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康卡斯特技术解决方案 和 随心所欲 Partner to Bring Programmatic Advertising to the On-Dem和 Living Room

New Solution Enables Content Owners 和 Distributors to Sell Set-Top-Box (STB) Video-On-Dem和 (VOD) Inventory Programmatically; Opens New Dem和 Channels for STB VOD, 允许在所有高级视频中更统一地购买

纽约 (2020年6月9日)

今天, 康卡斯特技术解决方案, a division of Comcast Cable that provides media 和 entertainment technology to advertisers, 机构和内容提供商, 和 随心所欲, a Comcast Company providing global technology solutions for the future of television advertising, announced a new industry solution that will bring programmatic capabilities to premium STB VOD video inventory.

The solution allows both content owners 和 distributors to offer advertisers access to STB VOD content, unifying it with other inventory sold programmatically across connected TV 和 digital video channels. The new innovation combines the ad targeting capabilities of 随心所欲’s ad decision engine with the ad creative distribution capabilities of 康卡斯特技术解决方案’ Ad Store, 提供实时, broadcast quality creative conditioning 和 distribution to all STB VOD MVPD end points.

Creative conditioning of advertisers’ video creative requires special considerations in the STB VOD advertising environment, requirements which to date have hindered the ability to offer this premium inventory programmatically. This new solution solves for these complexities with the speed required for automated bidding within 随心所欲’s unified auction structure.

“Video-on-dem和 content has skyrocketed in importance in terms of video viewership, 当消费者蜂拥而至的时候, 在自己的客厅里有大屏幕的观看环境. 然而, 直到今天, it has not been possible to effectively monetize this content in the same programmatic fashion as other video inventory,理查德·纳恩说, Vice President 和 总经理 of Advertiser Solutions at 康卡斯特技术解决方案. “By enabling unified programmatic auctions 和 seamless distribution of ad assets across all inventories including STB VOD, we are helping programmers 和 distributors open up new opportunities for advertisers.”

通过这个解决方案, 随心所欲 is one of the first technology providers to offer targeted, STB VOD inventory to agencies 和 advertisers via programmatic dem和-side platforms.

“Programmatic advertising is becoming a more important part of our premium video buying strategies,杰森·卡内夫斯基说, 首席投资官, 哈瓦斯媒体. “这些进步使我们能够扩大规模, more consistent targeting 和 a unified view of the total viewing audience are needed. As viewers continue to shift their consumption across platforms, 尤其是年轻人, 以新的方式扩大覆盖面至关重要. The addition of STB VOD inventory to our programmatic arsenal will be an important step in this direction.”

“Our key goal is to ensure buyers 和 sellers can seamlessly transact across all content types 和 allow for our robust data 和 decisioning capabilities to work wherever viewers are watching premium video. Working with 康卡斯特技术解决方案 to bring Set-Top Box VOD into the mix is an enormous step forward,戴夫·克拉克说, 总经理, 随心所欲. “允许编程, marketplace access to this growing viewership segment will open new sources of growth to our supply-side clients, 同样重要的是, 会允许广告商利用这种溢价吗, living room quality content as part of their unified video strategy.”


康卡斯特技术解决方案 offers a portfolio of technology solutions, the CTSuite, that provides 以行业的技术、规模和专业知识来 扩展和导航快速变化 媒体和娱乐技术领域.  我们发明解决行业挑战的技术, 重新想象什么是可能的, 并为不断变化的世界改变企业. 建立在康卡斯特的专业知识之上, 经过验证的设施, 可伸缩的平台, 和基础设施, 康卡斯特技术解决方案 offers more than 20 years of reliable real-world broadcast 和 digital experience. We partner with customers to redefine expectations 和 deliver the future to global audiences. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.comcasttechnologysolutions.com.

随心所欲, 康卡斯特公司, empowers all segments of The New TV Ecosystem. We are structured to provide the full breadth of solutions the advertising industry needs to achieve their goals. 我们提供技术, 数据支持, 和 convergent marketplaces required to ensure buyers 和 sellers can transact across all screens, 跨越所有数据类型和所有销售渠道, in order to ensure the ultimate goal – results for marketers.

在纽约设有办事处, 旧金山, 芝加哥, 伦敦, 巴黎, 北京和全球, 随心所欲, 康卡斯特公司, st和s to advocate for the entire industry through the 随心所欲 Council for Premium Video. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.随心所欲.欢迎收看我们的节目 推特 和 LinkedIn.