cloud, 或者两者都能更快地推出服务,并在每个屏幕上提供高质量的IPTV和OTT内容."

As an infrastructure-independent media processing application, VOS SW集群产品使操作人员可以轻松地在裸机数据中心计算(例如.g., off-the-shelf IT), public clouds (e.g., AWS, Microsoft Azure), and private clouds. 具有弹性且始终更新的媒体工作流程使运营商能够更快地启动服务, scale seamlessly with operational efficiency, 并确保跨所有部署环境的一致功能. With a simple intent-driven user interface, 运营商有更多的时间专注于服务创新和测试新服务产品. VOS SW集群应用程序使运营商能够跟上最新的OTT工作流程, including live publishing to social media online platforms, streaming VOD from live and file sources, groundbreaking Ultra-HD OTT with HDR, and low-latency delivery via the CMAF specification.

VOS SW集群解决方案加入了Harmonic开创性的VOS家族, 如何利用软件和云技术的最新进展,帮助视频内容和服务提供商在快速发展的OTT市场中取得成功. The VOS family also includes VOS 360 media processing SaaS, which utilizes the VOS SW Cluster solution, and VOS Engine, an advanced container-based software module. VOS 360产品是越来越多的托管SaaS产品的一部分, 由Harmonic维护和监控,提供公司市场领先的媒体处理和交付技术作为服务.


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About Harmonic
Harmonic (NASDAQ: HLIT), the worldwide leader in video delivery technology and services, 使媒体公司和服务提供商能够向全球消费者提供超高质量的广播和OTT视频服务. 该公司还通过业界首个虚拟化CCAP解决方案彻底改变了有线接入网络, 使有线电视运营商能够更灵活地为消费者的家庭和移动设备部署千兆互联网服务. 无论是通过创新的云和软件即服务(SaaS)技术简化OTT视频传输, or powering the delivery of gigabit internet cable services, Harmonic正在改变媒体公司和服务提供商将每个屏幕上的直播和视频点播内容货币化的方式. More information is available at

本新闻稿包含1933年《百家乐软件》第27A条和1934年《百家乐软件》第21E条含义内的前瞻性陈述. 关于谐波公司业务和预期能力的陈述, advantages, reliability, efficiency, market acceptance, market growth, specifications and benefits of Harmonic products, services and technology are forward-looking statements. 这些陈述是基于我们目前的预期和信念,并受到风险和不确定性的影响, 包括在Harmonic提交给美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)的文件中更详细描述的风险和不确定性, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended Dec. 2016年1月31日,其10-Q表格季度报告和8-K表格当前报告. 本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述是基于本新闻稿发布之日谐波公司可获得的信息, 和声不承担更新任何前瞻性陈述的任何义务.

谐波,谐波标志和其他谐波标志为谐波公司所有. or its affiliates. 此处提及的所有其他商标均为其各自所有者的财产.

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