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的 ESPN/狐狸/WBD Mega-Bundle and the Vegas-ization of Live Sports Streaming


In Super Bowl week, when interest in sports in the U.酋长队和49人队之间的比赛很可能是美国历史上最大的单场博彩赛事,而老媒体巨头迪士尼(Disney)的赌注再高不过了, 狐狸, 和WarnerBros. Discovery are having one last throw of the dice.

新闻 that Disney was prepping a DTC version of ESPN were baked into analyst predications before Christmas. 鲍勃·艾格(Bob Iger)有其他想法. 他与昔日的竞争对手福克斯体育(狐狸 sports)和华纳兄弟(WarnerBros)展开了一场数字游戏,将ESPN的大型体育报道圈了起来. Discovery into a mega-sports streamer, 预计今年推出, though with no app or brand name in sight.


Nathan McAlone的 商业内幕 他说,这“确实代表了对有线电视的生存威胁”,“加速了掐线进入真正的死亡螺旋”.”

的 union is judged “a major disruptive play” by PP Insight analyst 保罗·佩斯卡托雷 谁认为宣布的时机可能在一定程度上给其他非协议方的主要体育版权持有者——派拉蒙和nbc环球——施加压力.

Each company will own one-third of the new joint venture, have equal board representation, and license their sports content to the joint venture on a non-exclusive basis. 的 service will also have a new brand with an independent management team. 目前还没有关于收入分成的细节,不过富国银行(Wells Fargo)分析师史蒂文·卡霍尔(Steven Cahall)认为,这可能会根据所贡献的权利进行分配. He estimates this "as around $20 billion total, including 狐狸/Disney/WBD at 30 percent/50 percent/20 percent.”

定价是一个备受争议的话题,也是这款大型应用的所有者必须正确处理的问题, or risk pricing consumers out of the game. 各种 大家都认为50美元/月并非不合理,但大家对此有什么看法吗. 订阅者还可以将该产品与Disney+等其他服务捆绑在一起, Hulu和/或Max.

加倍下注 这是什么?. 正如佩斯卡托雷所指出的那样, “对于许多, 聚合是圣杯, 很明显,我们正在回归(有线电视)通过互联网提供的大捆绑服务. This has the noted benefit of being a far simpler model for the consumer to understand. Consumers have had enough of signing up for multiple services, paying for different subscriptions, 下载大量的应用程序."

Pescatore补充道,这在体育游戏中尤其如此,因为体育游戏是推动用户注册的少数类型之一. “While competition seems to be healthy, the battle for rights and subscribers is leading to a hugely fragmented landscape. Many companies have made huge gambles, which will take many years to come to fruition, let alone think about making a profit.”

MoffettNathanson分析师 迈克尔·内桑森 called the venture “the skinny sports bundle we’ve been waiting for,“添加, “在我们看来,这是对《百家乐软件》核心内容的一次姗姗来迟的重新包装,剔除了那些在其他地方更便宜的非独家内容.”

他的主要警告是,这个捆绑包也不包括该公司的新闻和一般娱乐网络, pointing out again that pricing will be key.

Pescatore认为,这一切感觉像是“轻微的防御行动”,反映了向流媒体的巨大转变. Unless Disney or WBD swoop to acquire AppleTV, then rights to the MLS are tied up for the next decade. Netflix还斥资50亿美元购买了WWE的转播权,该公司正寻求建立自己的体育直播订阅基地.

联合起来形成规模经济,分担日益昂贵的体育转播权的负担,可能是传统媒体的最后手段,因为它们根本没有像亚马逊(Amazon)这样的科技巨头那样财力雄厚,也无法产生非媒体收入, 谷歌, 或者苹果.

“这样的交易是运营商减少碎片化的关键途径之一, 降低风险, 更大的控制力,他说. “美国航空业非常关注削减成本和提高效率,以提高未来一年的利润率. We can expect more bumps ahead. 我们也可以期待其他公司和市场密切关注事态发展,如果它证明是成功的,就会在其他地区复制它.”

Dubbing the venture “the Hulu of the sports world,” George Salazai of 好莱坞记者 noted that such A-list marriages rarely end well. All the partners need to be aligned on on strategic and financial goals, and then there are the technical mechanics of rights management, 数据分析, and customer management to resolve.

“因此,这款跑车最终的运作方式是否会与Hulu大不相同? Hulu最初是一家流媒体企业,但最终与迪士尼达成协议,成为其唯一所有者。?Salazai推测道.

的 美国游戏协会 (AGA)预计,美国将有26%的人.S. adults will bet on the Super Bowl this Sunday for a combined total of $23bn.

Rights holders as well as sports federations view sportbooks as the keys to the kingdom. 作为英国报纸 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》 注意到,ESPN刚刚发布了一份 冗长的特性 about the NFL’s less hostile outlook on sports betting. EPSN surrounded the story with links to analysis and advice 文章 for gamblers. ESPN BET体育博彩的链接被“显著”地放在最新比分的下方 ESPN.com. Last year ESPN agreed a $2bn deal with a gaming company, Penn Entertainment, to 推出品牌体育博彩.

While the Chiefs and 49ers face off at the Allegiant Stadium, the Vegas-ization of live sports streaming has barely touched down.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Olympics Rush to Streaming but Sports SVODs Need to Team Up to Compete

的 Olympics will have a seismic impact on the U.S. 超过四分之一的SVOD用户注册了一项新的流媒体服务,只是为了在巴黎观看奥运会, 根据一项新的研究.

Fubo Sues 的 Walt Disney Company, 狐狸 Corp.华纳兄弟. Discovery, and Affiliates for Antitrust Practices

Fubo filed an antitrust lawsuit against 的 Walt Disney Company, FOX Corp.华纳兄弟. 发现公司. 以及他们的附属机构, 指控这些垂直整合的媒体公司已经进行了长达数年的活动,阻止富博创新的体育优先流媒体业务,对富博和消费者都造成了重大伤害. 诉状称,即将成立的体育流媒体合资公司窃取了富博的剧本,这是这种活动的最新例子.

Ad Tiering Pays Off as 36% of 订阅rs Level Up to Avoid Ads

里程碑式研究5,000 American subscribers shows the impact of ads, 捆绑销售, and password-sharing crackdowns on the US subscription economy


在追求华纳兄弟之后. Discovery和AppleTV, Paramount is now eyeing up Comcast for a potential union of its streamer Paramount+, 在孔雀的例子中. 也有可能是另一种情况:派拉蒙全球拥有一些热门资产,这使得它对流媒体竞争对手具有吸引力,以便更好地与迪士尼和Netflix竞争.

How Direct-to-Consumer Regional Sports Networks Use OTT & Companion Content for 和roid, Apple, Roku, Xbox & FireTV

Disrupted by the soaring costs of live game rights, 改变观看模式, 消费者继续削减有线电视服务,转而支持流媒体平台, many regional sports networks (RSNs) are in meltdown. ViewLift的Rick Allen写了一篇关于rss采用OTT新模式的创新方法 & companion content for 和roid, Apple, Roku, Xbox & FireTV.

From Verizon/Netflix/Max to Apple/Paramount, 捆绑销售 Is the New/Old Method to Keep 订阅rs Happy

对于流媒体电视观众来说,季节性礼物已经提前到了,但折扣不仅仅是圣诞节的. 最近,Verizon的客户获得了Netflix和Max内容的折扣套餐,还有报道称,派拉蒙+和AppleTV+之间也有类似的联盟,这些都是流媒体服务提供商遏制流失和推动利润的最新尝试,这些利润将在新的一年继续在整个行业蔓延. 

Enter CNN Max: 新闻, 的n Sports the Differentiators for WBD’s Max Überplan

WBD希望其解决流媒体新闻的最新尝试CNN Max最终能破解这个密码. But it has its work cut out since the platform, 9月27日发射, is behind the curve of its competitors.

华纳兄弟. Discovery Announces Six-Second Pre-Roll Ad Product Across WBD Sports Digital Platforms



Streaming viewers expected to surpass both broadcast & cable, plus ocial gatherings are again growing post-pandemic

Gambling on Sports Is a Sure Bet for Streamers

撇开富博电视的艰辛不谈, streamers are advancing on incorporating Sportsbooks into their live product